Chapter 777

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
As soon as Lynch opened his mouth, his majesty couldn't go on.

The main reason for the lack of development of the ammeric province is that the nobles are unwilling to go in the past. On the one hand, the ammeric province is a "concession". There is no saying that it has been a permanent concession for more than 100 years in the world.

No matter how long the lease term of the concession is, it will be returned when the time comes.

In other words, if the nobles invested a lot of money in the province of ammeria to develop this area, after 120 years, this area that may surpass gavraben in terms of economy will be returned to its "original owner" as soon as it expires

After so many years of time, energy and wealth, they will eventually be cheap to others, and they are still the enemy of gavra, which is simply an enemy.

When this area is taken back by the original countries, are they likely to give preferential treatment to gavra's nobles and businessmen?

It's impossible. They'll be thankful if they don't arrest the gavra nobles. At least they'll expel the nobles anyway.

This also means that the 120 years of efforts of gavra nobles will be in vain. The assets invested by an aristocratic family will eventually become the things of others. How can they be interested in responding to the call of the emperor and developing there?

Before that, there were also some statements that the emperor gevlar did not intend to return this land. They would completely take the whole country as an outpost for gevlar to conquer the world when the next war broke out.

But the problem is that so far, people have not seen any hope. To conquer a continental country, the aggressor must first have a strong army.

Gavra's army... It would be good if people didn't invade them. The nobles didn't think what the emperor said would come true.

This is not pessimism, but a fact.

Secondly, once the province of ammeria develops, the status of gavraben island will become very embarrassing.

The aristocrats are all on the island, with huge land, beautiful villa and strict ancient castle

There are also various valuable real estate. The wealth accumulated in these times is firmly bound to the island in various forms.

Once the development momentum of ammeria province is better than that of the island, the wealth of the aristocrats will shrink by more than half, because the transfer of the focus of wealth and power will gradually decline the island.

How could nobles contribute to such a thing?

After 120 years of development, while giving the wealth of these years to the hostile countries, they also constantly cut their scalp to give blood transfusion to the ammerian provinces in this process. The nobles can't do this.

As we all know, developing ammeria province is the only way out of the "trapped island" at present. However, under the trend of interests, people are still unwilling to follow the requirements of the emperor and develop ammeria Province as much as possible.

There are unshakable principles and the bottom line.

Even today, there are very few nobles in the province of ammeria. Except for some officials who have to go there, other nobles are unwilling to go there.

For this reason, his Majesty was puzzled. He was always considering how to "drive out" the nobles. He even put forward the idea of moving the palace to the province of ammeria, but he still didn't make any progress.

Lynch's words at this time let him see a kind of hope.

Everything is like this. From the children learning to walk to the knight apprentices picking up the long sword for the first time, no matter what, there will be the first step, the key first step, from ignorance.

His Majesty was silent for a moment. He looked at Lynch and weighed some choices in his heart. Occasionally, he would lower his head or look at other places to prevent Lynch from looking into his eyes for too long and revealing his thoughts.

Today, he will no longer treat Lynch as a young man.

He has just talked to the prime minister about taking Lynch these "speculators" to appease the whole market. Unexpectedly, Lynch put forward another idea first.

This idea is very attractive.


It is obviously more important to develop the country than to meet the deficits of some financial investors. One is the joys and sorrows of the small people, and the other is the inevitable path of the rise of the Empire. His majesty still knows how to choose.

His hesitation just wanted to create an illusion for Lynch - I wanted to promise, but it was not easy. Even if I promised, it was very reluctantly.

Lynch looked at the emperor's performance and had already decided to eat him. He just looked at it... He was a little ashamed to see the emperor.

According to the script, Lynch should put forward further conditions to impress him at this time. That's what overweight means.

One is not enough, give another.

But Lynch didn't behave at all. His majesty told himself not to be angry. This was Lynch's strategy, but he always couldn't help being a little angry.

He glared at Lynch, who raised his eyebrows with a smile, "Your Majesty, we discussed before. In these investments, we will take out about 30% of the jobs to the islanders."

"The salary will be slightly higher than the average salary. Maybe it can make some people shut up, don't you think?"

The Emperor didn't understand what Lynch said at the beginning. It didn't take long for him to understand. His expression was a little strange.

"Do you want those marchers to work for you in Amelia?" the emperor said in a high tone, "ha, that's funny, Lynch."

"I'm not blaming anything, but you took their money and asked them to work for you... Are all federal people as shameless and greedy as you?"

Facing the "accusation" of the emperor's majesty, Lynch's face was not dissatisfied at all, but with a sincere smile, "Your Majesty, you may not know, shameless and greedy. These words are more like a kind of praise for people like us."

"You may have heard of shameless and greedy businessmen, but you have never heard of kind businessmen."

"We praise the warriors with martial courage and the sages with wisdom. These are their exclusive praise, which is no different from shameless and greedy."

Lynch's point of view was very strange. His majesty thought seriously for a while and nodded subconsciously.

Indeed, if "Wu Yong" is used to describe the sage, it is definitely not praise.

It was only Lynch's attitude that made the emperor feel that he would not fluctuate his emotions because of the views of others, and would not be happy, sad or angry because of things that had nothing to do with him.

Even if he doesn't like Lynch, he has to admit it. Lynch is excellent.

"Talk about other ideas..." his majesty got serious. He picked up his pen and was ready to write and draw at any time.

Lynch knew that he had successfully moved his majesty. He stood up with a smile. "It's a great honor, your majesty."

"In my plan, a large number of factories, especially light industry and processing industry, which do not need too high threshold, can accommodate a large number of jobs, which will be very helpful to stabilize the public security of ammeria province."

"More importantly, if we can provide less biased jobs to the local people, we can also well resolve the hatred between gavra and the local people."

"No matter how we cover up, we can't cover up at least some issues, such as massacres..."

The emperor frowned when he heard this. He interrupted Lynch, "it's not a massacre, it's just an orderly execution of some criminals."

Lynch smiled and didn't argue. Everyone knew whether it was a massacre. Cars of people were transported to the execution ground, killed in batches, and then sent to the landfill or burning outside the city.

Until now, on the ground in the center of some cities, the soil between the cracks of those bricks is dark red or black, all soaked with blood. Even if it rains a few times or dozens of times, it can't change its color.

Lynch said this, not to stimulate his majesty, but to remind him.

Remind him that the current stable rule is not a friendly relationship, and there is still irreconcilable hatred. What the gavra Empire needs to do is not to rekindle the contradictions, but to find ways to resolve them.

Let people have a stable life and improve people's quality of life is obviously a good way.

In Lynch's description, education, employment and a relatively free environment are completely different from gavra's local policies, which will affect the people.

The example of Lynch and other nobles can also impress some waiting nobles. Not all nobles have a deep foundation. There will always be some like the little nobles around Lynch, and the birth time of the family is still very short.

They are more gambling than traditional nobles and are more willing to try.

At least they have little chance to develop at home. The resources here are occupied by old aristocrats. If they want to develop, they can only go to ammeria province.

Lynch's plan is not complicated at all, and there is nothing pretentious. It is so simple.

After hearing this, his majesty pondered back and forth for a while. He felt that Lynch's plan was still very executable.

The most important thing is that he and his small partners are willing to spend all the money on the development and reconstruction of ammeria Province, which is very important.

In the end, his majesty had generally understood all Lynch's ideas, and many contents were written on the paper in front of him for discussion with other ministers.

At the end of the conversation between them, his majesty asked a question, "I've made it clear what you said. Do you have any requirements?"

"For example, you need some policy support, tax exemption, or other things."

"If so, speak up and we'll discuss it later, so as not to delay the time too long."

Lynch nodded, "I really have a little request..."