Chapter 503

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Governor delag's eyes kept turning on the old king's face and looked at others from time to time.

He has understood the meaning of the old king. As long as there is always a tough but always compromise opposition in Nagar, these capitulationists will always have value and market.

If the opposition is too tough, for example, the old king tries every means to refuse all kinds of demands put forward by the federates, the federates will eventually be angry and help nagalil change into a "new king more in line with the needs of the people", so as to meet their desire for control here.

If the opposition is too weak and the federals have not used some means, the opposition will admit to surrender, then there is no need for a "running dog" such as governor delag.

Federals do not need to pay extra benefits to them at all, nor do they need to keep these people here to help them. They can directly control the country, so why do they do so through the hands of others?

Therefore, whether the opposition is too tough or too weak, it is a disaster for the original local ruling class. They will lose their power, wealth and even life.

The only and best way is to let the federals have to use these capitulationists to achieve some of their demands. These capitulationists are a "bridge" to become a channel for communication between the two sides and ensure that the two sides can gradually reach an agreement on a certain point.

Only in this way, the federals will not directly intervene in the internal affairs of nagalil beyond these people and control the regime here. Therefore, such capitulating lackeys as delag can continue to enjoy the benefits given to them by the federals and the power they have here.

By doing so, they can always be valuable. If the federals want a little cheek and do not want to be the first to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries, they must consider means and methods. They can only use those "running dogs" to meet their demands.

The running dog is useful. Although the opposition is tenacious, it will eventually be persuaded, and the country's sovereignty will be fully preserved. Although sometimes they make decisions that are not their own, at least they keep some things.

The old king is waiting. He may have no way or time to see that day, but he wants to create opportunities for his children and his offspring.

With the rapid development of nagariel and the rapid development under the pouring of federate capital, one day this country will awaken a national consciousness because of wealth. On that day, what they lost and taken away by the federates can be taken back by them.

But before that, we must ensure the independence of the regime in nagary and ensure that at least someone can stand on his side and adhere to this system.

This is very sad. Even the internal affairs of small and weak countries have become "international issues", but this is also an opportunity!

If we only rely on nagary's own development, we may not keep up with the speed of international developed countries for decades or even hundreds of years. Now with the intervention of federals, they will soon catch up in all aspects!

Delag's eyes changed slightly when he looked at the king. He felt very ashamed. He was a firm "capitulationist". In fact, there was no way.

Even gavra can't stop the federates. What can nagariel do against the federates? He thought it was shameful before, but now he's a little ashamed.

But it's just shame. This emotion is not the same as that of the ruler. It's roughly equivalent to the little sense of shame and guilt caused by eating an extra piece of meat at dinner during the weight loss period, and then dissipated quickly.

With the Frank disclosure of the old king, everyone knew the results of the meeting, and some words that were not easy to say became easy to say.

"It's very difficult for us to defeat the union, guys. I have a deep understanding." the governor of the next province who is talking next door, a governor in his forties and almost 50, is the younger one here.

For example, the ruling class enjoys the best medical and health services and guidance, and their life expectancy is much longer than that of ordinary people, which also leads to the slow change of power. New rulers are often older when they take power.

For those young rulers who have held real power in their twenties, it is mostly the accident of the previous ruler that led to the unexpected change of power. Then the accident of the previous ruler must have something to do with the new ruler.

Like the old king.

His face was very serious and a little sad. "We have nothing to do with the small role of Preston, and we can't be the opponent of the Federation. The only thing we can do is pray that the federates will never get tired of this agent game."

"I know many of you don't like what I said, but what I said is the truth, although I'm also very uncomfortable!"

He paused, then said bluntly, "I sent my children and well connected family to the Federation, and I quietly funded a group of students to study in the Federation."

"No matter what you think, I think it is very important to have a comprehensive understanding of the Federation. At the same time, we should also learn from their advanced places."

Everyone is nodding. There is nothing wrong with these words. They think so and do so.

If Mr. Truman can notice, he will find that the number of international students sent by nagary to various countries has increased a lot over the past period of time, and some civilians with good academic achievements have also been given the opportunity to study abroad.

This was impossible in the past. Let alone studying abroad. Children from ordinary families didn't even have the opportunity to go to college. It was a place for training children of the privileged and ruling classes, which had nothing to do with the civilians. Although many civilians were proud of having a university in their own city.

The old king looked at these people. The wrinkles on his face were stacked one after another. He picked the tip of his eyebrows. "Why don't you want to say something positive and hopeful for us?"

"I know you are very pessimistic. It is precisely because of such a huge gap that some of you have taken refuge in the federals without hesitation, but I don't blame you. At the same time, I also need to remind you that we don't have a complete chance of winning."

"You only see that the federals defeated the invincible fleet of the gavra, but you ignore that they also planted the seeds of hatred. They are also competitive or even confrontational."

"The next time there is a war affecting the world, maybe their two countries will collide."

"If the union loses, or it cannot show decisive power, then this is our opportunity..."

The old king's voice was a little hoarse and shriveled. It was not as thick and full as when he was young, but it also had some power to make people think, "I don't know how long this day will take, maybe a few years, maybe decades."

"But this day will come after all. With this long period of development, I believe that at that time, nagaril, our country, also has a technical level close to that of developed countries."

"Our science and technology, our industry, with the help of the Federalists, have realized the ability of partial independent production."

"We don't want to invade anyone. We just want to protect our own sovereignty and land. It's a war on dignity and justice. I can imagine that on that day, each of us will stand up and fight for dignity!"

This meeting, which should have been full of gunpowder in the eyes of governor delag, has gradually become a vision for the future and an exchange of some things happening now, which is amazing.

Fortunately, the whole process of the meeting was completely closed. No one knew what they said except themselves. For the first time, they talked freely in front of each other about some topics they couldn't find anyone to communicate with at ordinary times.


At the end of the meeting, the old king left the room angrily, as if he had been really angry. He even fell down the steps!

Thanks to a guard who helped him in time and put himself on the ground, the old king had no other problems except that he might have twisted his ankle.

The sighs of some onlookers made the old king's face darker. He walked quickly and scolded, but some observers, civil and government observers, had a lot of smiles on their faces.

Delag rode back to the hotel. He wanted to call Lynch to tell him what he should say and ask Lynch to tell others.

The moment he mentioned the phone, the door was knocked. Then, without his permission, two guys who looked like federal government workers broke in.

"Don't worry, governor delag, we are subordinate to the federal government. We want to talk to you about something that happened at your meeting just now..."

The speaker showed his certificate, "you can call any federate you think is trustworthy to verify the legitimacy of this certificate. I remind you that the person you are looking for had better have some cooperative relationship with the government, otherwise he may not be sure whether this certificate is valid, which will lead to unhappiness between us."

Governor delag gave up the idea of verification after a little thought. He found a sofa to sit down and said naturally, "no need. Anyway, these things will be announced soon, and there is nothing to hide."

Then, in his description, the old king's unreasonable was moved by him under his persuasion, agreed to the request to promote the appreciation of Galilee, and expressed his willingness to negotiate with the big guys to eat federal sol as the foreign exchange reserve to promote the appreciation of Galilee!

In short, he ignored the role of others, mainly reflected himself, and he believed that others would do the same.