Chapter 723

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"Mr. Lynch, have you read today's newspaper?"

In the carriage of the train, the staff sergeant suddenly asked a question. Lynch, who was reading, put down his book, looked at him and motioned him to continue.

The staff sergeant sorted out his thoughts and asked a question that puzzled him all morning. "Just after the joint military exercise, Shep ship announced the performance parameters of Wave II submarine. Is this..."

He hesitated. "Too arrogant?"

"I mean, if we have a new military equipment plan, we should hide it instead of publishing it like this. Anyone who buys a newspaper can see those important parameters!"

He waved his newspaper, which contained not only a vague design sketch, but also very detailed submarine parameters.

For ordinary people, these parameters are just numbers, and they can't get anything valuable from these numbers.

However, for laboratories and institutions specialized in arms research in other countries, these data can not only expose the current technical strength of the Federation in this regard, but also provide a "light" for other countries.

For example, a certain structure plans to build a submarine with an underwater speed of 10 knots, but the federally announced performance has reached 12 knots, and the 20% performance difference is enough to roll over in science and technology.

Then this country may redesign a new submarine with underwater speed, even if it can't surpass, it won't lag too much behind to fight against the new federal submarine.

This seems to be of little value and significance, but in fact, it avoids the country from wasting money on these military equipment that will inevitably lag behind as soon as they are produced, reducing the possibility of their losses.

The data released by the Federation will cause shock all over the world. People will take the federal data as a standard for the comparison of submarines in the next batch.

It's not good for the Federation, so Sergeant doesn't know why the Federation did it.

You know, before this, the Federation has never released any relevant information. They are unwilling to tell others the caliber of army rifle bullets, but now they tell others so much, which is difficult to understand.

Lynch tilted his lips. He took out a box of cigarettes. The staff sergeant opened the window of the car for him.

The rolling wheels kept moving forward with a rhythmic clatter, and the wind outside the window also blew in, showing a hot summer atmosphere and a smell of fishy decay of plants in the wilderness after exposure to the sun.

He lit the fire and spit, "we often say that the biggest difference between humans and animals is that we are intelligent creatures, but in fact, there are many other intelligent creatures in nature besides us."

"But why am I the master of the world, not other creatures, you know?"

The staff sergeant thought about it carefully. He graduated from high school, which is regarded as the general education level. He tentatively asked, "because can we use tools?"

"This is just one of them. Maybe you don't know. In fact, humans are not the only intelligent animals that can use tools."

"There are other factors. Think again."

The staff sergeant said a lot about the difference between intelligent creatures and ordinary animals, but he didn't say what Lynch wanted to express. Finally, he gave up, "I don't know. It's too difficult."

"Not at all!" Lynch laughed and said if he pointed, "because humans can lie..."

Lies are also one of the important driving forces of social development. From "we will live better" to "capitalists will sympathize with us" and then to "we will never lie", human history is actually a fraud and the development history of lies.

And in this process, the role of lies is not simple.

When "after all, I sacrificed for my country!"