Chapter 709

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
When jania came back, the two gentlemen around Lynch soon left with a smile.

She and Lynch are Lynch's female companions. These people naturally know how to do it.

When the male guests and female partners are not separated, it's best not to disturb them. They either have something to say or avoid other people's chat-up in this way.

Whether it's a chat up, a visit, or just want to get to know each other, don't do that. It's not polite and safe.

"You're very popular!" jania continued to hold Lynch's arm. "I'm a little hungry. Get something to eat!"

As they walked towards the cook, Lynch explained that from the beginning of summer to late autumn, it was the outbreak season of federal art, which would last about four months.

In these four months, all kinds of art galleries in bupaine will be open, and bupaine people can enjoy all kinds of strange art exhibitions.

Of course, the most impressive is the "artistic behavior" of vegetarian organizations and animal protection organizations. They will make some girls pretend to be all kinds of animals, such as cattle or sheep and other animals, naked fruit, lying on the dinner plate or next to all kinds of fur products.

They also sprinkle some red fuel to show "blood" to remind people to be kind to animals.

In addition to them, the parade held by women's rights people is also the most worth watching. A large number of young girls wearing shorts and upper bodies walk in the street with various slogan flags, loudly reading that women should enjoy everything men have, including displaying their bodies in public——

Wearing shorts because showing certain organs would be considered a crime, but shirtless upper body would not.

This is the "performance art" worth seeing every year, followed by the art exhibitions of famous artists and the personal art exhibitions of some artists who have never heard of.

They walked to the right of the restaurant. In addition to the cold table, there will also be cooks cooking food on site.

They each ordered some food and then found a place to sit down.

Jania played with her curly hair hanging from her temples. "I remember you had a production company?"

"To be exact, you may have heard of fox pictures, the production company I invested in."

Jania nodded suddenly. "I've seen the two movies you made, the adventures of Lynch. They said they were all real things that happened to you. Is it true?"

Talking about this, Lynch had some interest. "Of course, there are still many things that are not suitable for the people to know. You know, there are some cannibals living in the depths of the nagaril forest..."

Exploration, surprise, these things will always attract people's attention. People are naturally curious creatures. They are full of the desire to explore the unknown.

The two talked about Lynch's magical adventure for a long time. Jania smiled and said that she didn't believe what Lynch said. "You mentioned that the two countries should make some films together in the cultural exchange we talked about with the ministers. Just now the head of the delegation told me that maybe we have the opportunity to finalize some of the projects during this visit."

"Do you have a suitable script?" Lynch asked.

CO production between the two countries is not a simple project and then shooting. It takes a long time to discuss who will provide the script, what the tendency and position of the script are, what the nature of the actors' roles, who will lead the shooting and who will lead the performance.

Especially after the federal announced the new military plan, the Gavras followed, making the atmosphere between the two countries, which was already a little tense, even more tense.

This competition is not a good phenomenon, even if both countries are in the same camp.

At present, there have been some statements that if a second war affecting the whole world will break out one day, there will be a war between gavra and Baylor Federation.

No matter how much both sides deny this possibility, we all know that it is not false.

First, one is enough, there is no need for two!

The gavra people sent a delegation at this time, in fact, in order to ease this atmosphere. They are not ready to really enter the comprehensive competition with the Federation. Only when the Amelia region stabilizes, will they consider the competition with the Federation and even the world.

Political, military, economic, cultural and social

Jania shook her head. "There's nothing particularly suitable. It's possible that this co shooting plan will be divided into two parts, led by you and led by us."

"It's said that the two countries are shooting together. In fact, it's more like you shooting yours and we shooting ours, but we will use actors from each other's countries..."

The waiter brought food for them. After the waiter left, Lynch said while holding a knife and fork, "that's OK. I have a co shooting place in my hand. Maybe we can cooperate."

Jania had some interest. "What subject?"

"Anti war!"

The anti war theme has always been a very sensitive topic. If people want to face up to mistakes, someone has to admit mistakes. Often the party who admits mistakes is a defeated country.

But in fact, everyone knows that most of the time, the defeated country may not be the one who made mistakes. They just lost the right to speak in this "game".

Only those who cause war are those who really make mistakes, but these countries sometimes appear in the form of victorious countries.

Just like now, no one will accuse gavra of setting off wars everywhere. People will only say that those defeated countries have been devastated because they tried to challenge the dignity of the first order in the world.

This subject is always very sensitive. The defeated countries don't want to shoot, and the defeated countries don't want to shoot.

But this theme is very special. Making an anti war film at this time is still a joint production of the two countries. It will win a prize!

Jania put out her tongue and licked a grease stain at the corner of her mouth. "Is there still a lack of heroine?"

Lynch was a little embarrassed. "I already have a favorite candidate, but if you have a deeper interpretation of the script, maybe I can let you try."

"Where is the script?"

"In my room!"


Three days later, Lynch propped up and left the villa in the middle of the mountain. During these three days, jania has been living with him. Through various means, he did not ask for further information. It seems that the purpose of the delegation is only those clearly stated.

There is no deeper meaning.

As a special adviser to the security committee, Lynch has a special sense of mission. Dedicating himself to the country has always been his most desired thing.

I left here today mainly because an old acquaintance came to the Federation. As the host, he had to meet each other and talk about other things.

At more than 10 a.m., Lynch met delag at the port east of buppen.

Now he is no longer a provincial governor, but an ordinary retired federal citizen who can get a maximum pension of 750 yuan a month. He is just an old man who wants to spend his old age in peace.

"Mr. Lynch..." when delag saw Lynch, he was very moved. Just three days ago, he was one of the members of the new Federation of nagariel, but now he is just an ordinary person.

He didn't want to bow his head to anyone. As a provincial governor and a local emperor, he tried to maintain his dignity even in the most rampant period of federal invasion.

But at this moment, he bowed his head.

When he lost power, he lost the capital to fight against the federals and Lynch.

In the past, he held power and was qualified to face Lynch, but now, he is just an ordinary person, and this is still the Federation, Lynch's territory.

The reality is like this. It's very realistic. It seems that this is bullshit, but it's also realistic bullshit.

Lynch stood still and didn't move. When he looked at delag coming in front of him, he held out his hand, and the smile on his face became vivid. "Welcome, Mr. dragg, although I can't welcome you on behalf of the Federation and everyone here, I'd like to welcome you on behalf of myself!"

"This is your most correct choice, I can assure you!"

Delag smiled reluctantly. He didn't wear sunglasses, as if to better see the world. "Please take care of me and my family more in the future. I'm just an ordinary person now."

Lynch added a little, "an ordinary man worthy of respect, because you are on the side of justice!"

He paused and released his hand. "Get in the car. I'll show you around here. You'll live here in the future, but you don't have to worry that your retirement life will be too boring. Someone will come to the door soon!"

This sentence made delag a little uneasy. He got on the nanny car prepared by Lynch for him. After entering the car, he was shocked by the interior of the nanny car. He had no idea that the interior of a car could be so luxurious.

Soft sofas open on both sides, wine cabinets and a small dance floor, this is a mobile pleasure place!

He then sat down and looked at Lynch. "I don't quite understand what you mean. Who will find me, the enemy or the enemy?"

Lynch asked them to pour two glasses of wine. He smiled and waved his hand. "Sorry, I didn't make it clear. In fact, it's some TV program groups. Your arrival will make the federal people gather a kind of strength and confidence."

"The Federation will focus on publicizing this aspect. At that time, you will often participate in some TV programs. In these programs, you need to tell the people the reasons why you chose to settle in the Federation and talk about some problems in the past in nagaril."

"You know, people always want to be right and just. Not only you, me, Mr. President, but also our people want us to be the Party of justice!"

He raised his glass. "Cheers to our meeting in the Federation!"