Chapter 591

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
We often say that everyone is an independent individual.

But everyone's fate is magically intertwined.

The owner of the bar was released after two days of torture and torture.

Not long ago, people from the special department took out more than a dozen nails and a saw blade from his body, and helped him deal with some wounds.

After he was arrested for some reason, the special section kept asking him questions he never knew, thought about or heard of.

"What's your relationship with Lynch?"

"What message did Lynch send you?"

"How do you usually transmit information?"

"Who are you online and who are you offline?"

In short, there are some inexplicable problems for him. As a gavra, the owner of the bar knows the style of the special section very well. He was very honest and sincere when he came up.

"I don't know any Lynch!"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"I'm just a bar owner, not an intelligence officer!"

"I said, you caught the wrong person!"

The people of the special section gave him the warmest and most enthusiastic feedback, which also made him realize the horror of the special section.

In fact, he couldn't carry it on the first day. He even took the initiative to fabricate some lies to meet the torture of the special section. At least this can make him feel better now. As for the future?

Who knows if he will die here, so why not enjoy a quiet time before he dies?

But he didn't know who Lynch was at all, and he didn't know the deeper content behind these things, which also led him to make up a lie "full of holes" to cater to the purpose of the special criminal investigation.

A leader of the special section action team even told him the next morning that he had never seen such a tough intelligence officer. I hope he can continue to hold on and be a real warrior!

At that time, the bar owner was confused and forced. He could not tell the truth or cooperate with them to tell lies. He wondered whether his competitors wanted to kill himself, so there was the current disaster.

Just when he was about to despair and felt that he would die, he was released.

The head of the action team responsible for interrogating him gave him the most basic treatment and apologized to him.

I have to say that the special section is really good. When the boss came, he returned everything he took with him, and gave him an extra wheelchair and a free medical service.

By the way, the special section will help him apply for state compensation.

Until now, the bar owner who was pushed to the hospital in a wheelchair did not know why he was himself.

As for why he was released, it is actually very simple. The special section and the intelligence agency have realized that Lynch's purpose in going to these two bars is not to deliver information, but purely to consume, just like the information they detected not long ago.

A group of federals contracted a place of entertainment. All girls in need of help took turns to get their help. Many reporters took these pictures.

People who know these things are angry. There is no doubt that the federates did not give them the most basic respect. Although more important roles such as the head of the delegation did not participate in it, it also makes people angry.

The emperor wanted the newspaper not to report these news, but soon he changed his mind and let the gavra know the arrogance of the federates, which was also good for his rule.

Only in the face of such humiliation from the outside world will people firmly stand on the side of the emperor.

At the same time, it is also a warning and warning to itself. It warns the emperor of the gavra empire of the cost of backwardness in an unpleasant way.

If you make this country more united through this thing, bear it.

Early the next morning, the more important newspapers in gavra reported the news. The first day the federal mission came to gavra was to go to Baihua street, which made gavra people who were born with nose up become angry and angry. Some people even asked the emperor gavra to expel the federal mission in the form of petition.

Looking at the development of the situation is a little serious, but in fact it is just an illusion.

This incident did not even trigger diplomatic protests. Only places like Baihua street were required to be closed during the federal diplomatic visit to avoid such things from happening again.

This also made the under secretary of foreign affairs aware of a real core change - the times have changed.

The era of gavra's arrogance has passed, and the great era of the Federation has come!

In the morning, the party held the first reception ceremony with the officials of the local city hall on the square of the city hall of the port city. The local mayor believed that the cooperation between gavra and Baylor Federation would lay an important foundation for the peaceful future of the world and provide considerable help for the two countries to improve their international status.

In order to better let the people know these people, they also specially introduced every member of the mission, including Lynch.

Originally, there was no such plan, which was temporarily added in the middle of the night last night. It is said to be the meaning of the emperor, which is to sun these people and let the world know who didn't stay well in the hotel last night and ran out to help those girls in need.

Anyway, the federals are shameless, and the gavra don't care.

No matter what the members of the mission think and how the people on gavra deal with it, Mr. Herbers, who just woke up, didn't come back from watching the TV screen for a long time.

On the screen, under the sun, Lynch's bright smile is not like a "Diplomat". He is like coming on vacation. Everyone else is serious, but he is smiling.

But this smile, in Mr. Herbert's eyes at this moment, was like a devil!

He suddenly turned around and walked to the corner, picked up the phone, "why is Lynch a member of the diplomatic corps?"

This is the problem he wants to know most at present. He is a little uneasy these days, so he counts all the places where accidents may occur, and then finds out the places that may become his "trouble" and tries to be as safe as possible.

After this period of tinkering, he felt that Lynch was unlikely to have a chance to turn over.

First of all, it is not easy to change the chancellor's mind, let alone the emperor of gavra.

Regardless of the emperor's temper and whether he is easy to be persuaded, if you want to persuade him, you must first see him!

With a human brain, you can think clearly. The emperor can't casually pick up a phone call that doesn't know who's calling, talk with the person at the other end of the phone for half an hour or less or more, and then be persuaded by a stranger.

If you want to persuade the emperor, you must be a person with a name and surname standing face to face in front of the emperor to persuade him.

Just this, Lynch can't do it!

He can't appear in front of the emperor and tell him what he should do to best meet everyone's interests. The emperor won't meet a federal businessman at will. Lynch wants to do this work and let the emperor meet him, which is not a simple thing.

Even Mr. Herbert is not qualified to be received by the emperor alone. He has many friends here, let alone Lynch, who has few overseas contacts. He can't convince the emperor at all.

As long as he can't convince the emperor, no matter what he does, there will be no change in the final result.

However, Mr. Herbers did not count that Lynch would become a member of the federal diplomatic mission, or the kind with a name, not "an entourage"!

Having a name means that he has the right to speak. He can have direct contact with various ministers of gavra and even his Majesty the Imperial Emperor. When necessary, he should patiently listen to each other's views - through the way conveyed by some people.

Although they would not meet, they could communicate with each other, which was completely beyond Herbert's expectation.

Everything that had been stable became unstable, and Mr. Herbert's expression became a little terrible. He stood by the telephone and listened for a long time. His body trembled slightly. His irritable heart made him unable to bear to listen to the people at the other end of the phone say meaningless words.

He strongly interrupted the other party's speech. In his eagerness, his saliva gushed out, and his relaxed skin trembled slightly with his actions, and his face turned red. "I don't want to hear you say this here. You should have told me earlier that now you have ruined everything!" he snapped and hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone is an official of the federal government. He is equally angry. Although he works in the federal government, he has no way to know the specific situation before the list of this level is publicized.

Casual inquiry will lead to the suspicion of the security committee. Although it seems that all countries are in a quiet period of peace, the war has not stopped in the invisible special front.

Of course, this phone call will not affect the relationship between him and Mr. Herbers. As long as the other party continues to write thank-you letters to him, he doesn't mind selling some unimportant information to the other party.

Not long after, some people gathered in Mr. Herbers's house. They were all worried. There was no doubt that they were shocked by the news.

Lynch came in so imperceptibly, and he was qualified to talk face to face with the gavra ruling class, which was very frightening!

Looking at these bankers who dreamed of retiring not long ago, everything makes them funny.

However, as the leader and the planner of the whole plan, Mr. Herbert comforted everyone, "Lynch can't change the emperor's mind so easily. We still have a chance."

"And even if he changes the emperor's mind, for us, it is nothing more than the loss of an interest. The dividend brought by the appreciation of 10 billion Galilee can still make our investment a success!"