Chapter 765

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
When the emperor said he would use the national treasury to deal with the current crisis, the first person to stand up was not the prime minister, nor the finance minister, but the defense minister.

His majesty did not immediately argue with him, but looked at others. He needed to find out whether there had been any change in the attitude and position of each of these ministers.

When his eyes touched the Secretary of the army, the Secretary of the army hesitated to meet his eyes, "Your Majesty, my view is the same as that of the Secretary of defense. The end of the year is coming."

"At the end of the year?", his Majesty's mouth pulled, "what happened at the end of the year?"

He knew that this was an excuse and felt a sense of urgency. Only the emperor who firmly grasped power was the real emperor.

Those emperors who did not seize all power were just puppets. Although he was not a puppet that could be manipulated by people, he was very angry when he saw that these people always opposed his ideas.

These anger did not appear on his face. No matter his expression or his tone, there seemed to be no anger.

A little indifferent, a little indifferent.

The Minister of the army showed some embarrassed expressions on his face. He whispered, "to uniformly distribute the pensions for the soldiers killed in the second half of the year, the local troops need to change their defense with the local troops, the ordnance also needs to be maintained, and some equipment needs to be changed..."

In a word, the emperor, who had wanted to refute the Minister of the army, closed his mouth. He remained silent for a long time. There was no sound in the ruler's hall, and he couldn't even hear his breath.

Yes, it's time for a pension.

The number of soldiers killed in ammeria has almost caught up with the number of soldiers killed in the world war. These wastes die. His majesty feels that they are a waste of food if they don't die.

With the most advanced weapons of the Empire and the most perfect logistics, I couldn't beat a group of armed civilians!

But no matter how much he hates these armies, he must also face this problem.

Although they are waste, they have given their lives for the country.

According to the current pension system implemented by the gavra Empire, they need to pay a one-time death pension of 3500 yuan to the families of each soldier killed in battle, and then pay an additional salary every quarter.

The salary standard is 80% of the current rank salary of servicemen. This money will be paid for three to six years. It can be regarded as helping these families who have sacrificed their families through the first and most difficult times.

This is not a small expense. In addition to this expense, there are other military expenses, which are called headache.

His Majesty's skull began to ache again. He endured the pain and looked at the others. "Who else wants to say something?"

He looked at the others to see if anyone wanted to refute him.

The result was disappointing, or as he expected, and some people put forward different views on it.

The Minister of construction stood up. He bowed slightly to show his respect for the emperor, but his standing up itself was the greatest disrespect for the emperor.

The emperor looked at him calmly, and he did not hesitate to oppose the emperor's idea. "Your Majesty, many reconstruction projects in Amelia are under way. After the spring, there may need to raise a sum of money as soon as possible to deal with the spring sowing."

"In addition to these, the reconstruction of cities and the reconstruction and repair of important public and military facilities all require a lot of money."

"If we use the money left over from the Treasury, it is likely to delay the development of ammeria Province, and there may even be repeated situations on some policy issues."

"The local people are eager for some positive changes. If we can't make everything come true quickly, it may trigger a second round of confrontation."

The chancellor of the Exchequer is not nonsense. The transfer of the focus of imperial development is also one of the core contradictions between the emperor and the aristocracy, the privileged ruling class and the middle and lower classes of society.

Under such great pressure to develop Amelia, if we temporarily stop the financial support there, it is likely to make the originally improved situation start to erode again.

Backwardness and poverty are the biggest incentives for people to take risks. Once the local development speed can not keep up, people have no expectations for the future and are in a state of insufficient food and clothing, some of them are likely to be tempted by external forces to establish or join resistance organizations again.

Moreover, the investment in Amelia in recent years is so large that it is impossible to fall off the chain at this time. These words of the Minister of construction are indeed factors to be considered.

His majesty knew that what he said was right, but he was still unhappy.

He said plausibly, "there is also a shortage of money here and there. If you can't, just issue another batch of money..."

As soon as he had finished, the prime minister put forward his objection. Whether it was the emperor's temptation or not, the prime minister must come forward at this time.

He has mastered a certain initiative. If he still doesn't say anything, do nothing, and make no statement, like a mascot, the nobles around him will be a little worried.

Worried that their imaginary "prime minister's ambition" and the prime minister's real "ambition" are not the same thing, this is a terrible guess, which will bring more terrible consequences.

So at this time, the prime minister knows what to say.

"Your Majesty, it is not appropriate to issue additional money now..."

The emperor looked at the prime minister, that is, with an expressionless face, "tell me your opinion."

The prime minister's face tilted downward, which is a kind of commitment. "At present, the trend of run has made our economy unstable, and the reason for these turbulence is the shortage of currency in circulation in society."

"In fact, this problem was buried four years ago."

"When we fully take over the ammeria region, we should first issue a number of additional currencies to meet the needs of market circulation."

"A whole province, more than a dozen cities and a population of 8 million, we forget that the shortage of space and people will affect the local economic order."

"If we now issue more money so that everyone can get their deposits, the rapid devaluation of the currency will exacerbate the market turmoil and undermine the stable market structure, and people will question our."

"In principle, I very much agree to issue additional currency to deal with the new domestic and international situation. At the same time, we should be more cautious about issuing additional currency. At least it is not suitable to do so when the external economy is damaged!"

Indeed, at present, a lot of raw materials of gavra come from imports. After the currency devaluation, people need to spend more money to import the same amount of raw materials in the past.

It will have a great impact on some industries that rely on imported raw materials, and some of them may suffer losses directly from profits.

The same is true of people's lives. Printing and distributing enough money to cope with this run will inevitably lead to a rapid rise in prices in the market. People who could have eaten enough will soon be able to eat only seven cents.

Those who are not hungry will soon start hungry.

The wages paid by the factory can not support families, and the factory owner will suffer losses if he gives more, so the prime minister will certainly not agree with his Majesty's plan.

If he wants to hold power, he can't be too "mediocre". The system of the gavra empire will not allow a mediocre and stupid prime minister in phase.

This is different from the Federation. In the Federation, even if the president is a fool, it doesn't matter. They have a whole set of system to let the government continue to operate in the previous way, but gevlar can't.

He wanted to oppose the emperor to reflect his "integrity" in order to win the support of the people.

Fighting against imperial power is not a simple thing. Nobility and public opinion are indispensable.

"Neither can this nor that. Then tell me what can be done and how we can calm the storm?" the emperor threw the problem to the ministers.

The ministers were silent, and it was not easy to solve the problem at once.

But to say how complex it is, it may not be solved as long as you have money.

In fact, there have been more than one runs in history, but the previous runs had little influence. They were often aimed at banks opened by a dead end aristocrat or some commercial banks.

It's the first time it's so big as now.

But it was this "money" that baffled everyone.

Everyone didn't speak. A sarcastic smile appeared on his Majesty's face. He looked at the chancellor of the exchequer, "Chancellor of the exchequer, do you have any good ideas?"

After a moment of silence, the chancellor of the exchequer suddenly opened his mouth when the emperor was about to miss him.

"Your Majesty, we can borrow money."


His majesty looked at the chancellor of the exchequer unexpectedly. They thought of going together.

The chancellor of the exchequer has absolutely failed. Lost in this struggle, who could have thought that the prime minister would pull him down if he was willing to let the imperial economic order fluctuate. In the face of the crazy prime minister, the chancellor of the exchequer also has no way.

Just like those businessmen who face their own death and want to die with everyone, they can only give way step by step.

Now that the defeat has been determined, what the chancellor of the Exchequer is fighting for is not to find a way to stay, but to ensure that his family can have a chance, a slim possibility.

"Tell me what you think..." said the emperor after a little meditation.

The chancellor of the exchequer stood up and bowed to show his respect for the emperor. "At present, there are many coincidences in the situation we are experiencing. The problem can not be solved internally. We can try to solve it from the outside."

"There are a lot of hot money in the world. Bankers active in various countries, even governments of other countries, can also help us."

"As long as we can reach some agreements with people outside and get a sum of money, the situation will soon stabilize."

The emperor nodded noncommittally. He glanced sideways at the prime minister clutching his eyebrows and asked, "what do you think we should do?"