Chapter 568

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Lynch likes casinos very much, not because he likes gambling. Since he lost five yuan in his first gambling for a long time, he realized that gambling has no fate with him.

He is not a person who likes gambling, nor can he be obsessed with it. What fascinates him is actually the life in the casino.

He met a gambling master, a real master. This master has a great winning rate. He is not the kind of cheating, or the kind of real relying on some mysterious strength.

After Lynch made friends with him, he told Lynch that he didn't have much experience. His way to win money was observation.

Observe everyone's subtle expression changes, quickly analyze an efficient and reliable observation mode through several observations, and then bring the next card game into this mode. He can easily avoid all the probability that he may lose money and greatly improve his probability of winning money.

Everyone has a subconscious change when he gets a good card and a bad card. Some physiological changes are not controlled artificially, such as the contraction and expansion of pupils, such as suddenly changing breathing habits.

In addition to these, there are some small movements, such as small movements of hands, small movements of eyes, and sudden adjustment of sitting posture.

In fact, the first instinct of people who get good cards is to hide their real state, but this state that wants to hide often betrays them.

Lynch's observation ability also began to improve at that time. After he won a person's money by observing the expression changes of gamblers, he began to like it here.

Everyone has different expressions of happiness, anger, sadness and joy. This is a very interesting game. You have to find that rule, verify your guess, and finally take away the money in others' pockets.

Winning or losing money is no longer important. It's just an addition.

Helen was pulled by Lynch, and then she reacted. She changed twenty dollars with Lynch - only one chip.

On this luxury cruise ship, cash and chips have the same value. Where cash can be used as a means of payment, chips also have the same value and power.

It is worth noting that, generally speaking, all the chips on the cruise ship must be exchanged before disembarking. Even if some passengers intend to participate in the cruise voyage next year, these chips are not recommended to be saved.

Because the next year, in order to prevent some people from thinking carefully, cruise ships will use new chips.

In recent years, science and technology have become more and more developed, and all kinds of things that people have not encountered before have occurred frequently.

There are all kinds of people who forge cheques, make counterfeit money, forge chips... What's more annoying is that people can't find it at the beginning, and it will always make people suffer losses.

Many casinos will replace a batch of chips with new anti-counterfeiting marks every once in a while to prevent some people from making profits by forging chips, but some people can still keep up with the speed of changing chips in casinos.

Fortunately, casinos on cruise ships do not need to worry about these, and the chips used each time they go to sea are different from the last time.

At this time, the chip in Lynch's hand is a brand-new chip. The green lace and the twenty in the middle represent its value.

"Is one enough?" Helen looked at Lynch's only chip and expressed her distrust.

Compared with the girl's less confident questions, Lynch seemed more confident, "enough!"

Helen looked at Lynch with some admiration. During this period of contact, Helen was attracted by Lynch's self-confidence that people can't ignore. What's more attractive is that he seems to be always right and will never make mistakes. Every time he makes a decision, it seems that he doesn't think much, but he can always get stuck at the most correct node.

A man who will never make mistakes is the image in Lynch's heart of returning Helen. At this time, Lynch said that a twenty dollar chip is enough, it must be enough. She firmly believes in this.

She even believed that as long as Lynch was willing, he could win the cruise ship with a chip of 20 yuan, as long as the other party gave him such a chance.

But soon, she found that she didn't know Lynch as much as she thought. He always brought people some incomprehensible freshness, and whether it was a surprise or not.

"You... Seem to have lost.", standing at the gambling table, watching Lynch put the only chip in the betting area, and then watching the dealer take the chip away, without any accident or reversal.

Lynch nodded casually, "yes, I lost." he admitted it directly without giving himself any reason.

"I thought..." Helen didn't know how to express her inner feelings. "I thought when you said 'one chip is enough', you can always win money with one chip!"

She really thought so. The confidence on Lynch's face and his relaxed tone gave the girl a great confidence and made her firmly believe that Lynch can still create miracles.

But... I lost my first bet, which is a little unacceptable!

Lynch didn't care much. After greeting other players at the gambling table, he stood up and took the girl to the back. "I'm enough. I only play 20 yuan every time I come to the casino, which will never exceed 20 yuan."

"You don't really think I can win countless money with twenty dollars and one chance?"

"If I can really do that, I don't need to do anything now. Every year, casinos all over the world will send a lot of money to me!"

His smile always made Helen feel cheated by her stupid ideas. She didn't know how to answer. Instead, she felt that she was really stupid and asked awkward questions.

As he walked ahead, he said, "I'll tell you something interesting. It's the ring. Do you know boxing?"

The girl nodded. "I know, but I don't like it very much."

Lynch continued to walk. They passed through most of the casino and entered the second half of the casino. People surrounded a cage, and the people inside were struggling.

Every physical attack may sprinkle more blood on the ground. The ground of the challenge arena has been stained red with blood.

Two young people who are not too young are confronting each other.

They gasped and gasped. There was a crack in one of the eyebrow bones. Although there was a simple bandage and suture, the blood continued to flow out.

Both of them have tried their best, and they look tired.

Everything here is not as technical as the arena and fighting in TV or movies. Two people who never seem to know fatigue can avoid each other's attacks and fight back and forth.

Here, no, only fist to meat.

Lynch found a good position, waved to the girl, and then sat down.

The cruise ship staff sent him a betting form. He can bet or just watch.

Helen was a little afraid to see the two men fighting in the cage. She asked in a low voice, "who will die?"

"Dead?" Lynch shook his head. "Of course not. This is not a novel, not a movie. Not so many people will die here."

"Injury is allowed, but death is not allowed. The Federation will not allow death. If the cruise company doesn't want to get into trouble, it's best not to do that."

The federal law is very strange. Sometimes you can say that it is a law formulated by a group of psychopaths. It is neither serious nor sacred at all.

For example, in the local law of a certain area, it is clearly stipulated that people can't put more than three toy ducks in the bath, otherwise they will be arrested and prosecuted.

But sometimes federal law seems very serious, that is, when dealing with life.

Freedom, love of freedom and respect for human beings and life, the subject of freedom, run through the whole law and are sanctified by something invisible to people. Human life is precious and sacred. No one can easily take the lives of others, including the law itself Later, capitalists made people believe that private property is also sacred and legally equivalent to life.

This is also the reason why people have begun to abolish the death penalty on a large scale with the progress of society, because even the law and executioners do not have the power to take other people's lives.

Only God can take people's life. God gives people life, and naturally he can take it, but no one can take it except God!

Including cage fighting in cruise ships. If cruise companies don't want to get into big trouble, it's best not to happen.

Hearing that only people will be injured and no one will die, the girl's expression immediately eased a lot, but she still didn't dare to see the two people attacking each other in the cage.

"I keep telling myself that if I don't work hard, then one day I will stand inside." Lynch looked very seriously than the girl who didn't dare to look.

"Only then, here, can you understand the despair brought by poverty."

"These people don't go in and beat a stranger or be beaten by a stranger because they like it, so as to please those around them, people like us."

"They just have to make money in this way because they are poor and have no other way."

"Watching them in pain, bleeding, struggling and resisting can inspire myself. Never stop!"

"Because as long as I stop and be surpassed, I may be the next person trapped in a cage."

Lynch looked at the girl in a daze. "In fact, we are all the same. We are running and we can't stop. We all know this, so I cherish everything I have now."