Chapter 747

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"It's... Incredible!"

In the office of the second executive office of the imperial division of the internal security department of the gavra Empire, Lynch looked at some of the materials in his hand in disbelief.

His expression did show enough sadness and surprise, like... No, it's true.

This is what he really thinks at this time.

He put some of the materials in his hand back on the table, then tilted his legs and lit a cigarette.

Many times, Lynch doesn't need nicotine to promote dopamine secretion. What he needs is a small prop that can divert others' attention anytime and anywhere.

A cigarette, a pen and a nail clipper will do, but people will be less vigilant and easier to use than the latter two.

It's amazing to say that most people don't pay too much attention to the cigarettes on the hands sitting opposite them. Many times they ignore this thing in the process of communication.

However, if the soot falls on the ground, or on the document, or is pressed out in the ashtray by the holder... People's attention will be transferred inexplicably, even if the transfer time may be one or two seconds.

But it's really changed. People will think "this bastard left his ashes on my stall." the latter "doesn't he know that he's been paying attention to his ashes for a long time" and finally "he's finally over. I'm almost fed up."

These tips can sometimes play a very important role. When people are distracted, they will produce almost instinctive stress responses.

Everyone has this reaction, but some people will be suppressed by reason after training. Instinct will regain its peak only when they are distracted.

At the same time, people's thinking or an idea is not generated immediately. There will be a process, and this process will be interrupted.

Sometimes a mother walks towards her child while saying something, but because the child asks her to repeat, she suddenly forgets what she just said and what she wants to do.

These small moves can also play this role, as long as we seize the opportunity.

"Do you mind?" Lynch raised his cigarette and the prosecutor of the Ministry of interior, sitting opposite his desk, shook his head.

The prosecutor of the Ministry of the interior, a special post, just like the Security Council, focuses on the detection of some cases that threaten national security, but these cases are limited to the country and involve government staff and nobles.

If there are no government workers or nobles in the case, the seventh police force will be responsible. Some people also call them "the running dogs of the emperor".

Sometimes the gavra people's brain is like being kicked by a donkey. They respect and love their emperor very much, but sometimes they are very mean. These two performances are often combined, which is also one of the cultural characteristics of gavra.

"Baron Lynch, do you know this Mr. Richard?", the expression of the prosecutor of the Ministry of the interior is very ordinary, there is no serious change that can be seen, just like there is no expression on his face when he first got up, and he can't see the emotional change in his heart.

Lynch nodded. He picked up the information on the table and looked again. "Richard used to be one of my partners, but then he shook his head because of us..." "... We didn't continue to cooperate because of some conceptual differences."

"You don't think I did it?" Lynch said and smiled. The laughter was very bright and not nervous at all.

This performance made the prosecutor realize that if Lynch did this, they would face a terrible opponent. At least Lynch now behaves like a person who has received professional training. There are no flaws in the subtle changes of his facial muscles, his eyes, his pupils and some small body movements.

This only means that either he did it or he planned it carefully.

This also makes the prosecutor a little confused. He has read Lynch's information. This should not be a federal spy who has received any professional training. His track is too detailed.

So detailed that anyone engaged in espionage knows that there can be no problem!

It's like Lynch's information has his resume at every step of his life, such as his middle school, school and class.

If you want to check this person, you can find his classmates' parents through the school, ask them if they have an impression of Lynch, and show multiple photos to confirm Lynch's identity.

By controlling the time period and asking some questions to some people, we can find out whether Lynch has contacted some institutions or "disappeared" for a period of time.

Generally speaking, the identity information of espionage personnel is said to be forged, but it is still a little vague. There is no such detailed information as Lynch's.

But he didn't know that in another world, Lynch had accepted the strictest interrogation system and carried more than a dozen measures. This intensity of interrogation was more like chatting for him.

The prosecutor's attention focused again. He took out some photos and put them on the table. "You have contacted Richard many times since you came to the Empire. What did you talk about?"

Lynch glanced at several photos on the table. They were very clear and at a good angle, which ensured that Lynch was basically facing the camera and had enough space to identify his facial features.

These photos were taken of him, along with Richard.

"As I said, he and I ended our cooperative relationship in the Federation because of some differences. I met him when I came to be sealed this time and just had a chat."

"You don't think I'm the kind of person who always expects that my partners are not as good as me, or may go bankrupt at any time?"

His clean face wore a smile that people could easily believe him. "I just heard that his company was going public. Congratulations on his success."

After the prosecutor looked at Lynch and reconfirmed that the questions were worthless, he tried to make the inquiry more aggressive. "We found a letter in Mr. Richard's coat pocket. Do you want to know what it said?"

Lynch nodded. "I'm curious."

"Don't you want to see?" the prosecutor asked back quickly, reducing Lynch's time for thinking.

But this little trick

Lynch's response was also timely, "can you show me this important evidence?"

Prosecutor: "or do you already know what is written on the stationery?"

Lynch smiled again. "You shouldn't be a prosecutor. Maybe wizards or psychics are better for you."

Neither of them avoided the other's eyes and looked at each other. Suddenly, the prosecutor's eyes were pulled by the soot falling on the table. In less than half a second, their eyes were staggered and did not touch again.

It's tricky, which makes the prosecutor always think Lynch may have a problem.

When he came back, he frowned. Lynch was an imperial aristocrat. Although the Ministry of the interior was a security agency for these aristocrats and officials, they could not take measures against the aristocrats without definite evidence.

Otherwise, once the nobles of the Privy Council start to quarrel, even his majesty will eventually give in.

The seemingly short confrontation gave the prosecutor some ideas. He wanted to ask some more intense questions, but now think about it, it's not time.

"Baron Lynch, this case involves national security. You can't leave the Empire until the case is solved. I hope you can forgive me."

"If there is any need for follow-up, I will contact you. Of course, if you have any clues or find anything valuable, you can call me."

The prosecutor handed a business card. Lynch snuffed out the cigarette end in the ashtray. He kept the business card properly, at least as it seemed.

"So?" Lynch opened with a tone of whether it was time to end.

In fact, the prosecutor doesn't want to end this inquiry immediately. The three days after the case is the golden time for detection. If you miss this time, if you don't catch the criminal who committed the crime, some evidence will lose value and the criminal's psychology and other factors will become more stable.

But the rhythm was interrupted twice, which made the prosecutor realize that it was of little value to continue, so he stood up and took Lynch to the door. "Thank you for your cooperation, Baron Lynch. I'm very sorry for delaying your personal time."

Lynch still smiled. He held the prosecutor's hand and shook it slightly. "Although I am not a citizen of the Empire, I also respect the laws of the Empire and national security. If you need my cooperation, just call me."

"You must know my phone number!" is a little ironic, but not strong.

Lynch didn't give the prosecutor a business card or tell him the phone number of his residence, but both sides knew that Lynch was right.

The prosecutor nodded and released his hand.

Looking at Lynch's back, the prosecutor always believed that Lynch had something to do with the case anyway!

Richard's death caused great turbulence. After the listing, the scale of Yuanrong capital was close to 600 million (VLA), and the fifth issue of gold bonds was still on sale.

Now it is revealed that Yuanrong capital is suspected of data fraud, which may be a high-end scam, and the news that the largest shareholder is suspected of committing suicide has shocked the whole country.

The imperial capital has started a parade to strive for its own rights and interests, hoping that the empire can first compensate the money in the Yuanrong capital account to the buyers of the fifth phase of gold bonds.

But the buyers of other gold certificates seemed to disagree, and people gathered in the imperial capital all over the country.

Such a big case shook not only the whole empire, but also the whole world.

The next day, the federal Times reported this news. Together with the money evaporated from the stock market, Yuanrong capital produced a capital black hole of more than one billion (Federal sol).

The second phase of the federal submarine military expenditure has only been approved for 700 million