Chapter 674

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The feeling of sailing on the sea is sometimes not very good, especially for some people who are prone to seasickness.

The person in charge of staring at the money was pale and clutching the handrail on the side of the ship. His fingers could almost buckle out a few holes from the steel plate.

After the desire to vomit was suppressed again, he glanced at an officer standing not far away and took the initiative to lean over, "you must keep this money!"

His expression was a little ferocious, on the one hand, because the shaking waves made his vomit desire uneasy again, on the other hand, because the money could not be lost.

It seems that all parties paid a little, but in fact it was all paid by the Megan consortium.

Soren paid five million, but this money is actually equal to paying the later payment in advance. In the final analysis, it is the Megan consortium.

The federal government also offered 3 million yuan, but the 3 million yuan was originally an export subsidy to some subsidiaries of Megan consortium. Now the money has been moved here. Next, the goods that Megan consortium can enjoy the financial subsidy will not enjoy the financial subsidy when they leave the customs until the subsidy that should have been issued reaches 3 million yuan.

Together with the eight million they paid out, it can be said that the money is basically all the money of the Megan consortium.

In fact, they want to reduce the capital pressure on the consortium's book.

In the eyes of the board of directors of Megan consortium, it is just a group of crew members, goods made of deposited raw materials, which are not worth 16 million at all.

They even want these people to die, and then give a high pension door-to-door. When 100000 people are in place, how much money can they spend? Why are these people worth 16 million now?

Before this guy came, the people in the board of directors had been telling him to take good care of the money. When necessary, people and goods can be avoided, but the money can't be lost.

The officer glanced sideways at him and said solemnly, "try your best!" the expression on his face had explained the situation. It was a kind of disgust, a kind of disgust for the indifferent people.

The military group is relatively simple. This does not mean that people in the army are fools, but that their love and hate are very simple and the way of emotional expression is also very simple.

Like is like, don't like is don't like, won't in the heart don't like, but on the surface show a kind of philistine identity, here does not include the soldiers in the Ministry of national defense.

At this time, the 16 million raised by various parties were packed in eight boxes and tied with a buoy.

At this time, the warship they took was far away from the sight of the trading place. If so many warships sailed together, I'm afraid the robbers would directly tear up their tickets and leave, although people in the board of directors of Megan consortium really think so.

The current plan is that the person in charge of the transaction will take the money, and then look at the people. After there is no accident, he will bring the people back, or return to the cargo ship, and then contact the Navy by radio.

For the task force, they do not think that the ships of these robbers can run faster than warships. After Navy analysis, they believe that pirates are unlikely to use speedboats as vehicles in the open sea.

Offshore and near the continental shelf can be understood by speedboats. The waves are relatively mild, but once they leave the continental shelf and enter the open sea, the waves will become particularly terrible.

Sometimes even on a sunny day, just a little stronger wind can bring waves of several meters or more.

Speedboats don't have the foundation to sail in the open sea. Pirates must have ships on the back of the island where they rest, or there are bases in the island. In short, they can't run away.

In order to ensure the safety of the personnel receiving the hostages to the greatest extent, someone in the ad hoc group put forward this idea.

Tie the money to the buoy and tow it with a boat. If the robbers don't intend to be reasonable and don't intend to collect and release the money, it's not so easy to get the money for a time.

In this way, the safety of the personnel who went to negotiate can be guaranteed, at least they will not be killed on the spot.

If the robbers are reasonable and willing to follow the rules of the transaction, they can pull the buoy and money by folding the rope.

As soon as this idea was put forward, it was approved by everyone. It is safe, not a breach of contract, and quite flexible.

Not long after, a small boat dragged the buoy away from the ships, watching it gradually disappear on the distant sea level, everyone's mood was raised.

Some time later, a lookout from a high place on a distant island saw the boat in the distance.

It's not small, but it's really small compared with warships or large cargo ships.

The watchman whistled, and soon the whistle became a piece. Connie, who was dazed by the sun, was kicked and woke up from his sleep.

He sat up, bang bang mouth, foolishly looked at the crew tied up around, wrapped up some smelly spittle in his mouth, and stood up loosely.

These days are the most relaxing time for him. These pirates are not as terrible as people thought at the beginning.

They not only did not wantonly kill any crew members, but also did not abuse them or anything. Instead, they were good to them.

They gave all the crew the necessary supplies, fresh water and food for life during this period. In addition, they didn't need to work. They ate, slept and ate all day. There was nothing bothering at all.

At this moment, some people didn't expect much when talking about the ransom giver. Instead, there was a strange "how the hell did you come so fast".

Connie also sighed. Yes, how the hell did you come so fast, but it was actually an excitement after seeing hope, not really hoping to rescue more slowly.

All the crew's hands were locked by iron shackles. The key was in the pirate's hand, and then it was connected with a chain. The two pirates led them to the beach.

I don't know if it was an illusion. Connie's eyes turned around. After turning for a while, he said to the people in front of him, "do you find that there are fewer pirates?"

The seaman in front of him knew him for some time, and they were also familiar. After all, Connie had an additional relationship with the company. Even if he didn't like this person, he wouldn't rashly offend him. What's more, Connie was not a annoying person.

The man in front of him also looked around for a while, but not as fussy as Connie. "It's a lot less than yesterday. It should be hiding or going to the other side?"

In the past few days of being hijacked, they occasionally talk about these robbers, such as their stupid behavior of asking for ransom.

Asking for ransom means exposing themselves. Once they expose themselves, how can they escape?

That's 16 million, enough for the company to set up a group of people to besiege them!

Finally, they also came to a conclusion that there should be ships, big ships and ships that can run far on the back of the island.

When the man in front said that, Connie didn't continue to talk about the topic.

A group of people stood on the beach and looked at a small black spot getting bigger and bigger in the distance until a boat appeared in front of them. A fishing boat hung a few small fish that had not been dried on the suspended fishing net. It could be seen that it came in a hurry.

At this time, a guy in a short sleeved shirt jumped down from the boat. He held his hands high and approached slowly.

"That guy's shirt is good. It shouldn't be cheap." as a hostage, Connie didn't realize it at all. He was still commenting on the people who came to rescue them.

People around him also nodded. Short sleeved shirts were once criticized by some people as a desecration of formal clothes, but they eventually became popular these years.

In summer, not to mention wearing a full suit, even wearing a long sleeved shirt is very hot.

Two pirates approached for a moment, and then they got on the fishing boat. A moment later, there was the sound of the motor. At the same time, the guy in short sleeved shirt came over.

"Have any of you been killed or injured?", Connie didn't continue to arrange him because of his sincere concern on his face. Everyone looked at each other and said that the pirates were not so bad.

Hearing this, the man breathed a sigh of relief.

The next step is the process of checking money and releasing people. Watching the pirates quickly disappear into the not dense jungle of the island with their money boxes, the people who came to pick up the crew turned on the radio.

Soon after, four warships surrounded here from four directions, but they couldn't find any trace. Those pirates seemed to be completely missing.

"Will he stay on the island?", the guy in charge of supervising the money is going crazy. He grabbed his hair and 16 million disappeared under his eyelids. He can imagine how the board of directors will treat him when he returns.

The officer who came to take charge of the military operation frowned and said, "We searched the whole island and found no abnormalities. We didn't see any ports on the back of the island, and there were no signs of anchor dragging near the shoal."

"Observing the hot-air balloon, I didn't find any trace of the enemy. They seemed to be completely missing..."


This is not a successful rescue for some people, because the money is lost.

Not only the money was lost, the generator set on board was more or less damaged and could not be delivered immediately.

But for the federal society, this absolutely reflects the superiority of the Federation - life is extremely noble. Whether people believe it before or not, they will continue to believe it in the future, at least at this moment.

Around the investigation of pirates, there was an unexpected investigation soon. Those pirates may have left by submarine!

This is exactly in line with the description of the rescued crew. There are fewer and fewer people on the island. Most of them left first by submarine, leaving only a few people waiting to collect money.

It is precisely because this involves submarines, a "strategic" weapon that has not yet been solved, that the federal high-level has paid unprecedented attention to it.

The results of their naval battle against gavra are based on the use of submarines. If other countries can also use submarines for practical military operations, this is definitely not good news.

Knowing this possibility, the president asked a question, "how can we counter submarine damage to us in war?"