Chapter 804

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"Nell, and Coleman, society is developing rapidly."

"Some people always sit in dirty chairs or in dirty sofas and think about a question: why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and poorer?"

"In fact, the reason is very simple. The speed of social development is becoming faster and faster. This is the reason why the gap between the rich and the poor is growing."

"When you are still considering where your store will open, how many customers you can attract, and what services you need to do to improve service quality, your potential customer base has been almost robbed."

"We have money and you have professional knowledge, so let's not start with the stupidest start!"

"But before that, let me tell you a story..."

In another world, there is a catering brand known as "one of the three catering empires". There is no advertising and even no advanced development mode. It miraculously has its own territory in every city and even goes abroad.

At that time, Lynch talked with one of them about the development of their catering empire. He thought it might involve some high-end business secrets, which is not easy to get out.

But unexpectedly, the other party did not mind telling the secret of their rapid development and growth, that is, natural selection and the combination of interests.

In this catering Empire, there are a group of people called "Pathfinder" or "pioneer", who play the most important role.

They will rent a short-term facade where they think it has commercial value in each city, and then start their work of simple meal and fast food.

Take the mom and pop store as an example. If the profit of the store is above the local per capita salary within three months, they will send the news of the store back to the headquarters of the catering empire.

The headquarters of the catering empire will announce this news to franchisees. There is an open front in a certain area of a city. How much profit is there per month, which is suitable for families or groups of several people.

At this time, there will be franchisees or new groups bidding. They will take out the transfer fee and equipment fee in one breath, which meet the minimum bidding fee given by the "pioneer", and win this store that is bound to make money.

After the store is transferred, these "pioneers" will look for new business opportunities. They spend three months to earn their own wages, and then earn a transfer fee. In fact, they earn more than others.

At the same time, they also bear the risks that other franchisees do not need to bear. For example, the effect of store operation is not good, and they may lose three months' rent.

But generally speaking, there are more times to make money.

In this way, with the help of "pioneers", a catering Empire quietly spreads all over the country and can be seen overseas!

This is not the result of investing billions to promote and publicize. It has never been advertised, but people are used to its existence, used to seeing it anywhere, and then spend some time to solve some stomach problems.

Of course, Lynch can't tell these things in the original. His story is processed and more in line with the values of the world.

Of course, in terms of capital operation, there are more red fruits. It doesn't seem too wrong to say cruel.

"If we open a gym in Saibin and make enough money to run the next one from the beginning of business, maybe we will miss the whole wave."

"So in this matter, we should open the situation as quickly as the pioneers, but we should not bear the losses ourselves. We need others to bear the losses for us."

"We should adopt the way of company to individual partnership for rapid promotion. I believe there must be countless fitness coaches who want to be store managers in this industry, right, Koman?"

Coleman called Lynch "Mr. Lynch", but Lynch called him "Mr. Coleman" less respectfully. The Federation is a country pursuing freedom and equality, but there is a premise that the social classes of both sides are equal.

Mr. Coleman, sitting opposite Lynch, swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He nodded as if he were a ghost. "Yes, Mr. Lynch." this is what Lynch usually hears most.

Always "yes, Mr. Lynch", rarely "no, Mr. Lynch", no one can refuse him!

"There are many fitness coaches like me who want to make their own career, but..." he still hesitated.

He has probably understood what Lynch just said. Lynch wants to open a shop quickly, and then he doesn't want to take the risk himself. He wants to pass the risk on to the fitness coaches who want to open a gym.

As a fitness coach, Koman felt humiliated, but as a "Mr. Koman", who might become Lynch's mother's second husband and wanted to do something, he finally decided to give up discussing this issue with Lynch.

"What should I do?" he asked.

Nell did not speak, but from the way he lit another cigarette, he was also looking forward to what Lynch would say next and what a capitalist should do, although Lynch did not admit that he was a capitalist.

"You should understand that the value of a brand is not just how much its only store is worth. The value of a brand lies in its influence and people's trust in it. What we have to do is invest in the value of the brand."

"Those coaches who want to be their own store manager and open their own gym only invest specific wealth. We actually invest more than the value of chain brands."

"They have more or less a clear understanding of the fitness groups in each city. We find the best location and rent the best stores. If they don't have enough money, they can borrow from us."

"In short, we are responsible for the planning of influence, brand and career development, and they are responsible for paying."

"If the store starts to enter the profit-making period and we can make money, we will continue to keep the store. If we can't make money, we will immediately kick out those partners, terminate the contract and find a reason casually. For example, some guests complain that they use their hands and feet in Counseling..."

When Lynch talked about how to be a capitalist, Nell suddenly interrupted, "can we kick them out in this way and replace them with cheaper employees at the best time of business?"

Lynch looked at Nell a little surprised, while Coman looked at Nell with an expression of "you're not fucking personal".

Nell was a little embarrassed by the two people, especially Coman's expression. He scratched his head, "am I wrong, so as to maximize our interests."

Lynch pointed to him, "you're right. You're also one of the shareholders. You have the right to make a decision, but I suggest you don't use this trick too much. Just use it once in a while."

"If we kick out the original partners on a large scale, our brand will stink this time, and the value of the brand will be worthless. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Moreover, our set of things is easy to copy. They have mastered skilled and successful experience outside, and soon we will have competitors."

This is different from Lynch's saying that if the investment is unsuccessful, he will kick people immediately. In fact, if these stores can't make money, Lynch's immediate termination of the partnership contract is not harming people, which is very important!

It seems that Lynch has no loss. The coaches who dream of having their own gym not only fell over, but also lost all their money. In fact, it is not so.

Sometimes what you see and hear is too far from the truth.

If we continue to maintain this partnership pattern, these fitness coaches will start to be in debt, and the debt will increase with the poor operation effect, and eventually become the debt that will overwhelm them.

They will fall into the abyss because of the failure of this venture for the rest of their life.

As the most conscientious and socially responsible person among businessmen, Lynch certainly won't let this happen.

Although they may lose all their entrepreneurial money, they will not bear any debt because of entrepreneurship. They will not curse Lynch, but also praise him!

Lynch simply explained that Nell's eyes changed when he looked at Lynch. After a while, he nodded and realized his mistake, "you really have a fucking conscience!"

Lynch smiled and affirmed Nell's recognition of his shortcomings, and then said, "we don't do nothing in this process. We just want to start a business for ourselves with other people's money. It's wrong."

"I ask you to sign those beauty pageants and bodybuilding champions as soon as possible, and organize a bodybuilding competition of our own, and the specifications are as large as possible."

"I will find some stars to become our members and let them occasionally appear in the gym somewhere. These will be transformed into our brand value and our influence."

"Those fans will go to our gym and sweat. They will devote their youth to the equipment!"

"Now, do you understand what I just said?"

Normally speaking, there are two "dads" before and after, but at this time, both dads are more like students looking at Lynch with adoring eyes.

Shameless, but exciting.

Even knowing that there are so many twists and turns in it, Koman is willing to join Lynch's chain plan as a fitness coach.

Because it's very simple, everyone doesn't think he will fail, nor does he think he can't compare with others.

On the contrary, everyone will think that he is the protagonist and the wave figure dancing in the wind and cloud.

In the past, they lacked an opportunity. Now the opportunity not only came, but also took the initiative to get into their hands. Why not fight?

Even if it is a failure, it is just a start without debt, but what if it succeeds?

After a while, Koman asked, "what's the name of our chain brand?"

Lynch said naturally, "youermi!"