Chapter 657

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"Thank you!" after taking the glass from Lynch, he didn't take a bite immediately. Instead, he sat on the sofa with his legs tilted, holding the back of the sofa with one hand and shaking the glass with the other hand.

He was thinking that if possible, he would not hesitate to make those people aware of what stupid things they had done.

However, during this period of time, he found that he thought some things too simple. He always thought he was standing with the president. Until he was suspended, he realized that he just thought.

He is the only one who really stands with him. He is alone. He holds not the highest power. Whether there is wealth that can be rival to the country, what he can do is to survive in a mess in the rules formulated by those people.

So he realized that he began to drift with the tide. During this time, he has participated in countless cocktail parties, parties and other social activities.

Everyone felt that he had changed. He became like a "normal person" and began to accept capitalists and capital forces. In some private occasions, someone even said "when the dog barks at you, you must let it understand that it is the master, and the best way is to beat it".

without doubt. The "dog" in this sentence refers to Mr. Truman. This sentence has gradually spread. No one avoids Mr. Truman. He himself has heard this sentence more than once.

However, he never showed any dissatisfaction, and sometimes joked with people about it. He is rapidly becoming what a real senior official should look like in the eyes of the federal people.

The change of time here can be said to be excellent, and the relationship between the president and him has become better, more harmonious and closer.

The relationship between his colleagues and him has also become a lot more integrated. Colleagues who didn't talk much before, including cabinet members, would stop to talk when they met, which was basically impossible in the past.

Everything is changing, and so are the capitalists.

Although they used to fight and kill, now he seems to be a guest of honor for capitalists. He is invited to all kinds of meaningless cocktail parties every day.

Those beautiful female stars can roll on his sheets as long as he hooks his fingers!

A person is too tired, a person and the whole world are really too tired to fight. Sometimes Mr. Truman will have a moment's illusion that it seems good if he goes on like this.

At least he doesn't need to prevent a stab in the back when he does something for the country and the people living here.

So that he seems to be really immersed in such a life and become mellow.

However, Lynch knew that this was not his true face.

Mr Truman has many relationships in the army, from the federal general to a new recruit, he has deep-rooted relationships.

After all, since his grandfather's generation, the men in their family have always served in the army. Over the years, they can always meet some "generals and comrades in arms".

Whether for the military's own interests or to realize some personal aspirations, Mr Truman will not easily change his original intention and does not need to do so.

You know, behind him is the Federal Military. He is the representative of the military in the government!

That's why the president simply gave him a leave, rather than removing him from office or sending him to other departments.

This is also the reason why those large consortia were robbed of a large number of orders by him, but they just found someone to report him on some non-existent charges.

Whether these crimes or holidays, they will end in the end. They just issued a warning and did not take more radical measures because of the military forces behind him.

Now Lynch asked this question, which made him slightly moved. As a soldier, he always thought he was a soldier. If he had a chance to revenge, he would not give up.

He picked up his glass and took a sip. He was thinking and struggling in his heart. Finally, he shook his head.

"Forget it, they and I have resolved the contradiction, and our relationship has been good recently."

He pointed to lynch with his hand holding the wine glass. "If you need it, I can help you lead the line and meet some of them. Maybe if you resolve the misunderstanding, something will be better."

Mr. Truman knows what happened to lynch recently. Someone threw black materials to report that Lynch had a large number of tax evasion during his stay in Saibin City, which alerted the federal tax bureau. Now they are investigating Lynch.

Although Lynch has the attribute of a diplomat, he is not a government official himself, so all kinds of investigations are not soft. Mr. Truman heard that his old partner has been arrested, and the tax department plans to get evidence that can threaten Lynch from Fox's mouth.

Lynch is full of trouble now, but this kind of trouble is not a big trouble in essence. As long as he is willing to bow his head, those things will end soon.

At that time, no one will be implicated except fox, who has come to the case.

Just, lower your head and show your state.

After hearing this, Lynch couldn't help laughing and burst into tears.

He wiped his tears and looked at Mr. Truman. "It's a good joke, but it's not for me."

His laughter gradually stopped. After taking out his handkerchief to wipe away his tears, he looked at Mr. Truman seriously and seriously, "if I can live on my knees, I'd rather die standing."

"Those people want me to bow my head?"

"Yes, when they completely beat me down, cut off my head and throw it under my feet!"

"No one wants me to bow my head while I'm alive!"

Truman stared at Lynch. He felt the rapid spread of goose bumps, followed by a desire to roar and shout.

He subconsciously picked up his glass and took a big sip of it to suppress the impulse he shouldn't have. He looked at Lynch as if he had known him the first day.

They were speechless. About ten seconds, twenty or thirty seconds later, Mr. Truman sighed heavily, "you don't want to bow your head, but everyone wants you to bow your head. What else can you do?"

He seemed to be talking about Lynch and himself.

After all, now he and Lynch are in the same trouble. Once Lynch is found to have evaded taxes, the capitalists will immediately divide up his assets.

This kind of thing is very common in the Federation. In the past, those capitalists annexed one enterprise after another in this way.

The main shareholders of an enterprise cannot attend the shareholders' meeting for some reasons, and then the shareholders only need to initiate the shareholders' meeting and vote.

According to the regulations, if the major shareholder abandons to arrange a proxy to attend the general meeting of shareholders, it shall be deemed that the major shareholder abstains from voting on the proposal at the general meeting of shareholders. If he does not want to abstain, he shall arrange a proxy.

As for whether the agent cooperates with them for the first time, it is not important, because the agent will eventually cooperate with their behavior. If the agent does not cooperate all the time, they have some ways to change it.

In the absence of major shareholders, a company will be completely split, which is to avoid some legal problems in the future to the greatest extent.

Finally, they transferred the company through a series of means such as splitting and restructuring, leaving only shareholders with an empty shell company full of liabilities.

In buppen, there are special "jackals" to help others, or specialize in this kind of work.

They dismember each company, reaping the wealth of the company and shareholders at the same time, if the company is listed.

In the end, enterprises became debt laden empty shells, sinking into the abyss with investors (if any) and declaring bankruptcy, but the capitalists and jackals were happy with money that didn't belong to them.

This is why the relevant federal financial laws stipulate that enterprises must accept investment and listing when their scale reaches a certain standard. They are prepared to be unreasonable from the beginning!

Once Lynch is put into prison, these things outside will get out of control in an instant. They will even borrow a loan equivalent to Lynch's total assets from the bank in the form of a resolution of the board of directors, and then leave the debt and shell company to Lynch.

The bank directly obtains all Lynch's assets through judicial means, and takes this part as part of the repayment of the loan, just part!

These should be enough assets, which may be less than 30% of their loan amount in the bank's view, and there will be more debt on Lynch.

These debts are not to kill Lynch, but not to give him a chance to turn over. If he is not thinking about doing business, revenge and willing to accept his life, the bank and those creditors will not force him or even forget it.

At this time, debt is actually just an insurance. For those vested interests, everyone is safe when they don't feel dangerous.

When they feel dangerous, they will use this debt to force those people to death.

The world of capital has never been gentle, and the war between capital and capital is more cruel and cruel.

Now, the senior management of a regional dominant consortium has issued a message to deal with Lynch. Who dares to stand up and help Lynch?

Even conglomerates of the same level may not be willing to take the lead - even if someone is willing to do so, they will wait until Lynch falls into the deepest abyss.

Now they are friends. When he falls into the abyss, Lynch will be inferior.

At a time when all eyes are on the enemy, it's nothing to lower your head.

But he didn't expect that Lynch was so strong.

"I just suddenly thought of another situation where I would bow my head..." Lynch took another sip of wine. "When I slapped them, I would bow my head and say I'm sorry!"