Chapter 626

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Capital is never warm, gentle, kind and sunny

Capital is indifferent and cold-blooded, and greedy.

If someone tells you that a capitalist is a good man, you punch him in the face and spit.

Whether Henghui's fall or ristoan's fall means the release of tens of millions of dividends.

By exploiting those workers, an enterprise may have the opportunity to touch the threshold to the upper class in its life. As long as there are enough exploited people, it can also produce huge profits, but their volume expansion degree and speed can never compare with those capital embezzled by each other.

For the current capital world of the Federation, the concept of capital has undergone some small changes.

From the beginning, people regarded "pursuing more profits as the goal" and those who did business by means of exploitation, oppression and deception as capitalists.

Up to now, people are more inclined to call those who plunder assets by using advanced means such as financial means on the basis of the same pursuit as capitalists, which is a process of era evolution.

There are also two groups in the capitalist camp, one is industrialists and the other is financiers. Interestingly, financiers don't seem to think highly of those who engage in industry, but they can't live without them.

If Lynch just opened a factory, produced goods and sold them, he might have to spend his whole life to make the money he has now.

But now, some means together, he easily made the money.

In fact, it's not right to say money, because fixed assets and investment commodities can't simply calculate their value in the form of "valuation". Strictly speaking, any real estate and investment commodities are not wealth in the financial field. Only what is realized is wealth, and it's just a commodity before it is realized.

Lynch got these commodities, some of which will be distributed to people in all links. The bank helped. It should be that some people will get some benefits here. Lynch is not a stingy person.

Mr. Truman has also helped, but he can't give these goods or money directly to Mr. Truman. That means trading power and money, corruption and job-related crimes.

But he can repay Mr Truman's help by providing some benefits to the Federal Military in Mr Truman's name.

Friends are mutual, and the help from friends is also mutual.

Mr Truman's foundation lies in the military. As long as his relationship with the military continues to be harmonious, his position in the federal government will not change. Even if the president cannot win the election, he can step back and enter the high-level position of the Ministry of defense.

The joint development company also needs to share some benefits. It seems that it has nothing to do with the company, but it still has some relations more or less after all.

If the joint development company had not made a clear position on this matter, the six banks might not actively cooperate.

Of course, the board of directors of the United Development Company may not like Lynch, but it is still necessary to make a statement. For example, find one or two gardens from the real estate mortgaged by Mr. Herbers to provide them to the members of the board of directors of the United Development Company for free.

The property right is still Lynch's, but when others need to use the house, it is unconditional. Doing so will not only not lose much money, but also show their demeanor and bearing, and get everyone's praise and friendship.

The world of capital has never been so simple!

There are also some trivial benefits. Lynch's income may be reduced a little, but even a little, it is also a commodity wealth in tens of millions.

After hanging up the phone, Lynch was in a good mood. He hummed a minor and had a sneaky smile on his face. He was laughing at himself. He was really bad!

But this is capital, this is the world. With a few knives, a famous international banker fell. Similarly, if he is not careful, he will lose a lot of money, but he won.

"You seem to be in a good mood?" jania sat on the sofa with a pillow and watched the TV. The TV also broadcast the news related to nagary, and gavra paid close attention to these things.

The Federation has invested too much effort and money in nagary. If there are great changes in nagary, the Federation's future international development strategy may change.

In this world environment of international integration, the change of the attitude of powerful countries towards powerful countries is sharper than that between weak countries and weak countries.

Lynch sat on the sofa and stretched back against the back of the sofa. He told the truth, "I just made tens of millions of Fula. I feel great."

Sometimes people are really strange. When you tell the truth, they will think you tell a lie. When you tell a lie that you think is very false, they believe it.

Jania laughed. "So I made money!"

Lynch was curious, "how much did you make?"

She glanced at Lynch, "two hundred million!"

Lynch immediately understood what she was talking about. He was ready to move. His hand stroked jania's calf across the sofa. The skin was delicate and smooth, not empty or greasy, and he could feel the tightness of the muscles. "Do you want to earn more?"

Jania sucked her finger. "I'm afraid you don't have so much..."

Then there was a difficult trade war, which was so fierce that it was difficult to describe in words. Finally, Lynch lost to jania.

When they were lying together, jania asked as if joking, "do you know Yuanrong capital?"


At this moment, Richard has boundless scenery. He is participating in a cocktail party held by aristocrats. The purpose of this cocktail party is to let more people know Richard and his team.

After a year of dedicated research and carving, Richard finally perfected his own theory on the skeleton provided by Lynch and applied it to practice.

Before, Lynch told him about a way to play a commercial game, a way to pay for the ideal.

The playing method is very simple. You only need a ticket to join the game, you can get a steady stream of money. Money can generate money, which is the core of the game.

Some people may think this is a deceptive thing, but when people hold the rebate of real gold and silver in the first, second and third phases, even if people still think it is a fraud, they will crazy join it.

Before, Lynch met a literate man, a couple, both professors and doctoral tutors from key universities. They also joined a game.

At that time, Lynch had some friendship with them. When chatting privately, he asked them if he knew what he was doing.

He thought that the couple would oppose Lynch's views in various ways, and even turn their faces for it, but what Lynch didn't expect was that the couple happily told Lynch that they knew what they were doing and that the game was actually a scam.

This made Lynch feel very... Incredible. Since he knew it was a scam, why did he participate, but the couple told Lynch a problem he had never thought about - they could make money.

In most similar scams, the first group of people are most likely to make money. Once the first group of profits is not available, it is easy to have problems.

Moreover, when high-end game makers start their plans, the first batch of goals are aimed at objects with certain social status and communication circle. Professors and doctoral tutors in key universities obviously have this condition.

Later, the scam was finally exposed. Many people were cheated out of their property, but the professor and his wife made eight figures.

This is not a joke, it really happened.

Now Richard actually encountered a similar situation. When his Yuanrong capital was just launched, he had some important first customers online.

There is no lack of middle class, even an aristocrat.

In today's society, the high rate of return is extremely attractive to people who have nowhere to place their sense of security. The domestic development speed is slow. The Amelia region is like a bottomless pit swallowing the domestic output value. People don't know what to do to avoid all wrong choices until Richard appears.

The return rate of 8% per cycle is amazing. You know, a return cycle is only 30 days. In other words, it only takes one year to get back to the capital, and you can quickly make a profit at the rate of 8% per month in the second year.

Those world-famous funds have an annual return of less than 15%, and the annual return of a Yuanrong capital has reached 96%. Is this a liar?

No, it's not a liar, or a group of clever liars.

Yuanrong capital is not without "entities". According to Richard, they have dozens of investigation teams looking for gold mines all over the world. A stable number of gold mines are found and put into mining every year.

The financial products they issued are called "yuanrongjin bonds", and everyone's return comes from gold mines.

Some photos, some written reports and some briefings, from the first batch of people's dubious participation to the fact that they have steadily eaten two phases of dividends, people don't care whether the Yuanrong capital and Yuanrong vouchers are scams. They only care about huge returns.

More and more people join through various channels, and Richard's funds are doubling.

This time, his important investor, an imperial earl, specially held this reception for him to attract more people to join.

Whether it's a scam or not, as long as Richard is profitable, they who enter first will not lose money.

When the last guest entered the reception, the count asked someone to close the door of the hall. Holding his glass high, he stood next to Richard and said loudly, "to Richard and the gold coupon!"