Chapter 787

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Ms. Tracy is definitely not here for Lynch. She has some other work to do.

For example, after changing the name of the women's rights protection association in York State, it moved to buppen. Anyway, buppen, as the governing place of the whole country, it is essential to set up its headquarters here if it wants to be formal.

In addition to raising money everywhere, she also wants to see if there is a suitable place here and contact some political dignitaries and rich people she can get here.

Seeing that part of the plan had been completed, Ms. Tracy looked very happy and casually talked about Lynch's story in gavra.

In the view of the Federalists, it is a strange story that a native Federalist can obtain the title of gavra. Lynch has once again become the protagonist of this strange story, which is incredible as many times before.

When the conversation between the two people gradually tends to be "boring", it also means that Ms. Tracy is about to leave.

Just before she was ready to say goodbye, Lynch said another thing first, "I have a friend, Catherine, a girl as old as me."

"I know her!" Ms. Tracy nodded. "I've read reports about her. I have to say she's lucky!"

Compared with other people's understanding of "luck", Ms. Tracy's understanding of luck is that "she is lucky to know Lynch and used to be a boyfriend and girlfriend". Without Lynch's intervention, she can't enter the presidential palace to become an intern. It's not a place where ordinary people can go, although the media and public opinion have always reported that.

"I think you should meet and have a chat. I also have some ideas about her future path. Maybe we can find a common language?" Lynch said tactfully.

If he spends money, he must have an appeal. If he keeps writing checks to Ms. Tracy but asks for nothing, he is a real fool.

Ms. Tracy is also very clear about Lynch's ideas. Since she decides to go to the stage and set foot on the political stage, she must need a large group of people to help.

Her goal is to be the first female governor in federal history to run for president, but her failure will not affect her influence in this regard. On the contrary, people will create enough topics and heat because she is a female president.

It can even lead to a wave of "discrimination against women in politics", so that her defeat is misunderstood as the reason why she is a woman.

With so many hot topics and topics, the influence of her father and uncle, and the support of women's rights organizations for her, financial and human resources, as long as they operate well, there is no problem running for governor.

At the thought of the title of "the first real female politician in federal history", Ms. Tracy is full of strength!

In the process of achieving this great goal, she needs the help of many people. People like Lynch have money, are willing to give money, and have influence.

So she wouldn't refuse Lynch's request, "of course, why not?"

There was no reluctance on her face. "It's a good thing. I'm very interested in talking to Catherine girl. Maybe I can teach her some experience. When will it be tomorrow?"

Lynch thought, "in the evening, we'll always wait for her to get off work, and then we'll find a place to have dinner together."

Ms. Tracy knew it was time to say goodbye. She stood up. Lynch followed. They shook hands again. "Thank you very much, Lynch. People will remember your help to them!"

Lynch's face was filled with a bright smile like when they met for the first time. "We were born equal. We shouldn't let the problems left over by history, some cultural and social prejudices make some people become vulnerable groups."

"This is what I should do!"

"You are sincere and I like you very much!" Ms. Tracy sighed again.

No matter what Lynch said is true or not, at least his words will make people believe that what he said is true. Without feeling, it is difficult to say such insightful words.

After the two said goodbye, Lynch sent Ms. Tracy to the car before returning to the house. Women sometimes struggle with some inexplicable problems, such as "why didn't he send me to the car, do you have any opinion on me?".

In men, there will be no such problems. Instead, they feel that being less enthusiastic and polite is the best way to communicate.

The next evening, Lynch booked the restaurant and drove to the presidential palace.

He had a pass and often went in and out of the presidential palace. In addition to the normal routine inspection, the guard did not initiate the detailed interrogation of strangers. He just checked that he did not carry any dangerous goods with him, and then let him in.

After more than two months, this group of interns in the presidential palace have entered the working state from the initial maladjustment.

Working here is really very exercise, more exercise than people outside think.

Every day they have to receive some visiting people from all walks of life, or help some dignitaries deal with official affairs within their ability, such as assisting or presiding over some government meetings.

There are so many such meetings that there will be one or two almost every day or the next day.

Some non-governmental organizations, some influential people in society, or government workers in other regions came to the presidential palace for a variety of things and asked to deal with some things.

For those on the agenda, it will be held on the same day.

Real big people don't come and wait early in the morning. First, these interns deal with it. They call people into a conference room, then prepare all the materials before the specified time, and finally inform the real host.

Those big people, or cabinet members, will stay for more than ten minutes after they come. After listening to some representative opinions and giving their own feedback, they will leave.

Next, the intern needs to collect everyone's opinions and feedback, extract the valuable ones, and then send them for approval

At the beginning, everyone was very uncomfortable with such a job, and so was Catherine. She had never been exposed to such a high-end job.

She thought it would be very high-end to join the project team to carry out research on some topics in the University, but after she came here, she gradually realized that interns and interns are different.

Compared with those interns who seem to be a formal job in the enterprise, the internship here is obviously more difficult.

No one will comfort you because you can't or make a mistake. Everyone's time is so tense that they don't even have time to scold.

After the most difficult stage, when everything starts to adapt, these tasks become a little easier.

For example, she has mastered the ability to write a report that politicians can understand - at first, the focus she thought politicians would pay attention to is actually what politicians don't care about, and their focus has never been what people think.

For example, she has mastered the ability of friendly communication with people from all walks of life - people from different social strata must be treated in different ways. Blindly lowering your body sometimes makes people feel that you are very weak.

For example

There are too many here. For example, she feels that she has spent a year in just two months!

There has also been great growth in all aspects, especially in mind and vision of this society.

In the evening, the interns who had been tired for a day finally had the time to steal a lazy time. This time was close to work, the busy work of the day was almost over, and the tense atmosphere in the presidential palace gradually relaxed.

Catherine stood at the edge of the presidential palace hall with coffee. It was a "waiting for call" place. There were several phones on the wall. When there was anything needed, the phone would ring.

In addition to Catherine, several interns are also resting. Everyone seems very tired.

"Give me a cup of coffee..." a voice familiar to Catherine sounded. She immediately put down the coffee cup in her hand and subconsciously agreed.

There will always be people with such and such needs every day, such as "a few cups of coffee" is the most common. Can't those ministers go to the coffee room to make coffee by themselves?

Of course, everyone knows how hard the coffee in the presidential palace is. Most of the time, they just pick up the phone and go to the door to get the coffee from the takeout and send it somewhere.

If you ask for brewing directly like this, you must not understand how hard the coffee in the presidential palace is to drink.

But soon, Catherine's footsteps paused. She looked in the direction of the voice with some surprised expressions. It was Lynch!

"Why are you here?" she asked.

Lynch's sudden arrival was completely beyond her expectation!

Other interns noticed that Lynch was coming at this time. Although Lynch was almost their age, there was still a big gap in terms of status.

At least Lynch has become a national flag, and they don't even inherit much family business.

Lynch said hello to the others with a smile and pulled Catherine aside. "Go change your clothes. We'll have dinner later. I also invited Ms. Tracy, President of the women's Rights Protection Association."

Catherine was a little embarrassed. "It's not time to get off work."

Lynch looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was about 20 minutes before he got off work. It was really inappropriate to leave early at this time. "Then you can chat with me..."

Catherine was in a state of bewilderment and talked with him about her work during this period.

Just at this time, the president came out of the innermost room surrounded by some bodyguards. He saw Lynch standing in the hall chatting with Catherine and shouted unexpectedly——
