Chapter 544

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
If the people of nagariel knew Lynch's statement at this time, they would shed tears of emotion.

In the eyes of the outside world, the joint development company seems to be a whole. A large MAC composed of so many enterprises and consortia in the Federation should be invincible.

Invincible is invincible, but the interior is really not a whole. To put it simply, within the joint development company, it is mainly divided into two camps.

Mr. waldrick thought for a moment. He felt that Lynch convinced himself that as long as he and the consortium behind him could make money, they could do anything.

So why not do a more profitable job? As Lynch said, selling the labor force at a good price, cultivating the market and emptying people's savings is a good way, and the old men on the board of directors will like it.

"I will try my best to stand on your side in this matter, but you don't have much time. If you can't make eye-catching achievements within a year, it shows that there are still problems in your idea."

Mr. waldrick made the most appropriate decision he thought. If Lynch still couldn't make these decisions in a year, the board of directors wouldn't continue to see others get rich and get nothing.

"One year is enough!" in fact, half a year is enough, but Lynch didn't say it. He needs more time to buffer.

At this point, the biggest problem was solved, and Mr. waldrick's curiosity flooded again. "If you can export the labor services of the nagarian people as you said, what are you going to do?"

The basis of labor export is that these people are willing to work, are honest and obey Lynch's company. They must be docile and willing to accept oppression and exploitation. In fact, this is not easy to do.

If the exported labor force is not docile, they are likely to resist or escape abroad, which will bring great trouble to Lynch. Whether managing these people or arresting those who escape, it will waste his time, energy, money and contacts.

The regime of the exporting country will certainly not want to see a group of unidentified and dangerous black households running around.

Must be domesticated before exporting.

Lynchlio considered and decided to share his way of making money with Mr. waldrick. He has provided great help for himself, so it is also necessary to share some things appropriately.

"The Gavras will pay for these people!"

Mr. waldrick was stunned and then said, "are you going to take them to Ameria?"

Before, Mr. waldrick knew that Lynch supported the resistance organizations in Amelia. Later, he also supported two resistance organizations. In fact, this kind of thing is simpler than expected, and there will be no so-called moral guilt.

And everyone believes that if the Federation faces the same problem one day, the gavra people will not hesitate to support a large number of rebel organizations against the management of the Federation, so no one has a psychological burden.

Of course, he also knows that Lynch has been advocating to resolve the contradiction with gavra and strive to win some orders from gavra merchants.

But what he didn't think of was that Lynch planned to transport these nagaric aborigines to ammeria to work for the gavra.

But I have to say, that's a great idea!

The arrogant gavra will not be a good man to accommodate the Galilean aborigines, but the external high pressure is more conducive to the management of these aborigines. The emperor gavra urgently hopes to solve the problems of security and stability in Amelia. A large number of honest, docile and easy to manage nagarian aborigines fill this area, It is also beneficial for gavra to strengthen local management.

There are ten gevlars and a hundred ammerians in an area. Ammerians are the mainstream. More than half of these people are resisting the rule of gevlars. Resistance is the mainstream.

But if hundreds or even thousands of nagali people enter the region at this time, only 50 people, the resistance force will no longer be the mainstream, and the mainstream of society is stability!

So there is no doubt that gavra people will agree with Lynch and pay a large commission for it. This boy is a fucking genius!

Mr. waldrick's eyes began to shine. The old men in the board of directors would like this kind of business that is both stable and profitable. The power would be more highly concentrated in his hands, so there would be no objection to his proposal at the meeting of the joint development company.

After they finished this topic, they naturally talked about the recent state election and the presidential election not long after.

There is no way not to talk about this. People in the whole Federation are discussing that the state election, as an appetizer before the presidential election, has long become a wind vane during the presidential election.

There is no doubt that in this year's state elections, except for those states that belong to the conservative base, the victory rate of Progressive Party candidates in other places is very high.

In fact, this trend can be seen from the degree of money burning in this year's state election. You know, in the last state election, both parties were frantically burning money. They were willing to violate some laws and regulations and publicize, but also create enough influence - according to federal laws and regulations, the content, scope, duration and method of publicity should not exceed certain limits, and if they exceeded, they should be fined.

But everyone didn't care about this line. It was just a fine. At that time, the most important thing was the upstart.

A large number of financial upstarts urgently need to find a suitable political spokesman to help them enter the upper class society. Funding the governor election is obviously a good way. As long as the governor they support wins the election, they can blow some.

For example, "successful state election sponsors", with this name, can open the doors of many circles. Therefore, both sides are crazy to throw money, which just reflects this year's depression.

If they are not too depressed, it will affect the support rate of voters. Perhaps the Conservatives do not intend to participate in the election. Anyway, they will lose. Why waste time, money and energy?

"Our president is likely to win the general election!" Mr. waldrick said with some pleasure.

In fact, both the Conservative Party and the Progressive Party are not much worse for these large consortia, but now the president is obviously more determined to forge ahead, which is in line with the idea of consortia to expand overseas.

With warship protection, they can also try to grow as savagely as gavra merchants. This is a good opportunity.

Lynch echoed and talked about the beautiful scene after the president won the election, but he deliberately hid his true views and didn't let Mr. waldrick see it.

Ten years, that's really a long term. Even if he doesn't do anything, his power will reach its peak in the last term.

The next president may also work in this direction, seek more terms, and even launch a war for it.

Of course, it doesn't matter to lynch or Mr. waldrick, because they will be beneficiaries anyway!