Chapter 576

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
How long does it take for a person to become famous?

This question is very general and there is no accurate answer, but for those who are prepared, fame takes only one day.

Everyone is famous in different ways, like a young and beautiful girl. As long as they can slowly take off their clothes in front of the big screen, countless male fans in the Federation will pay for her body.

Or like a handsome guy, as long as they are willing to give up unrealistic fantasies and lie next to an "old girl" about the same age as their elders and play a game that caters to their tastes, the rich old girl will make him the envy of people... For happiness.

Of course, some people are famous in an alternative way. There are many ways to be famous, and it only takes a moment.

Every day, many people become famous. The front page of the newspaper is always a place to verify that a person's popularity is big enough. Lynch has been on it many times.

This time, Lynch is famous again. He is always famous, but this time his famous place is different from before. He is famous in front of hundreds of excellent federal capitalists, and the gold content is much better than before.

His previous statement may have some minor defects, but on the whole, it has met the needs of most factory owners for profit, which also leads to a factory boom in nagary.

A large number of factories will be transferred from the Federation to nagariel, because they will find that they can't bring nagariel workers to the Federation, so they can only move the factories. There will be a wave of prosperity in the local market of nagariel that people can't imagine.

At the same time, the construction of such "non industrial assistance" and "non economic assistance" will further damage the already fragile capital environment in nagary, and the nagary factories will soon face the most terrible challenges and competitiveness in history.

This is an absolutely unfair game. From the beginning, people knew that the local factories in nagaril would be defeated in this round of competition. They are not federal opponents at all.

The Federation has the world's most advanced science and technology and the most advanced and efficient process flow, which is far from being comparable to those old machines that may eliminate one or several generations in nagariel.

At the same cost, the Federalists' products are more exquisite, durable, beautiful and practical. These factories of the nagarian people can't find any reason to beat the Federalists in the competition.

More importantly, the federal government will give certain policy preference to this behavior under the lobbying of capitalists, help domestic businessmen defeat the few capitalists in nagalil, and further disintegrate the structure of nagalil's ruling class.

Once the local factories in nagary are completely destroyed in this round of competition, the federals will really, completely and fundamentally control the economic lifeline of nagary.

Think about it, everything people come into contact with in their lives comes from the factories of federates, and these federates have a high degree of unity of consciousness on a certain level, which determines the future fate of nagary.

But... What does it matter?

Lynch doesn't think there is any unbearable psychological pressure if nagary becomes the first economically colonized area because of his proposal and theory. Compared with Mr. jeruno's plan, Lynch thinks he is a fucking saint!

In the evening, Lynch just sent off a visitor in the room, which is also a good opportunity for him to establish a higher-level relationship network. He never refused visitors' visits.

When the guest left, the assistant began to clean up some things on the table and some soot on the ground.

In fact, these tasks can be done by the staff on board, but it may take more than ten minutes to half an hour from calling to make an appointment for the cleaning service to the tired staff who have been busy all day, and then cleaning slowly.

If there are intentional visitors in this process, Lynch's face will be very ugly, and the visitors will feel that they are not valued by Lynch. He didn't even clean up the traces left by the last visitor. Is this showing himself some information?

So the cleaning work can only be done by the little assistant. The little assistant quickly cleaned the tea table in front of the sofa and couldn't help complaining, "you should prepare more ashtrays. Now those ashtrays are everywhere!"

The federal capitalists have a "posture". Cigarettes, kolov and alcoholic drinks have become indispensable for capitalists to do anything.

They are not simply some entertainment props, but more like a necessary social material. They can show their respect to each other or their status without showing their teeth.

Speaking of these, we have to mention the booming tobacco industry. It is unexpected that the federal tobacco industry has ushered in the largest and fastest development rate in history when the economy is so depressed.

According to the investigation reports of some authoritative institutions, the number of habitual cigarette smoking and habitual drinking groups in the Federation is the sum of the past decade, which also makes the tobacco and alcohol industry achieve huge growth in such a depressed society.

The federal tobacco industry is booming and is becoming an important part of the federal economy. Many people didn't expect this to happen. Therefore, some interesting things have emerged, such as the anti smoking movement.

Cigarettes and kolov, which used to be enjoyed only by upper class people, are rapidly spreading to the whole society. Ordinary people can also afford cigarettes or variegated colors, which means that this is an extremely huge market.

Everyone contributes a dollar to the federal tobacco manufacturers every day because of tobacco consumption, which is tens of millions of income, and hundreds of millions of income a month. Profits not only attract the attention of capitalists, but also attract the attention of others. Therefore, some groups stand up and claim to have mastered the secrets of the tobacco group. Smoking is harmful to health and so on, The whole society is required to ban smoking.

It is undeniable that what they said may have a little truth, but their real purpose is not to ban smoking, but to find ways to grab benefits for themselves in the name of banning smoking.

In the eyes of many people who smoke tobacco, various non-smoking institutions may be annoying, but their starting point or motivation is good. People will only dislike them, but they will never hate or even hate them, but the truth is sometimes difficult to accept.

Behind the various anti-smoking funds and related equity institutions listed in the names of major anti-smoking institutions are tobacco manufacturers.

It sounds incredible, but this is the most real side. Tobacco manufacturers provide funds for non-smoking institutions to oppose themselves, so as to reduce some unnecessary troubles. For example, some extreme opponents do something terrible to change the pattern of the industry.

Now, there is no need to worry about this problem. Those opponents who have not gone to extremes first turn to the non-smoking agency for help. The non-smoking agency will feed back the problem to the tobacco group, and then the two sides sit down and negotiate where the opponents can't see.

In the words of non-smoking agencies, they are actively striving for the rights and interests of the people. Finally, they will discuss a result, which can appease all kinds of opponents to a great extent.

The anti smoking agency has gained a good reputation and helped the opponents solve the problem. When the opponents' problem is solved, he will not make any more trouble. The tobacco group quietly solved a problem.

In fact, there are many similar things in the Federation. Similar phenomena exist in all walks of life. Even the largest workers' Union sometimes stands on the side of capitalists. The world of the Federation is much more complex than people see.

After Helen cleaned up some of the ashes scattered on the ground, she stood up and looked at the wall clock. At this time, it was more than 10 p.m. and there should be no more people.

She sat down on the sofa with a lazy waist. The slightly tight white shirt wrapped her beautiful figure tightly. He lay lazily back on the back of the sofa.

Sometimes she doesn't know what kind of state she is now, but after all, this is a life she doesn't hate.

After four days on board, the directors finally discussed a result acceptable to the vast majority of people, that is, the joint development company will issue part of its shares and a large part of its shares in the near future.

Those who wave money to buy shares need to increase the capital of the company by one to seven. In other words, if new shareholders want to buy shares worth 10000 yuan, they actually have to pay 80000 yuan, and the remaining 70000 yuan is counted as the increase of the company's value.

More generally speaking, this part of the money is actually distributed to all shareholders, which is also a way to make up for everyone's losses.

Although many people are not very happy, there is no way. After all, the presidium of the board of directors has made great concessions and compensated them. If they don't agree, they won't be interested.

A large number of new shareholders are waiting to take shares, which also means that after the initial stage of high executive power, the nagary joint development company will usher in a somewhat chaotic stage.

After joining a large number of shareholders, they will never be willing to pay several times more money to buy shares and get tickets. They certainly want to earn this money back from nagary, so some unplanned competition may appear anytime, anywhere.

The dust has settled, which also means that people have to return to work. Some unfinished work will be sent to all shareholders in the form of report later, which is the final result of the shareholders' meeting.

"I always think you have become the biggest winner in this shareholders' meeting!" sitting on the ferry, Mr. waldrick looked at the complacent Lynch and couldn't help joking, but his tone was not like joking, "people attach great importance to your theory and pay close attention to your ideas".

With the sea breeze blowing, Lynch smiled confidently, "Mr. waldrick, have you heard a word?"


"Excellent, can be seen!"