Chapter 714

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"Mr. President!"

Another admiral of the navy was the commander in chief of the joint military exercise. He heard that the president was a little surprised when he came to him, but soon his smiling face became serious.

Then something unusual happened to both Federalists and others, including the military observers of various countries.

The original "unrestrained" federal fleet formation suddenly changed and became like defense. The overall change was very eye-catching.

In addition to this change, the contents of their exercises have also been deleted. In this small-scale encounter, the federal fleet performed the worst, and they killed the least target ships. All of a sudden, it was like... What a conspiracy.

The General Commander of the gavra fleet was a little more sensitive than others. His excellent experience and intuition immediately discovered the subtleties of the change of the federal fleet.

"They are making a defensive formation. Something must have happened that we don't know. Where is their submarine?"

"Their submarine is still docked at the designated place."

"Keep an eye on their submarines and notify me as soon as they dive, okay?"

After instructing his men, the General Commander of the gavra fleet was still a little worried. Then the gavra fleet began to change its formation. The angle of their ships changed by at least ten degrees, and the angle of some warships changed by more than thirty degrees. This change is easy to be found by people.

From the perspective of a third party, it seems that both sides... Are on guard against each other!

Is this... To use this military exercise to shoot black guns?

At present, the two countries with the strongest naval military strength in the world suddenly began to change their formation and angle to make a defensive posture. If people in other countries had not found these subtle changes, they would have perished in the previous war.

At this time, the heads of all other countries were considering a question. What if the gavra and the federals fought again?

Do you choose to stand in line or watch?

Also, will this war spread to them first?

In order to avoid the misfortune of the weak in the struggle between the two powers, some changes have begun to take place in the military style of other countries. The warships of some countries with weak military strength directly sent out the signal of fault maintenance and asked the tugs to drag them away from the exercise sea area.

So a military exercise that should have been wonderful suddenly became a little unpredictable.

Due to the problem of changing the angle, the target ship did not change the position, which led to many warships that only the front gun or rear gun could fire, far from the shock brought by the multi gun salvo.

don 't get around much anymore.

In less than an hour after these changes, Ambassador gavra asked to see the president. Heads of state were in close contact.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Lynch. He, Truman and those military people are eating barbecue and drinking beer while watching the joint military exercise with sudden changes in style.

"The Navy's new warship will take about four to five years to launch. This span is too long..." Mr. Truman talked about the service plan of the new armament.

There are many soldiers in the room, both the army and the Navy. Their rank is no higher than Colonel, but behind them are generals.

Everyone belongs to the backbone in his own faction.

The military is independent of the political system and the Ministry of defense. They are the most hated dictatorship system, and the superior officers have almost indisputable ruling power over the subordinate.

Some people have criticized the lack of transparency in the management of the military, but this is the characteristic of the military.

If an institution involving national sovereignty and security, such as the army, also becomes a congress hall, it will be the real end!

As a political representative of the military going out, Mr. Truman can now be said to be in a high position. The military is very optimistic about his future and will always send some new generation of military representatives to contact and establish relations with him.

In the government, there are people who speak for themselves and no people who speak for themselves. Whether the person who speaks has a position or not is absolutely two kinds of feelings.

As for Lynch, he is also a good friend, and the admirals like him very much.

Speaking of more professional issues, Lynch naturally stopped talking, and the people in the Navy began to talk along Mr. Truman's topic.

"Some of our less backward training ships are undergoing transformation and are unlikely to perform offshore missions, but they can still be competent for offshore missions. A temporary formation will come out next year."

The Navy captain who spoke sighed, "the construction of warships takes too much time. If only warships could be as simple as army equipment."

"If you want to come to the army, we can change. The new equipment has begun to change. I'm sure you'll be satisfied!" interrupted an army officer.

The navy has proved itself, so the Navy not only does not need disarmament but also can expand its troops, but the army is still in the process of small-scale abolition.

However, there will be no disarmament plan next year. At least for a few years, the army will not have the possibility of disarmament. After all, the army is the most important and final means of local defense.

Some of the army's new equipment is nothing more than new standard weapons, two kinds of semi-automatic rifles, several new pistols, some new machine guns and new artillery. In short, they are still those things, that is, there has been progress in performance.

Incidentally, this army reshuffle completely integrates all calibres. No matter which military industrial group produces weapons, the calibres of weapons in the same specifications are consistent.

This is also proposed by the Ministry of defense, and reducing logistics pressure is put in the first place.

The reason for this is that the international strategic research group of the Ministry of defense believes that the probability of future defensive war in the federal territory is small, and it is more likely to break out of active attack, so logistics is very important.

A group of people were talking in full swing. Lynch was watching TV, eating barbecue and drinking beer. He didn't interrupt or communicate with him, but he didn't seem so lonely.

Suddenly, Mr Truman asked, "Lynch, what do you think of the future war?"

This question is a little more advanced. From decades ago to now, the development of war is so fast that people can't adapt.

The emergence of motorized troops and more advanced weapons have completely changed the way of war. The picture of shooting each other after array as in the past will never appear again.

Artillery, especially large caliber artillery, dominated the war. Whether it was bunkers or trenches, it was of little significance in the face of dense artillery coverage.

It's like that every war stage will fall into a stagnation when it develops to a certain form. The form of war has not changed much in recent decades. This group of soldiers who drink some wine and divergent thinking begin to imagine what the future war will be like.

Lynch took a sip of beer. The malt smell was very strong. He put down his beer, thought for a while and said, "there are our soldiers on the land and my soldiers in the sea. Where else do you think there should be our soldiers?"

The question was very interesting. The quick and slow thinking soldiers began to think. Mr. Truman didn't drink much. He seemed to know the answer and said in an uncertain tone, "heaven?"

Lynch nodded. "Yes, in the sky."

"The simultaneous attack of sea, land and air on three sides is the form of war in the future. The era of giant ships will be ended by the era of sky..."

As soon as Lin Qi said this, a naval officer interrupted him, "impossible!"

"Mr. Lynch, I admit... Your idea is very interesting, but your statement is not very realistic."

"I know those aircraft. They can only carry two people. It's difficult to fly a little more. How can this kind of thing end the Navy?"

He said in a much louder voice, "fly up and hit the warship?"

People laughed loudly, and so did the officer. "What else can they do except to smear two pools of blood on the deck?"

"Ah, yes, they can kill our cleaners!"

Looking at the officers laughing loudly and drinking beer, Mr. Truman did not join them, but was seriously thinking about the problem.

Lynch also had a calm face. He didn't feel unhappy. A civilized man wouldn't be angry because a group of backward savage aborigines laughed at his hat.

Just like at this moment, he concluded that the future belongs to the sky, and these people will eventually witness the arrival of an era belonging to the sky.

How happy they laugh now, how ashamed they will be in the future.

"Does the aircraft have the opportunity to do this, Lynch?", Mr. Truman is still relative to reason. "I know it can carry some light weapons into the air, but the ship weapons seem too heavy. The weight of a torpedo is about to catch up with those aircraft now. How can it become the master of the new war?"

Lynch took out a box of cigarettes and lit one. While spitting out his cigarette, he said, "technology is always improving."

"When people first use a firegun to shoot an enemy 50 yards away, they must not think that in the future, an enlarged firegun can shoot more than ten pounds and dozens of pounds of shells and kill a group of people at once."

"Now many people think that aircraft is a dangerous game for rich people. Why can't it fly with one or two torpedoes in the future?"

"Special bombs, special torpedoes, the times are always making progress, and this day will not be too far away."

Mr Truman looked at Lynch thoughtfully, "is that why you set up an aircraft company for the future sky?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Someone must try to explore the road to the future. I'm not the first or the last."

"But in this matter, I am confident that I will be the one who will succeed!"