Chapter 580

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Lynch didn't know that his plan almost died because of the curiosity of emperor gavra. Of course, he didn't know that the "incompetent image" of the Secretary of the army saved this unexpected danger. If he knew, he would also write a thank-you letter to the Secretary of the army.

In short, the personnel list of the whole delegation was thus decided. The visit date of the federal delegation was set in March, which is only one month from now. During this time, gavra can also prepare some reception work.

State visits between major powers are not simple things. They should not only reflect the strength of the country, but also implicitly express their harmlessness.

Of course, if it is a federation, the Federation will also show the unity of all sectors of society. After all, gevlar is different. This is a monarchical country. As long as the monarch has no problem, the country will have no problem.

In short, the whole gavra began to operate around this international visit. In the words of the emperor, it is necessary to show the strength of the country and not lose face.

In the international community, Galilee has once again entered a relatively stable climbing stage, rising or falling a little every day. The increase is not obvious, but it is particularly stable.

For the exchange rate, stability is the best answer. Stability means that there will be no uncontrolled changes.

All those who hold Galilee, including some international hot money and international speculators, have no idea of short-term selling. The development of nagarin has been fully displayed in front of people with this round of Galilee's crazy increase.

People are curious about the reason why a country's currency can continue to grow steadily after doubling its value in the exchange rate market. This is simply a miracle!

So people began to pay attention here, and then they saw an unimaginable scene!

"Dear viewers in front of the TV, we are now in one of the ports in the eastern ocean of nagaril. In the next period of time, we will show the miracles here in front of everyone!"

At the port, some journalists with various colloquial styles and common languages, some news media, including television stations of various countries and some groups specializing in documentary shooting, gather here. They think this is a good interview object.

The former nagary and now nagary are completely different. People from all over the world can be seen everywhere on the street, because the sudden prosperity here makes many people begin to concentrate here.

The demolition can be seen everywhere. A little farther away, there are factories under construction. Everything seems to be different. Even the people of nagaril feel like an isolated world!

Of course, in these good things, some bad things have happened, such as foreigners running around!

The mayor of the city hall specially held a press conference to warn all outsiders through the news media that nagalir is not a paradise without danger. The wild here is full of all kinds of dangers!

He also gave an example of a recent event. It is said that a mother and son who like to travel from abroad arrived in nagaril and then began to travel everywhere.

They had a wide range of knowledge, but ignored the danger in the wild of nagary. On February 5, during the routine cleaning of harmful animals around the city, the hunting group found two bodies in a newly established wolf den.

According to some relics and clues around, it was found that the two tourists came from abroad. They applied for tourism entry. The city hall once again severely warned all tourists not to go to places that the tour guide is not allowed to go, and not to leave the room after dark

"What a pity!" Lynch couldn't help sighing, and Garton's eyelids jumped not far from him. He thought Lynch's "what a pity" meant something else.

He was not sure whether Lynch really saw through the story behind the accident, but he had a feeling that what he had done had been discovered.

The mother and son were Mr. Muncy's original match and his favorite son. Not long ago, they came to nagariel and Gatton to compete for Mr. Simon's property. They didn't even want to leave a penny to Gatton and his mother and let them hand over everything.

Before they had further contact, the mother and son had already started looking for buyers for Jiadun's industries. Although Jiadun received a promise from Lynch that he would support local money to stay here, he was still a little worried.

So he spent a little money and let the mother and son encounter some accidents. For example, his hands and feet were bound by ox tendons, cut some holes in his body and threw them into the wild.

Wolves in the wild will help him solve these problems, which is proved by trying.

Since then, the mother and son have never appeared again. Until today, he heard the news about the relationship between the mother and son again.

He was not sure whether Lynch had deliberately turned on the TV to broadcast the news at this time, and whether he was suggesting anything. In short, Garton was very nervous.

After many things, he grew up a lot overnight, but he was only a teenager after all. In the face of those who were far better than him, he became like Mr. Simon's "clever son", timid, sensible and cowardly.

He looked at other places, and then noticed an obvious look across his face. He strongly restrained the impulse to turn his head to look for that look, and pretended to look at other places calmly.

Lynch's eyes took back from Garton's face. In fact, many people in the city knew that Garton did it, but they had no evidence to support their idea. Secondly, they didn't need to expose it.

Anyway, only two foreigners died, which has little to do with them.

Lynch also knew that he was too lazy to say that nagary's money must stay in nagary and no one can take it away.

Before, some people wanted to take it away. They all died. It used to be like this, and it will be like this in the future!

As he looked back, he coughed, "our city is developing to the good side, with cleaner and tidy roads, and people have some new mental outlook, but at the same time, we are also facing some troubles or challenges."

"What is said on TV is one of them. Tourists running around will pose a great threat to their own lives, and their practices will indirectly worsen our image in the international community."

He looked at the businessmen and government officials present. "It is imperative to standardize the behavior of foreign people. We can't blindly tolerate and tolerate the lax behavior of foreigners. When necessary, we must correct their behavior and attitude."

"In this regard, the police station should come up with some specific measures. At the same time, in order to facilitate the law enforcement against foreigners, we also need to introduce some 'foreign police'." Lynch looked at the police chief sitting aside, who nodded repeatedly to show that he understood.

Lynch nodded with satisfaction. "Secondly, I have an initiative to mobilize the people to protect their lives and property and fight a 'tough battle' with these beasts."

"The United Development Company will recycle the complete fur of these carnivorous animals according to the market price, and I will urge relevant personnel to teach people the method of making specimens as soon as possible. It would be better if they could be caught alive."

"We should turn danger into wealth and learn to make use of our own advantages..."

Lynch talked freely in front of the most powerful rulers in the city, and he also sat in the main position. The directors of various bureaus and heads of various institutions, like his subordinates, sat meekly at his head and listened to his work arrangement.

Jiadun sat at the end. He represented local businessmen. He looked at Lynch, who was not much bigger than himself, sitting there like a provincial governor, giving orders. There was a trace of desire and excitement in his heart that he didn't feel.

Age is not an obstacle that restricts people to the top, but a support!

Finally, Lynch arranged the recent work and scattered the people. When Garton was ready to leave, Lynch asked him to stay alone.

This made some people look at him with envy, jealousy and hatred, but these people didn't know how violent Jiadun's heart beat at this time.

He stood where he was and didn't dare to look up. Lynch tilted his legs and played with his pen in his hand. He looked at Garton for a while, smiled and shook his head. "It's not a clever technique, you know?"

"Just now, almost half of the people here know that you did it. You can't hide it from others."

"This is the first time, and I hope it is the last time. Violence should not be used to solve appeals in a civilized society, don't you think?"

Facing Lynch, who is not a few years older than himself, at this time, Garton finally felt what Mr. Simon could feel before, which also made him understand why the arrogant Mr. Simon was so cautious and even humble in front of Lynch.

The pressure was too great. His hands and feet were numb. He almost instinctively wanted to beg for mercy. He clenched his teeth and blood jumped out of his gums.

Facing Lynch's eyes, he was silent for more than ten seconds and nodded, "I know I'm wrong, Mr. Lynch."

"Good boy, if you encounter similar problems in the future, you can use your head more. God gives you a head to make you think."

"Or you can ask me..."

This sentence stunned Garton. There was no doubt that it was kind, which also made the pressure in the room disappear all at once.

Sometimes things are so magical. When he is upset, he feels great pressure, but when he feels a trend towards good, the pressure disappears.

He looked at Lynch and felt... A little incomprehensible.

Lynch smiled faintly, "this is my warning to you and a kind hint. You can leave."

Garton said goodbye to Lynch and left. He has been thinking about whether Lynch means that if he is in trouble, he can ask Lynch for help. He thinks so.

Looking at Garton's back, Lynch's smile was brighter.

No matter how good a foreigner is, he can't compare with his native. He wants to support a "young leader" of nagary. He thinks Jiadun is good.