Chapter 616

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
There is a provision in the federal government that in order to avoid fraud by federal government staff, all things that need to be auctioned will be handed over to a third-party institution for auction, such as a bank.

At the same time, the judiciary has the power to supervise the whole auction process to ensure that there will be no other fraud.

In fact, not only can the judicial department entrust banks to auction some things, but also individuals.

Lynch can't do these things by himself. He doesn't have experts in this field or a professional company. In other words, he can't accurately calculate the specific value of any mortgage taken out by Mr. Herbers, so he entrusted the work to the banking department.

There is no need for the bank to auction these things, just let them evaluate and keep the relevant documents and things in the bank's vault.

Ordinary people certainly can't let banks do this. Banks, which seem to serve ordinary people, actually despise ordinary people most.

While bowing to the rich capitalists, they are arrogant towards ordinary people. Even things like "time" are clearly priced by banks - VIP reception.

The poor may need to spend a whole day waiting for the people in front to complete their business before it is their turn, but for the rich people, they can accept the most perfect service provided by the bank anytime and anywhere, and Lynch is a VIP at this level.

Mr. Herbers's people will take his property and the property that can be appraised to the bank for entrusted appraisal. After the specific appraisal is completed, Lynch will sign a mortgage contract with him, and then the federal government will lend him the money.

Is this a pit?

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Mr. Herbers knew it was a pit, he had to jump.

Jump down, there may be a way to live. He is betting that his means are better than Lynch's plot. As long as he empties all the 10 billion Galilee now, he can get at least about 10 or 20 million federal sol.

This value is calculated by selling at a lower price. In fact, the current exchange rate of Galilee to federal sol has not reached 200 to 1, and the possibility of selling spot cash at the market price is almost zero.

Under the uncertain situation in nagarin, when panic selling has occurred, even if someone wants to "copy the bottom", they will choose to wait again. When the market activity is completely destroyed and Galilee in the whole foreign exchange market is dead, Galilee will be salvaged from the bottom with sediment.

Now, they will just sit back and watch Gary collapse completely.

If you want these people to accept the offer, you must be willing to go out, and this is precisely the reason why Mr. Herbers couldn't refuse when Lynch shouted "10 billion".

According to the current international exchange rate, this is about equivalent to 60 million federal sols. He broke his legs and sold it at the price of 20 million... If not, he can at least get back 10 or 20 million federal sols.

This part of the money is enough to fill most of his loopholes, and even a slight surplus.

Even if the total income he sells is less than this, he can barely make up for the losses of investors. He may have some losses, but the money of investors will not change much.

As long as investors have no real huge losses, they will even have a feeling that "Mr. Herbers is able to turn the tide in the face of such a situation (change the results and recover the decline through exquisite and skilled means) and minimize the losses. It has to be said that Mr. Herbers's ability and quality are amazing and suitable for continued cooperation".

Then people will trust him more than before and invest the money in him. As long as they have the money, there is still hope if they want to turn over the money.

So he must clench his teeth. Even if he knows it may be a trap, he must jump with his eyes closed!

The bank valuer will press the price to the limit and drain the last bit of value from him as much as possible.

After coming out of the hotel, Mr. Herbert's momentum changed quickly. Without the weakness when he met Lynch, he became unexpectedly strong.

Standing in front of the bus, he looked back at the hotel behind him. His eyes were like penetrating the glass reflecting the bright sun and staring at Lynch's face.

A moment later, he got into the car and left quickly.

After returning to the place where he lived, he contacted the asset management companies everywhere and asked them to sort out the asset certificates as soon as possible. At the same time, he asked the housekeeper to prepare a generous gift, a real generous gift for him. He was going to visit the chancellor of the exchequer.

Now, in addition to the 10 billion in Lynch's hands, he actually has a way to survive, that is, the bet agreement between him and Lynch.

As long as the gavra people can refuse to cash Lynch's bonds, these bonds will become his property, all losses can be made up from these bonds, and there is a slight surplus.

Soon he appeared outside the chancellor's house. After a short wait, he was led into the house by the chancellor's housekeeper.

A big house. These noble houses have a history of at least three or five hundred years, which is longer than the history of the founding of the Federation. When they were built, it was not prosperous enough, so they can do their best to occupy more land.

So that within a few kilometers to the left of the Imperial Palace, there are all such houses covering an extremely wide area.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, Mr. Herbert met the chancellor of the Exchequer in his study.

"I'm sorry, I just had an important call..." the chancellor of the exchequer explained why he didn't let Mr. Herbers come immediately.

He said the words of apology, but there was no sincerity of apology in his tone. It was like looking for a reason casually, and even a trace of arrogance.

Gavra people always do this. When they face other races, their arrogance will show bit by bit.

"It doesn't matter. Your business is much more important than mine.", with a flattering smile on his face, Mr. Herbers put a suitcase on the table. "I heard you like to collect some strange things. I happen to have a very special little thing here..."

As Mr. Herbert opened the box in front of him, a colorful light spot began to map out, and there was more movement on the original calm face of the chancellor of the exchequer.

Looking at the expression of the chancellor of the exchequer, Mr. Herbers was relieved, although his heart was bleeding.

"Crown of crane!", the chancellor of the exchequer could not help sighing. He just wanted to reach out and touch the things in the box. It was like thinking of something. He opened the drawer, put on a thin layer of gloves, and then picked up the things in the box.

It was a crown. The main part of the crown was outlined in gold, and then a total of 99 gemstones were inlaid, some of which were out of production.

Regardless of its material value, it is also of great value in art, history and culture.

In addition, there are many legends related to it, such as curse or blessing. In addition, it rarely appears in front of people, which also gives it a layer of mystery.

In fact, in terms of price alone, the last public transaction price was not expensive, more than one million Vlas, but the problem is that no one knows who owns it, and even if they know, they may not sell it.

"It's so beautiful!" the chancellor of the exchequer kept praising. For people like him, money may make him a little interested, but it's also difficult to impress him.

Only these strange things could move his face. He looked back and forth, and Mr. Herbers didn't bother. After more than ten minutes, he reluctantly put the crown back in the box.

"It's true. Where did you get it?", the attention of the chancellor of the exchequer began to shift from the crown to Mr. Herbers. He said half jokingly, "you'll give me the appraisal fee later. You know, I've never appraised anything for others. You have to give a high price."

This seemingly joking statement is actually a kind of temptation. He knows in his heart that the purpose of Mr. Herbers coming here with this thing can not be for him to "identify", but he asked for it, and Mr. Herbers took the initiative to give it to him, which has a completely different impact on the following things.

By asking for it, he owed Mr. Herbers a big favor. He might not be able to pay it back once or twice, and he lost his initiative.

However, if Mr. Herbers takes the initiative to give it to him, the initiative will change, and he can even "pick and choose".

He looked at Mr. Herbers with a smile. The latter didn't dare to prevaricate at this time. His face was immediately filled with a smile, "it's really good, but I can't afford your appraisal fee. It's better..."

"Why don't you give it to you and put it in my hand? I just lock it in the safe, but it's an honor for you to let more people see it!"

The chancellor of the Exchequer's expression was very vivid and smiled, "it's not appropriate..."

"Fit, very fit!" Mr. Herbers closed the box and pushed it on his own initiative.

The chancellor of the exchequer looked at the box and nodded slightly, "the gift is not very good. It will make people feel that it is a behind the scenes transaction. Well, make an offer and I'll buy him..."

No matter how dissatisfied Mr. Herbers was, he could only keep his smile, "just give me a dollar!"

After paying a coin, the chancellor of the exchequer put things away properly and asked slowly, "I'm sorry that you came here specifically for this matter..."

He looked at Mr. Herbers, who smiled and said his intention, "in fact, I have one more thing to ask you..."