Chapter 663

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod


Michael, who held up his strong body, took a deep breath, supported his body, and then exhaled.

From the beginning of his maladjustment to now, he has fully adapted to the seemingly boring and simple, but actually simple and full life here. He has begun not to be at a loss as at the beginning.

Work hard, exercise, study and relax every day. Life in prison makes everyone's every day extra regular.

When and what to do every day have been arranged. They are relaxed and have self-discipline in work and rest. Almost most people get fat when they come in, and Michael is no exception.

Without those bad living habits outside, and he has been exercising his body, he has become much stronger. Even those who know him are unlikely to recognize him at first sight.

Life in prison is not really so good. All kinds of bullying are very common here. The federal public prison management system adopts a high degree of autonomy as the main structure of management, that is, prisoners manage prisoners.

Prison guards generally do not directly interfere in the conflict between prisoners. They will turn a blind eye as long as they do not cause death or injury, such as ordinary fighting.

In this case, whether you want to enrich yourself or protect yourself, strength is necessary.

Sweat beads rolled down his little fat skin. With each push up, the changes of muscle fiber texture under his skin could be seen with the naked eye. He always insisted.

Next to him, gap is also exercising.

Gap exercise is purely attracted by Michael. Any man wants to look more like a man than a woman.

No one dares to bully him in this prison, because he is now the chief accountant in the prison, helping the warden and prison guards deal with all kinds of work related to accounting. In the ruling class of the prison, he is a big baby. Anyone who wants to provoke or bully him has been strangled in the small black room by the prison guards.

Even Michael took his light, and now the two are the most special combination in prison.

At this time, the prison guard suddenly came outside the prison house. He pinched his waist with one hand and poked the steel bar on the door with a baton in the other hand.

"Michael, someone is visiting..."

Michael was stunned. As soon as he made an effort with his arms, he closed his stomach and shrunk his legs and directly stood up. He took a towel from the edge of the bed and wiped the sweat on his body. While changing his clothes, he asked, "can you tell me who it is first?"

According to federal prison regulations, prisoners have the right to refuse to be visited in order to respect their most basic rights.

The C.O. tilted his head. "The federal revenue service."

His tone is a little... Like disdain. In fact, he is more sour envy and jealousy. They are all federal government staff. Those people in the federal tax bureau are a little more popular than their prison guards.

Where can I show my license plate and say "federal revenue service", 99% of people have to admit advice, but prison guards?

After they got out of prison, they were no different from ordinary people. Sometimes they were even reluctant to say their work.

Michael looked at gap, nodded, then dressed and followed the guard to the visiting room.

He and gap have discussed before that no matter who goes out first, they will try to help each other apply for commutation. This is a special friendship in this special place and at a special time.

When Michael came to the visiting room, he found that the person in front of him was not director Johnson he knew, but a middle-aged man he didn't know, who looked younger than him.

"Are you Michael?", the guy with sunglasses in the room couldn't help but take off his sunglasses and looked up and down. He was full of muscles and almost wrote "I'm strong" on his forehead.

When he looked through Michael's file, it was just a middle-aged man with a medium body and a little puffy. Most bottom investigators were like that.

They don't need too much professional training and don't need to keep their figure. They often have dinner with some respondents between violating the rules and not violating the rules. They like to eat some high calorie junk food.

But the guy in front of me and the photos on the file were completely two people. The green face didn't recognize it for the first time.

Until he took out Michael's file, compared the faces of the two people, and found more and more common points, he was sure that the guy in front of him was Michael himself.

"You have changed a lot!"

Michael casually pulled out his chair and sat down. "If you stay here for two years, you'll be like me."

"Where's Johnson?"

Qingpi didn't sit down, but stood. He held his hands in his arms and looked down at Michael. "Johnson has been promoted to a nominal consultant researcher of the State Tax Bureau. The director of Saibin tax bureau is now someone else."

"I came here this time because I need your cooperation."

Michael was in a trance. "Did he quit?"

He said with a wry smile, "yes, for two years, it's almost time to make way for the people behind. After working all his life, he was kicked away at last..."

He didn't have such feelings before. At that time, he still wanted to take over director Johnson's class, let alone whether he was the person who kicked director Johnson away.

Now, there are still many regrets, especially that director Johnson has half retired, which means that there is no following for some things they agreed before - the special talent acquisition act.

In fact, this is bad news, because Michael doesn't know whether the new director will get him out. They don't have much relationship at all, and he humiliated the Sabin tax bureau.

At the thought of this, he became irritable.

It seemed that he saw what Michael was worried about. Qingpi asked directly, "are you worried about whether you can go out early, right?"

When Michael talked about Johnson, green face knew what he thought.

In fact, the special talent acquisition act is often used by people from the FBI. In order to solve some cases, they sometimes become irrational and have no bottom line. In that case, it is easy to violate the law.

It is also very useful to deal with those tainted witnesses or prisoners with real skills. The former may not apply for the president's pardon, but this bill can also solve many of their worries.

On the contrary, people who really have skills and are most suitable for this bill have received the least attention from this bill.

After all, without the drive of interests, who will apply for an administrative order for a criminal?

Michael didn't speak, but his green face smiled. He knew he had guessed right. "Introduce myself. I'm a special investigator of the State Tax Bureau. I can help you apply for the permission of the special talent expropriation act. At the same time, I can plead with the judge to prove that you played a key role in the detection of the case in my hands, and there is a high probability that you will give you a good commutation."

"You have to take advantage of the opportunity, Michael. Not everyone is as good as me."

Michael didn't hesitate too long. "I have no other way but to believe you. What do you want from me?"

Qingpi sipped his mouth. "Do you remember Lynch?"

"Lynch?", Michael's expression flashed a look of memory. If he knew Lynch was so bad, he would rather not know this guy.

The prison is not absolutely isolated from the outside world. There is a TV in the public activity room. They can also subscribe to newspapers and communicate with the outside world.

Lynch's subsequent rapid development and the peak he reached not long ago - "Mr. 10 billion" are telling Michael the fact that whether he wants to revenge Lynch or not, he has no great hope in his life.

Moreover, as a tax worker, he also knows very well that it is very difficult to bring down Lynch simply by relying on the organs under the federal government if there are no figures of the same magnitude or even higher level as Lynch to come forward and take the initiative to bring down Lynch.

Only when other big people like him want to deal with him can the tax bureau or the investigation bureau or something play a certain role. The really decisive person is not the law enforcement organ itself, but the person behind the instigation.

"Yes, I remember him. What happened to him?", Michael

"Someone reported him for tax evasion. We are conducting a comprehensive investigation into him. When I read the file, I found that you had participated in the investigation of Lynch, and before he was not famous."

"That's a very special period of time. Lynch may not be as difficult as he is now. Maybe you can provide something I don't know, such as some evidence."

Michael didn't think about it for too long. "I don't know much about Lynch. I just know that he laundered money together with a usurer named 'fox'. He helped fox clean up Fox's money by providing fox with legal income."

"There must be a relationship of interest between them. Lynch quickly accumulated his initial capital in this way, but later for some reasons... I came in and I couldn't continue with the case."

Qingpi frowned, "Fox has come to the case, but he only admits his own things, refuses to admit that he has had interest exchanges with Lynch, and does not admit that he laundered money through the methods provided by Lynch. He has borne all the charges alone, and we can't open a gap from fox."

"If you think about it carefully, you can think of any other important evidence."

Michael didn't expect fox to be so... He didn't know what to say. Most people in prison seem to be commendable. Each of them wants a companion who can take the blame for himself.

But this is what investigators hate most, which means that someone will go unpunished.

In nearly three minutes of thinking, Michael provided an important clue, "there is another link in the interest chain of Fox and Lynch's partnership in money laundering, that is, the newsboys!"