Chapter 604

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The sun was very hot, and the weather began to get hot. The climate of about 30 degrees put nagary into the summer mode.

But this summer is much better than previous years, because this summer will not be so smelly!

In the past, there was a suffocating stench in nagariel, but as all parts began to tidy up urban sanitation, the whole nagariel is rapidly becoming hygienic.

It's hygienic, not clean. Some areas may not be so clean, but it's much better than before. The most important thing is that the hygiene problem has been effectively solved.

Without mountains of garbage and sewage full of all kinds of bacteria, the sudden medical situation in the whole country has been much less since last autumn.

Everything is changing. It happened in the process that the United Development Company began to help nagary realize industrial foundation and common prosperity, which really makes the local people have a very contradictory feeling.

Not long ago, people still hated and hated these foreigners, but now people don't think so. They don't know how to express their inner feelings. Maybe this is the change of the times.

If health is a change visible to the naked eye, then another change invisible to the naked eye is happening rapidly and has a far-reaching impact on this country, that is literacy!

The literacy class is free, but before that, a contract needs to be signed with the literacy class. Any adult, healthy and able to work nagarian can receive free literacy education.

At the same time, they must also sign an agreement. The content of the agreement is that as long as they can complete the basic education of literacy class and complete the examination results above the passing line in the final cultural examination, they will get a job.

The contract stipulates that the recipients have been oppressed by power for a long time, and have not formed a national pride around the country. Populism, let alone rise, is still in the ethereal breeding.

This is also the time when people are most likely to accept some foreign views. They are relatively neutral and easy to be persuaded.

The content of the report is basically asking a question, why is nagary developing so rapidly now, but before the federals came in, the whole nagary may not have undergone such earth shaking changes and rapid development in decades, one or two hundred years?

This is also a very normal phenomenon. When the society is in confusion, people reflect on the problems raised by themselves.

If you just ask questions without giving an answer, it is relatively mild, but it gives an answer.

This report explains in detail the reason why the nagarian society has not developed for decades and hundreds of years, that is, the ruling class.

The ruling class does not need the country, the society and the nation to develop, because the development of society and nation will bring uncontrollable risks to the ruling class.

If people's inner self-consciousness begins to awaken and the consciousness of nationalism and the whole country begins to awaken, it will be a disaster for the ruling class.

Their ruling power will face challenges. They are willing to let the country and society have no development for decades and centuries. They are far behind all countries in the world, and they should also consolidate their power.

The core of almost the whole article is to point the spearhead at the ruling class and the core contradiction - power.

The young man with the newspaper in his hand looked more and more serious, even gloomy.

In fact, he, as well as more people, have had similar ideas. Why is nagary so backward? What hinders the development here? We should know that they have also had a brilliant civilization. Why do they completely become a small country inferior to the third rate forces after entering a new era?

Now, these questions may have been answered to some extent, all because of the greed and selfishness of the rulers!

The young people are particularly angry. There are more angry people like him in the whole nagaril. The angry emotions need to be vented.

As soon as this wave was lifted, some new contents appeared one after another, completely detonating the crowd.

That was the next day's news. The headline on the front page of the newspaper was "who's doing what"

The page of the newspaper is divided into two parts. On one side, there are ordinary nagali people. They are facing an embarrassing living environment, disease and poverty. In short, they are similar to every ordinary nagali people and face the same problems. They are all problems that people have faced.

But on the other side of the page is the life of members led by the royal family of nagary.

They live in luxurious palaces, eat and drink exquisite food, and dozens of people serve the royal family every day. They live so happy every day.

If it's just like this, it's OK. There are a lot of photos of royal family members enjoying abroad in the newspaper. Looking at those pictures, people's anger has been pushed to the limit!

The tragic stories from the bottom of society form a strong contrast with the sweet photos of power and wealth flowing wantonly.

People have never been so hostile to their royal family as at this moment. Of course, it has something to do with the ruling structure of nagalil.

Provinces and provincial governors are the highest chief executives in every region, and they are not subject to the management of the central government. Everyone is a local emperor, which also leads to people's respect for the royal family far less than the outside world thinks.

The disregard of local governments accelerated the outbreak of these problems, and a large number of people waved newspapers to spread everything they knew to the whole society.

Some people begin to talk about what they have experienced, the despair they have experienced, which have become the necessary factors to promote the formation of the storm!

"Your Highness, there are many demonstrators outside the palace. Their mood is very unstable. Do you want to disperse them?"

The old king stood high and looked at the angry crowd gathered outside the palace gate. He could even vaguely hear the angry roar of those people, as if questioning him.

Listening to the servant's report, he sighed heavily and shook his head, "no, it's not suitable to stimulate them at this time, and I believe they won't do anything drastic."

"Even if we really haven't handled some places well, we are the symbol and representative of this country after all. Knowledge and freedom haven't confused their minds to the point of trying to impact the palace!"

"Let them vent for a while, and we'll make a statement later."

"Just like every time we encounter problems before, people will eventually trust us!"