Chapter 547

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
In front of the TV, a well-dressed and elegant gentleman looked at the tit for tat between Lynch and Euler, revealing some unhappy eyes.

He picked up the phone at hand, dialed a number, and said to the microphone a moment later, "let them change the topic. She offended so many people. This time, let her ask some normal questions like a normal host..."

Then he hung up the phone and continued to watch TV.

The phone is in his hand, on the side of the sofa. In most family layouts, the phone will not be placed on the side of the sofa. That's not the place to put the phone.

For example, the host's house is receiving guests. What if a sensitive phone call comes?

Avoidance will make guests feel that the relationship between them is not good enough. They should avoid each other even when they make a phone call.

When you meet those sensitive people, you may feel that this call has something to do with yourself. Maybe some people are speaking ill of themselves, or something else.

Without avoidance, not all calls can be openly displayed in front of irrelevant people. At the same time, it is also a very bad way to treat callers. It is clearly a private call between two people, but there is a third party. This is not a good experience.

So the vast majority of families - here we need to exclude those ordinary families. The reason why they install the phone next to the sofa is more to show off.

In addition to these people, most families will install the telephone in a corner farther away from the public area, or find a separate room to arrange.

From the decoration of this house, we can see that the owner of the house is not a poor man. There is a flame in the fireplace on the side of the sofa. The male deer head hanging on the wall above has been for some years. Its exaggerated horns can always make some women scream out.

There are also some bear heads, lion heads and other animal heads on the surrounding walls, which are lifelike. Without discussing the cost of hunting these animals, just making them into exquisite specimens and maintaining them is not a cheap expense.

The decoration in the room and several paintings worth tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands hanging on the other wall all show that this is not an ordinary family. The owner should not make such a simple mistake and put the telephone beside the sofa.

But he did that because his work was so busy that he needed to answer the phone anytime, anywhere.

This gentleman is a congressman and holds a seat on the Appropriations Committee.

In the federal congressional system, the Appropriations Committee is one of the eight standing committees and is a very important organization responsible for the budget allocation of dignitaries and non military aspects. It can be said that it is in power.

The old man is one of them and has strong social relations.

The program being broadcast on TV, the host called Euler, is his daughter.

No matter how busy he is, as long as he has time, he will watch this program to express his concern for family members.

But only they themselves know what's going on.

He continued to eat, barbecue, and grasp it with his hands. His hands were covered with oil stains. These characteristics he showed at this time did not look like a big man at all.

There was some light in his eyes, as if he were remembering something.

In fact, not only is he remembering, but Euler in the TV also falls into some unpleasant memories.

Lynch's words stirred her mind and brought her back to many years ago.

When the director of the program team told Lynch that Euler was not easy to provoke and would provoke the program guests, Lynch took the time to call the safety committee.

He is now a special adviser to the security committee. He has the right to access non authority level confidential documents - it should be pointed out that even non authority level confidential documents will not be made public to the public.

The confidentiality and decryption mentioned by the federal government has always had nothing to do with the people. Only people with special identity can access those non confidential documents and decrypted documents.

As for confidential documents, they need higher identity and authority, and the highest authority is the president himself.

Soon, some of the most superficial information related to Euler came into Lynch's ears, and more, such as herself and her family, were not authorized.

It is not that Lynch is not qualified enough, but that according to federal law, no agency shall file a case and investigate an individual engaged in public office, and the representative also belongs to public office.

This law was enacted to avoid the uncontrolled use of state organs as weapons to attack and harm each other in the process of political strife. This has indeed avoided many problems, but it has also created many problems.

It is for this reason that Lynch knew that Euler's father was a congressman and Lynch could not access her and her family members' personal data without the approval of a higher organ, but the security committee gave Lynch some extra gain, that is, Euler's uncle was sentenced to a heavy sentence for indecent assault on boys.

What made him feel... A little shocked was that the boy was his own son, that is, Euler's cousin.

After playing, Lynch combined some of the characteristics he observed, so he came to a conclusion.

Of course, this conclusion is not his random guess. There are indeed a group of disgusting perverts at the top of the federal government, which has almost become a semi public secret in some groups. If Euler's brother has been molested and violated, what about Euler himself?

When Lynch put forward this hypothesis, Euler fell into memory.

It was not a good memory. At the beginning, she didn't feel that way. When they were young, they were used to a family of three bathing together. Sometimes they played some intimate games between father and daughter. Until she was a teenager, they still took a bath together.

She began to feel uncomfortable and wanted to escape, but she couldn't escape.

At the age of twelve, nightmares began to happen. At that time, she already knew what she was going through, so she began to resist.

Her way of resistance is very special, that is to dirty herself. She will excrete, urinate or defecate anytime and anywhere. Sometimes she will endure to excrete suddenly when necessary to avoid injury.

Her methods worked quickly. No one likes a little girl covered with... Those things. Even after washing, it is difficult to arouse people's interest again..

So they set their sights on Euler's brother, a very handsome boy one year younger than her.

They tortured him. He didn't resist. Once she secretly found her brother, asked him to resist, and told him how she resisted.

But the boy didn't accept her help, just looked at her with an expression that made her think she was amorous or overestimated his value, and told her.

If he also resists, some of them will have bad luck again. If someone has to bear some pain, he hopes he can share it for his sister.

In fact, Euler didn't want the fool to pretend to bear anything for herself. At that moment, she was actually hurt.

The way she soiled herself formed a strong contrast with her brother's willingness to bear it silently in order to protect him.

She thought she was ugly and dirty. Instead, she was her brother who should have made people feel... Great and clean.

This is also the reason why she cares about her appearance, some psychological reasons, which can't be avoided.

Later, her uncle was arrested for threatening to invade her own son, but she knew that every time she attended such a party, not only her uncle, but also her father, and some people who looked great and very strange.

There was nothing wrong with these people. Only her uncle, a very ordinary man, had an accident.

Later, she saw those familiar faces on TV, and she understood why her uncle was the only one arrested.

As for her brother, I don't know where he went. Some people said he couldn't stand it and committed suicide. Others said they saw him living in other places, where no one knew him.

Over the years, the past is almost forgotten by her


If Lynch didn't mention it, she might continue to pretend she had forgotten.

This not only made her feel scared, but also made her more angry. She felt like she was exposed in the public eye after being stripped by Lynch.

She subconsciously glanced at the audience in the audience. In a trance, she seemed to return to that day. Her father's voice came from her ear, "honey, let's dance?"

At that moment, she recovered and subconsciously touched her hair. Her face was a little pale at first, but she was soon red with anger. "I just asked you some sensitive questions, but you attacked me and my family in such a vicious way. Mr. Lynch, is this what you learned in school?"

"Chaotic private life and vicious attacks?"

At this time, the director of the program group who came back from the outside took the teleprompter card and wrote some contents to show to Euler on the stage. The program has just begun. If the program is suspended now, it is likely to cause unnecessary trouble. Therefore, the program must go on, so he can only pass on the words of the congressman's first birth to Euler through the teleprompter card.

Euler saw the teleprompter card in the director's hand, and Lynch also saw it. He also showed a meaningful smile to Euler. Euler was a little uneasy and his anger was more intense.

Childhood experiences made her very strong. She wanted to control everything and thought that as long as she could control everything, she could control her own destiny.

She has always been able to do it before. This time, she also thinks she can do it. She wants to take back the initiative.

She tidied her hair, looked at Lynch and decided not to listen to her father's request. "Why, do you think I'm wrong, Mr. Lynch?"