Chapter 651

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Placed in front of old fox were several personal materials with photos posted, on which there were some certificates of their borrowing from old fox's financial company, and some certificates such as bank transfer or check stub were pasted to prove that they had returned the money to old fox.

Seeing that old Mr. Fox was silent, green face didn't care much about his confrontational attitude.

From the establishment of the armed tax collection team to the federal revenue service to the present moment, too many challengers have appeared in front of them. History has told everyone that they survived in the end, and those who tried to challenge the federal revenue service have completely disappeared in the long river of history.

Old Mr. Fox is not. If he asked now, old Mr. Fox would naturally nod his head and say that he paid. Fox film has no problem in tax. After all, this is a legitimate business.

And since he came into contact with Lynch, he noticed that Lynch had a terrible attachment to the bills. Even if it was only a small change of money, he would leave all kinds of bills or signatures.

This also allowed fox pictures, which did not plan to pay taxes in full at the beginning, to pay taxes on time, but they found an accountant and slightly avoided some avoidable and unnecessary taxes.

But before that, when he was a usurer, he didn't pay tax.

This in itself is an illegal business. He can't prove that his income is legal, he can't register the company, and he can't get a tax number. Even if he wants to pay tax, he can't pay it.

This is just like a man who robbed a bank and ran to the tax bureau to take the initiative to declare his income from robbing a bank. It is incredible and abnormal. These are precisely the reasons why he appears here today.

Old Mr. Fox bowed his head, stroked his hair with one hand, then rubbed his face with both hands, still silent.

There are more proud smiles on Qingpi's face. Sometimes people like the person being interrogated to speak, and sometimes they want the person to keep his mouth closed.

"We collected a lot of evidence like this..." he put the documents on the table back in the file bag. "If you read the federal charter, you will understand that no matter what you do, legal or illegal, as long as your behavior generates income and the income exceeds the standard we collect, you must pay tax."

"Whether your money comes from robbery, fraud, theft, or... Usury, you must pay taxes."

"Paying taxes is the duty of every citizen, just as catching criminals is the job of the police."

"I don't know why the police didn't arrest you and why the investigation bureau didn't arrest you, but you have to pay taxes. Do you admit that you evaded taxes?"

"Mr Fox?"

Old fox still didn't say a word. According to some movie scripts, he should ask for a lawyer now, but he didn't do that, because even if the lawyer came, it wouldn't help.

Lawyers don't want to offend the tax department. It's terrible to be targeted by this department. After the lawyer comes, he can at most win some sympathy for him during sentencing. That's all. Nothing else can change.

Once the fact of tax evasion is established, it is a felony in the Federation!

His continued silence attracted some displeasure from Qingpi face. At this time, he should answer right, not continue to be silent.

The corner of the mouth of Qingpi's face was hooked, and the smile on his face immediately disappeared. He changed into a rigid and serious face. "Don't try to fight us with silence. Let me tell you, the evidence we now have is enough to keep you from coming out all your life."

"At the same time, you have to face a huge fine. Maybe the police or the investigation bureau will also investigate your past criminal acts, and maybe your son will also be implicated."

Old Mr. Fox suddenly raised his head. He looked at the green face in front of him as if he were looking for something.

About ten seconds later, he suddenly opened his mouth and asked a question, "do you want me to do something?"

Qingpi nodded slightly. He tilted his legs and took out an exquisite cigarette box and a loud lighter from his pocket. With the lingering "Ding", there was a faint smell of smoke in the room.

"You're smart, Mr. Fox. We do need your help."

Old Mr. Fox was aware of this because the green face in front of him had been threatening him with tax evasion and imprisonment.

If the target of the tax bureau is really him, the opposite side can not say this to him, directly take him to court and put him in prison.

There is a reason to talk so much nonsense to him. The reason is in the word "assistance", which also makes him realize that he may not be their goal.

Qingpi's face pursed. "We need you to testify against Lynch."

"We noticed that Lynch helped you turn some illegal income into legal income, and then smoothly paid the tax. You just need to prove what Lynch did in court and tell the judge how much illegal income you washed through Lynch."

"We will turn you into a tainted witness, plead for your fine and dilute all your previous crimes."

"One side is that I can't get out all my life, and the other side is three to five years. A normal person should know how to choose, don't you think?"

Old Mr. Fox was surprised, but his face didn't show it. He shook his head. "I don't know what you're talking about. Mr. Lynch and I haven't done what you said."

Qingpi stood up with a smile. He took the file and went to the door. "You have time, Mr. Fox. You can think slowly, but I still want to persuade you to give up some unrealistic ideas. It won't help our case."

"See you later!"

As soon as he came out of the interrogation room, another guy who looked very powerful greeted him. "What did he say?"

The guy talking is the assistant director of the State Tax Bureau. According to the specifications of the tax bureau, he is half a chief director, and his status is higher than that of the deputy director. Sometimes when the director is away, he will be responsible for dealing with some work that only the director has the authority to deal with.

Of course, this is only after he contacted the director. This is a process problem.

Qingpi nodded. "Our evidence is very conclusive. Fox can't run away, but I don't think he is likely to confess Lynch's important role."

As they spoke, they walked towards the bungalow opposite the parking lot.

"No confession, Lynch?" the assistant director frowned. "That's hard to do."

In fact, the investigation against Lynch did not start here. These people had been noticed when Saibin tax bureau investigated Fox and Lynch's money laundering case.

Their money laundering methods are somewhat unexpected. They don't have any high-tech or interest ways and ideas. They are simple and easy to use, so that people all over the state and even the country begin to launder money in this way.

In addition, the Saibin Tax Bureau lost face, and the joint investigation bureau of the state office conducted an investigation on the relevant people. However, a lot of things happened later due to a series of coincidental reasons, so that the investigation was forced to stop - mainly because Lynch picked himself out and gave the tax bureau a step.

At that time, the whole case had a great impact on the society. There were a lot of protests and complaints against the violent law enforcement of the tax bureau every year. Once a national demonstration was triggered, a large number of people from the tax department of York State would fall down at that time.

In order to stop the spread of this momentum, the two sides took Michael's imprisonment as an opportunity for reconciliation and ended the confrontation.

The confrontation is over, but it doesn't mean that the investigation will be over. They continue to collect evidence and are ready to clean up Lynch elsewhere.

But later, Lynch contacted the president and other high-level countries, and quickly became rich. The Tax Bureau failed to solve Lynch's idea privately. They sealed the files until a few days ago.

A few days ago, a famous big man contacted the director of York State Tax Bureau through some channels, hoping that he could check Lynch. It would be better if he could pull Lynch off his horse.

Big people have great energy, as do Lynch, so the final result of this matter is that the director goes to the general administration to "learn", and the assistant director is fully responsible for the next investigation.

Before the director left, he gave the assistant director enough power. In addition, Lynch lost face to the tax bureau. Combined with other factors, he finally contributed to this matter.

Standing outside the office, the assistant director patted Qingpi's arm, "if we don't move this time, we must hit the key since we move. Do you understand what I mean?"

Qingpi nodded his head. "I know what to do."

At noon, I don't know whether people forgot or for other reasons, no one brought any food to old Mr. Fox, only a little water. He was hungry for a long time, and his physical strength was disappearing bit by bit.

In the afternoon, he slept for a while. Sleeping can not only reduce the physical exertion, but also make him less hungry.

In a daze, he had a bitter smile on his face. This may be the first time he was hungry for so long in his adult life

Sure enough, it feels the same as when I was a child. It's unforgettable.


I don't know how long I slept. Suddenly, the sound of opening the door woke up old Mr. Fox. He opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment. After a short absence, his eyes quickly fell on the people who came in.

It's a green face. He has a tray with some food on it. It smells delicious.

"Sorry, there are too many things at noon. I forgot to remind those people to give you a lunch. It should be no later now?" he smiled and put the plate on the table.

Some potato chips, a small bowl of mashed vegetables, some boiled chicken and a sausage. The bright color and smell made old fox swallow a mouthful of saliva.