Chapter 524

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"I don't know!"

Vera answered Lynch's words. She didn't know whether she should do as Lynch said, but there seemed to be another layer of meaning in this answer, the answers to other questions.

She was confused and a little overwhelmed.

"Don't think about these unpleasant things for the time being. If you have time, you can think about it. I won't stay in Saibin for too long this time. Let's find a place to eat in the evening?"

He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. "Maybe I can wait for you to get off work. At this time, we can talk about those digital problems."

In the following time, Vera explained to lynch how rich he was now and how much cash he had.

The words cash, money and wealth are not multiple meanings. They are all independent words, and their contents are completely different. This is the value of accountants, because ordinary people can't understand them at all.

In the process of introducing these assets, Vera talked about a problem that the company is facing, "the capital flow rate of the second-hand commodity auction of Star Trading Company is much slower than before, and the trading volume is now falling sharply..."

She felt it necessary to talk to lynch about this situation. In fact, this phenomenon has existed since the second half of the year.

In addition to those cities that have just begun to hold second-hand commodity auctions can also contribute good funds, some old places, such as Saibin, have been difficult to promote more people to enter second-hand commodity auctions and rush to buy those commodities.

Even in Richard's capital, turnover has been declining in recent months.

This situation can not be said to be abnormal. It can only be said that the market began to become saturated, and Lynch never thought that this kind of business could be done for a lifetime.

Second hand commodity trade has a life cycle. It is an industry of "eating two ends". In short, second-hand commodities will be favored by people in the first period of economic recession.

The reason is very simple. People's income begins to decrease and the money in their pockets is always decreasing, but their consumption desire and mentality do not keep up with the change of money reduction, as well as their desire to shop. At this time, the existence of second-hand commodity auction meeting meets their shopping needs and desires.

After a period of economic downturn, people's shopping desire will be unprecedented reduced to the freezing point. The desire for consumption will be defeated by the desire for survival. Cheap second-hand goods can not attract people's shopping desire, and the whole industry will enter a trough.

On the other hand, it refers to the initial stage of economic recovery. People have suppressed their shopping desire for the whole "winter" in the cold economic winter. With the re increase of income, they begin to recover gradually. At this time, there will be a rapid consumption fever.

No matter what it is, as long as they feel appropriate, even if they don't need it, as long as they think it's good, they will buy it.

That will become a new growth point of second-hand commodity trading, but this period of time is also short. After the end of this retaliatory consumer psychology, the second-hand commodity trading will begin to enter a stable period, which can also be said to be a new low tide.

When people have money in their pockets, they are reluctant to buy second-hand goods. In addition to houses, cars and televisions, which are very practical and necessary for families, some families can't afford the categories of new goods in order to be popular. Others will be very difficult to sell now.

Coupled with the rapid development of science and technology, it is difficult to give away those second-hand goods that have been eliminated.

Lynch had foreseen at the beginning, so he made the first real money with the help of this wave, and then quickly completed the most primitive accumulation of capital with this money.

In fact, up to now, it can't be said that these businesses don't make money, but they don't make much. After all, he has no cost. That's the reason why he can make money.

If he employs a lot of employees, just paying for these employees will lead to a large financial deficit. Fortunately, he has only partners and no employees.

The second is transportation and storage. He has done infrastructure construction, has his own transportation team, has his own warehouse area, and plays the game of left hand for right hand. Although the left hand is not very good-looking, the things are still in his pocket.

On the contrary, the tepid second-hand trading market at the beginning began to glow gradually, which is also the trend in the future. This second-hand commodity auction will be replaced by a more flexible free trading market.

Vera and Lynch talked a lot. Finally, Lynch found that the most profitable business on his book was his 30% in fox film!

Several popular works this year, together with "Adventures of Lynch 1" and "Adventures of Lynch 2", which are based on the real story of Lynch, Lynch can reap nearly 800000 income!

This is amazing. In fact, making so much money during the economic depression can make many people fall out of their glasses, which also explains why capital is transferring to entertainment and pan entertainment industry.

"Well, how much do I have now?" after listening to Vera's long speech, Lynch raised a concluding question. He looked at the time and was almost ready to find a restaurant for dinner.

Sitting next to him, Vera wore glasses and turned over the account book normally stored in the vault. Her face showed a joking look. "I'm sorry to inform you, Mr. Lynch, there is no money in your personal account, and you still owe a lot of money to the bank!"

The answer did not exceed Lynch's expectation. He also cooperated and exclaimed, "am I bankrupt? Am I so miserable?"

Vera nodded her head as if it were true. "I'm sorry, it's true!"

After that, both of them laughed. Vera only had a rough guess about how much money Lynch had. Lynch didn't give her all the accounts. As far as she knew, some overseas accounts Lynch didn't entrust to her or others.

And what they say is actually limited to cash, which can be taken out of the bank anytime and anywhere. In fact, Lynch is far from "bankruptcy". Only the bonds he has in the bank are an amazing number. So it's just a joke and a kind of fun.

"It's almost time. Will anyone talk about anything if we leave early?" Lynch stood up and extended his hand very gentlemanly, with the back of his hand up.

This job is a job that men do when they help women who need to stand up. The back of the hand is the most gentlemanly performance. If it is the palm of the hand, only intimate people will do that.

After all, when this etiquette prevailed, there was no feminist movement, let alone the freedom of God and choice.

"You are such a gentleman!" Vera didn't hesitate too much. She reached out and stood up by pressing the back of Lynch's hand.

As a woman, getting along with Lynch is a very strange experience. She can feel Lynch's closeness to her all the time, as well as some ambiguous feelings that can't be said.

But at the same time, it maintains a gentleman's style and attitude on details, which is a little contradictory, but it is also very fatal to women's attraction.

Lynch smiled and withdrew his hand. "I don't do this to everyone."

That's right, but... It always reminds people of something else. Vera breathed out. She went to the hanger and took off her coat for Lynch. She said uncertainly, "I don't know how I should refuse you."

She looked at Lynch. Lynch didn't show any unhappiness or other expressions as she said, and there was no change from before. "You know, now I've been alone, and the child has grown up. The divorce between me and gap has caused great harm to him."

"If I don't go back at night, he may be upset. He thinks it's all because of him, and I may abandon him!"

This is the problem of giving the child to the parents. Before, their child had been taken by gap's mother. On the one hand, the old woman liked the child and on the other hand, she gave the husband and wife enough space.

But what happened later made their children think he was abandoned, and sometimes they thought it was because of him that he and his mother were abandoned.

This is a common psychological problem in single parent families. There is no good way to solve it. Maybe there will be some changes only when the children grow up and mature.

"Then take him!" Lynch added in time. "If he will worry about these problems, take him with him."

"Is that ok?", Vera was a little unsure, "sometimes he can be very annoying..."

Under the gaze of Lynch's eyes, Vera finally decided to take her children to dinner with Lynch, which also made the atmosphere of the whole dinner a little strange.

It's not a date, it's obvious that no one will date with children, even if they really have children.

Secondly, it doesn't look like working meals between subordinates of a company, high-end restaurants, red carpets, skilled bands and waiters wearing red waistcoats and black Bowties.

People around are talking in a low voice. It's clearly in the hall. There are other tables and guests around, but they won't be affected at all.

Only by carefully listening to the movements around, can we hear some whispers in the soothing and melodious music.

All these are carefully designed. The sound of music just covers the conversation of other guests on the table. There is no need to deliberately lower their own voice. Normal communication, those non noisy music can keep people's privacy.

Led by the restaurant manager, the three came to a better position. Vera's children were looking at Lynch all the way, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

He seems to be wondering, who is this handsome ratio?