Chapter 522

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The same person, in different stages and different states, will have many different ideas.

In the past, mayor Langdon was willing to offend the governor rather than release his real power, but now his idea is changing rapidly. It is much more noble to contribute himself to the general public of the Federation than to be greedy for power. Then the society will naturally feed back to him some concrete expressions of value.

So when Lynch asked this question again, he wouldn't think it was offensive. He nodded his head casually and said his thoughts, "I'm not young. Although I seem very young now, in fact, in ten years, I will be called 'Lord' by some children. Even now, some people call me that."

"I've been thinking seriously these days. Even if I have power, what can power bring me?"

He seemed to sigh, as if he had understood some mysterious thing overnight, mastered the truth of the operation of the universe, and became... Intelligent. "I can't bring anything. Power can't make me young. Power can't make everything go according to my ideas. There are many things that power can't do. It makes me very tired."

"Next, I want to give my time to this country. Someone must do something for this country, good or bad, someone must do it..."

"In fact, these are the inspiration you gave me, Lynch..." the mayor looked at Lynch and smiled very kindly, as if everything he said was true. "You have solved a lot of problems for us and put forward a lot of constructive suggestions, such as family workshops. You are different from others."

"They only want how much they can get from ordinary people, but you want to bear more social responsibilities. Your selfless attitude towards this society moved me and let me find the pursuit of life..."

These words can not be regarded as nonsense or scene words. In fact, the family workshop promoted by Lynch has solved many problems of family life. With more and more orders issued by Lynch, more ordinary families will benefit from it.

Don't underestimate the production cost of 30-50 or one yuan for each finished product. A family can get a net profit of at least three yuan a day, which is enough for them to support themselves.

Lynch's praise is not all flattery.

These flattery words were so beautiful that Lynch almost believed them. If the figures in his bank deposit certificate were not turning wildly every second, he really thought he was a noble man!

No, he is a noble man. He is at least more noble than other capitalists. So what the mayor said is not flattering.

He nodded approvingly, "you're right..."

The mayor was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that there was such a thing in the world... But his psychological quality was still excellent. "This is the reason why I can let go. Next, I'll give it to you."

He glanced at Ferrar, and he did have some emotion. He didn't expect Ferrar to pull Lynch into his support, otherwise the mayor might not fall into Ferrar's hands.

Although it is just a mayor who is destined to "resign", this opportunity does not always exist. Two years of mayor's work experience can make politicians' Personal Resumes very good-looking, at least this is the proof of the ruling party.

At this point, the mayor looked at Ferrar again and asked a question, "Lynch, is there anything we need to do this time?"

Lynch really nodded, "there are some. I need some information about commodity factories and their current production situation."

Looking at the puzzled mayor, Lynch explained a little, "I plan to buy some factories to resume work. I can't let those workers really do nothing. I have to let them find something to do. Does this reduce the burden on the government?"

The mayor was not distracted by his last joke that seemed to be a joke. He focused all his attention on the issue that Lynch wanted to buy the factory and resume work. Now what Saibin lacks most is job opportunities.

If he can really do so, without discussing whether ordinary people will benefit from it, he can get a high score just by taking action to show that "we are trying".

The mayor hesitated for a moment. "You have to delay this matter until Ferrar announces his inauguration." Ferrar's expression on the side changed a little more. Obviously, he also heard the mayor's words.

But he could feel a different situation from before. The mayor said this on purpose. He said this in front of Lynch and him. In fact, he was trying to make himself remember this kindness.

Of course, Ferrar must also take the bait, because the mayor can not do so, but he still chose to give Ferrar this opportunity. In short, Ferrar must accept it whether he is for the purpose of selling a favor or not.

"I'm about to resign. These things have no practical and specific significance for me. Unlike Ferrar, he has to stay here for two years. If he doesn't have any achievements, it's difficult to deter some people here."

If the mayor pointed out, "even if he holds power, he is not without challengers. What does that say?" he looked back at Ferrar and seemed to be asking him.

In fact, they are very familiar with each other. After cooperating for so many years, it's just an eye contact. Ferrar understood the mayor's meaning. He soon followed what the mayor wanted to say through his mouth, "the Challenger will regard all powerful forces as the embodiment of evil. This is a scene in the opera the day of the end."

The day of the end is an anti mainstream opera, also known as the classic of evil classic opera. It was banned by the Federation for some time, because this opera publicized a very special idea, that is, "I am justice and my opponent is evil".

This idea is very mainstream at the beginning and even now. The hero in every cultural work is definitely a good man. No one will describe the protagonist as a bad man, but in the middle of the opera, he expounds a really terrible idea in another way.

Is "I" really "just"?

Is the "justice" represented by "I" necessarily "justice"?

Must my opponent be evil?

Or is it that the opponent's "evil" is just because they stand on the opposite of "I", so they become "evil", and "I" is "justice"?

At the end of the opera, the heroes became demons. On the contrary, the "demons" who were knocked down by him became heroes to protect mankind. The huge reversal and the allusion to the mainstream society in the opera made it hot and labeled as "evil code".

In that era of "justice is absolute justice, and evil is absolute evil", this reverse plot makes many people unbearable and at a loss.

Mayor Langdon put forward this statement at this moment. In fact, he wanted to tell Lynch something deeper here.

For the sake of power, wealth and all things that can be called interests, people will go crazy. If Ferrar doesn't have achievements and doesn't show Lynch's attitude and support for him, people will launch unjust challenges to challenge his authority and position, although Ferrar may not represent absolute justice, But he will face many challenges.

Lynch nodded slightly, "I know, so let's do the preliminary investigation first. I may buy at least four or five factories..."

Mayor Langdon nodded after hearing this. At the same time, he was a little curious. "We're just talking in private. Is nagariel really full of money, as some reports and people who came back said?"

Ferral also looked at Lynch curiously. This is the mainstream voice in federal society. There is gold everywhere in nagary.

Lynch laughed and shook his head. "Of course not. It's very poor there. It's so poor that you can buy a life for only a hundred dollars."

"But it's rich there. For our civilized society, the most expensive cost is labor, but for a poor, backward and barbaric society, what they don't lack is surplus labor!"

So they may not understand. Lynch also gave an example, "if you have a factory in your hand and now give you 100 workers, and these 100 workers don't want wages, what do you think can make money?"

Mayor Langdon said almost without hesitation, "make money by doing everything!"

Then he suddenly realized that it was so. He finally understood why everyone said there was gold everywhere. He could make money by working as a fucking engineering team. Anyway, the natives didn't want any salary.

When he woke up, he also raised a new question, "you know mark, my nephew, he is not young. I want him to find something right to do. Do you think it is appropriate for him to go to nagariel?"

Of course, this is appropriate. In fact, it's not just mark. Mayor Langdon also kindly proposed that ferral's brother go to nagary with mark to look for opportunities. He is very good at being a man.

The meeting with the mayor lasted more than an hour, and then Lin Qi got up and left.

Ferral sent Lynch outside the city hall. He was embarrassed to apologize to lynch for the mayor's proposal to let his brother go to nagariel. "I didn't know he would say that. My brother won't leave the union."

"No, I don't need to say that. In fact, I hope more federal people can clearly understand this. There are opportunities outside the Federation..." he took out his business card in nagaril and gave it to ferral. "If your brother gets there, you can contact me and I will arrange a suitable job for him."

Ferral took the business card and kept it well. He knew that this was a process that a politician must go through in his political career - the confluence of power and capital. You can't avoid this kind of thing, not even the president, let alone an acting mayor who has not become a mayor.

"Thank you for doing so much for me!" he said sincerely.

Lynch patted him on the arm with the same sincerity, "we are friends!"