Chapter 667

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Big people don't want to end up in person.

There is no doubt about this. How did those who arrested Henghui do?

The local bureau of investigation, the tax bureau, the police station and the security committee went out together. They arrested all the senior Henghui without giving them any chance, and then threw them into a secret prison.

Then they announced the progress of some cases to the society, and finally, all of them admitted their mistakes in front of the judge.

It is worth noting that the trial is not open to the public. In other words, no one knows whether those senior executives of Henghui group were standing in the dock of the court that day, or whether it was just a "performance".

It was almost the same when ristoan fell. The local bureau of investigation, the tax bureau and the police station went out together and didn't give them any chance at all.

But now, only the state tax bureau is running the case. The police chief doesn't know who pushed it behind the scenes, but it won't have the result they want.

If an agent of a state tax bureau, or simply a state tax bureau, could pull down a large company, the Federation would have achieved equality for all long ago.

"Whose phone?"

Fern sat on the sofa and talked with a beautiful young girl. A few years ago, they were still shivering under the shadow of the newspaper. Now they have put on formal clothes and enjoyed all kinds of happiness in high-end places.

It's all because they're with the right person.

The more suffering people understand the value of sweetness, the more reluctant they are to go back to the bitter days.

This is different from those children born with a golden spoon. They were born in a honeypot and never tasted pain, so that they sometimes naively think that pain is the true meaning of life and yearn for it.

Of course, they do have willful capital, but not every regret after willfulness can achieve their wishes.

The green brothers never wanted to be independent. They are not that material. Their friendship with the big people in the city is based on the link of "Mr. Lynch".

Without Lynch, no one meets them. At the same time, their money, status and all kinds of things come from Lynch. They don't have the foundation to have ambition at all.

Life without burden, but very happy.

Noel, with a cigarette in his mouth, wrapped a pile of high-profile money with a rubber band and threw it on the table. It's the end of the month. It's time for everyone to share money.

The eyes of others in the room revolved around the pile of banknotes on the table. No one knew which one was their own, but they all wanted the most.

"It's the police chief..." he raised his hand, took off the cigarette in his mouth, slightly squeezed his eyes and threw out a mouthful of smoke on his head. He didn't want to be affected by the smoke. "He said someone was investigating us. I have to talk to Mr. Lynch."

He pointed to the door, and the others in the room stood up and left. Whether they like it or not, they must obey, because it is the privilege of the green brothers.

They dare to kill people and arrange others to kill people. No matter the former children, later children and adults have a fear of two and a half teenagers.

Many people are cruel these days, but few really dare to start. After all, the Federation is a country ruled by law - this is no joke!

There were only Noel and fern left in the room. Even fern's girlfriend was kicked out by him.

Noel tidied up his clothes, took a deep breath and picked up the phone.

Others said he was cruel, and there was fear in his eyes, but when he needed to face Lynch, he was also afraid.

I don't know why, he is afraid. Whether Lynch is angry or smiling, he will make the two brothers afraid. Maybe they smell a more tragic smell from Lynch.

After a few rings, the phone was connected, and there came Lynch's warm voice, "I'm Lynch..."

Noel was sitting in a chair. Hearing his voice, he was inexplicably nervous and stood up. He held his forehead to the window and whispered, "Mr. Lynch, this is Noel. Just now the chief of Saibin police called me and said that someone was investigating us."

"Investigate you, what do you have to investigate?", Lynch was a little surprised at first, but he quickly responded, "it's from the state tax bureau?"

"I'm not sure.", Noel told the truth and dared not lie.

Lynch's voice didn't change much, but Noel felt that his last half sentence had taken some anger, which may be a natural intuition?

Lynch smiled a few times and ran to his site to investigate him openly. This is not a humiliation, but a matter of survival.

If anyone can investigate him and try to get some explosive news from him, Saibin will be in chaos in the future.

If he doesn't deal with it, others will think that he is afraid and that he is not as tough as expected. Even if he is infringed, he doesn't dare to say anything.

Look at what the federal capitalists usually do. Even if those ordinary people take a penny more, they will spend tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands to sue this ordinary man for losing his wealth.

When dealing with the federal government, they will attack madly, incite public opinion, directly bribe the high-level officials, remove those people, and even support their political enemies without limits.

After half a minute of silence, Lynch made a decision, "I heard that Saibin has always had traffic accidents recently. Fortunately, no one has died. You should be careful when you travel in the future."

Noel nodded hard. "I know what to do, Mr. Lynch. And the police chief says hello to you."

"I see..."

After hanging up, Noel looked at fern. As soon as they touched each other's eyes, they knew what they thought. They were brothers.

Fern strode to the door. He took his coat from the hanger, put it on his body and left the office.

At the same time, the green face coming out of the police station was fidgeting in the street.

The lack of cooperation from the local law enforcement agencies made him very uncomfortable. He underestimated Lynch's position in the eyes of the local government and overestimated the reputation of the State Tax Bureau here.

He has entrusted the assistant director of the state tax bureau to contact the Federal Bureau of investigation to issue a notice of assistance in the investigation, offering a reward and wanted newspaper throughout the state.

There is little hope of finding the headlines. Maybe the bastard has fled to other states, and even, as Michael guessed, has been disposed of by Lynch.

This is just an attempt. The real way to crack it is still on the newsboys.

He looked at the file in his hand and picked out a child and a girl.

The girl has her own parents and two brothers above her. They were sent to different places by the couple to work as child workers. In this way, they have a stable family background and are girls. They should be easy to pry.

He soon made a decision to sit in the car. The car started slowly. He skillfully observed the surrounding situation through the rearview mirror. When he crossed the second intersection, a car running a red light suddenly hit his car.

For a moment, the huge impact left his brain blank, and his whole person was hit from the cab into the co pilot's seat.

Fortunately, the other party brakes in time, otherwise it is difficult to imagine what a tragic outcome will be.

Just as he checked his body to make sure he didn't bleed, suddenly someone approached the co pilot's window and whispered to him, "we'll brake this time, but not next time."

"This is not your territory. You'd better come and go back. You're not welcome here..."

When he suddenly turned to look at the speaker, the guy had left quickly with his back to him.

Qingpi struggled to catch up, but the moment the door was opened, he fell to the ground. The violent impact made his balance ability temporarily out of control. He struggled twice and didn't get up. Finally, he had to give up.

Before long, the police car and ambulance appeared together. He grabbed a policeman's hand, pointed to the battered driver in another car and said, "he did it on purpose, he did it on purpose!"

"This is murder!"

He was really frightened. Just at that moment, he had a feeling that he was about to die. That feeling could not be accurately described. It might be a biological instinct in the face of death, and he could feel that his life was coming to an end.

He never thought he would die in such a rural place. He was still young and had a bright future. How could he die here?

But when the messenger appeared, his fear increased.

Natural accidents cannot happen every day, but murder can happen every day.

At this time, he grabbed the policeman's hand, pointed to the driver who was likely to be with those people, and kept yelling.

The policeman then dragged the driver out of the cab and threw him on the stretcher. The policeman shook his head and said to his green face, "he didn't want to kill you, he just drank too much..."

In the Federation, there is no law on driving after drinking, because all industries and all sectors of society are drinking during this period.

Especially the middle and high class in society, they are either drinking or on the way to drinking - driving a car to drink.

If relevant laws are introduced, these people will have to pay an extra penny to hire a full-time driver, which is an additional expenditure. The purpose of their power is not to cause trouble for themselves.

There may be in the future, but there is no such law yet.

He looked at the police in disbelief and let the "murderer" leave. What's more, the police found him, "listen to your accent, you're not a local, please show me your driver's license..."

At this time, Qingpi face really had a deep-rooted cold. He vaguely knew that all this had something to do with his investigation of Lynch.