Chapter 807

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"Look, who's here!"

Lynch was not close to the occasion of people's communication. The president who was chatting with people immediately turned to Lynch and shouted softly under the whisper of the housekeeper.

This is actually introducing Lynch to everyone. Not everyone knows Lynch.

This may make some people feel very strange. Lynch is so famous. How can anyone not know him?

In fact, this is the most normal situation. People know "Lynch" but don't know his face. In this information age, there are too many people who only know the name and haven't seen each other's specific appearance.

If Mr. President doesn't shout Lynch's name so loudly, some people may only watch while they participate in the queue and won't communicate with Lynch.

As one of the sponsors of Mr. President, Mr. President hopes everyone here can become good friends. Only in this way can everyone always support him.

Lynch took the initiative to go forward. They shook hands, but the president didn't loosen his hand and kept holding Lynch's hand.

"You came a little earlier than I thought. Didn't you go out on a date?", he joked, and someone joked and laughed.

Being able to talk about each other's lovers or family is a manifestation of a very close relationship. Mr. President talked about Lynch's date in front of everyone. In addition to expressing his closeness to Lynch, he is more maintaining the atmosphere.

A good atmosphere is very important for a party, and the party Lynch attended today is easy to become a little boring.

At this time, someone stood up, "I vaguely remember that two or three years ago, Mr. Lynch came to attend the president's celebration..."

The span of time suddenly opened, reflecting that the friendship between Lynch and the president is not based on certain interests.

After all, they met a few years ago. Isn't it normal for them to become closer now?

There will be such people at all kinds of parties. They play an important role, but they are absolutely inconspicuous and will not rob the light of the party owner.

With the green leaf's words, the president timely released his hand and held Lynch's hand. "You can talk to others first. We have a while before the party officially begins."

He raised his wrist and looked at the dial on his wrist. "Half an hour later, there was no serious theme of the party, that is, barbecue, fishing, playing ball, and relaxing in the tense and busy life!"

He patted Lynch on the arm and left with a smile.

As soon as the president left, someone greeted him. "Mr. Lynch, we've met before."

The speaker was the green leaf who just had fun. Lynch smiled with the same enthusiasm. They shook hands. He said, "it was at the celebration a few years ago?"

He gave back the funny green leaf's words just now. This practice was not annoying. Both sides had friendly intentions, so they both laughed loudly.

"You may not know me, Mr. Lynch, but I've heard a lot about you."

"The young leader of the Federation, the youngest Mr. 10 billion, and an important member of the board of directors of the joint development company of nagary..." Mr. Green Leaf raised his hands like holding something falsely. "If I can get one of them, I can wake up from my dream in the middle of the night."

He said, shaking his arm hard. "My name is Dave. Just call me Dave."

Lynch called out his name and their hands loosened.

Dave made a gesture of invitation and invited Lynch to the side where there were fewer people.

The garden is too big. In fact, everyone occupies only a small area. After a few steps, no one around can disturb them.

"I've heard about your practice in nagariel and Amelia, and I've also learned some ideas about the 'financial war' you put forward before. To be honest, it's amazing!"

Dave's way of speaking is doomed that no one will hate him. Every successful person has his own way of success. We can't think it's a trick because some people's way of success doesn't look up to grade.

There is no trick in success.

Lynch nodded. "I didn't expect you to pay so much attention."

He didn't know this man five minutes ago, so it's just a social way of speaking.

Dave nodded, "we have always been a bystander. There is a voice in the society that we should join in deeper, but at that time..."

He shook his head and did not continue to say in detail. Everyone knows what kind of period it was. Escapism prevailed.

"If you could put forward this idea earlier, maybe we would join the world war in another way and change the world through the power of money. That was the most prosperous period of the federal economy."

"Of course, it's not too bad now. Although we didn't get anything, we didn't lose anything."

"Mr. Lynch, what do you think people will fight for if there is a second world war?"





"Or wealth?"

Lynch didn't answer the question. He asked, "do you think there will be World War II?"

Dave nodded seriously. "Isn't that for sure?"

"In fact, the countries participating in the first World War did not know how to launch a war of this scale. In the past, the war might be just a dispute within a country or a war between two neighboring countries."

"People are not familiar with the war that affects the whole world and divides the whole world into two camps, so we have not achieved much this time."

"No one gets any practical benefits except for signing various treaties that are actually of little value."

"Even if the bone is broken, people will forget the pain after the injury is cured, not to mention that no one has been fatally injured this time, and the war will break out again."

Lynch agreed with this view, "if war breaks out again, it must be for interests..."

He didn't say it so carefully and didn't say whose interests.

There is no doubt that it is to meet the interests of the domestic people and the interests of capitalists, especially capitalists.

Since the end of the joint military exercise in the second half of the year, the whole world has fallen into a strange circle, and various countries are constantly announcing some arms upgrading plans.

Including the military enterprises in the Federation, it can be said that they have ushered in the best era in their history.

Billions of dollars are spent on military spending every year. Now the major military industrial groups are frantically expanding. They buy land everywhere to cover laboratories and factories because the government gives too much, but they want more.

This arms race plan will continue until the next World War. In order to raise more budgets, they will become one of the main driving forces to promote the war.

There are other capitalists, such as the nagary joint development company. If the nagary rulers want to say "no" to the federates now, the local people can realize their rights and freedoms with the help of the federates tomorrow.

The cause of war is never morality, it is always interest.

Lynch and Dave talked for a while, from the military war to the destruction of each other's productivity through dumping. This is a very interesting guy.

The two exchanged business cards and agreed to sit together and talk if they had time.

They talked long enough. No one could occupy someone for a long time. Mr. President couldn't, so they returned to the crowd seven or eight minutes later.

The president is still chatting with the new guests. Not far away, the cooks are making dinner, all kinds of meat are placed on the huge oven, some party participants are fishing and others are playing golf by the lake.

Without dazzling lights, dim lights, and dirty air in a closed environment with body odor and hormonal smell, it's not like a party.

It's just a party, a high-end party.

There were no ladies on the scene today. They were all men. After the last guest came, the cooks almost prepared dinner.

They cooked the barbecue almost cooked, leaving a little process for the guests to participate.

During this period, the federals did not start to eat the half cooked beef completely, and they could even eat it directly without reprocessing.

"We did a support rate survey before counting the votes. At present, my support rate has exceeded 77% in 17 federal states..."

The president's words attracted people's attention and people began to applaud.

With a support rate of 77%, it can basically be said that his president has not run away.

The president's face was also full of that uncontrollable, heartfelt smile. He had a good chance of winning.

"All this is inseparable from your support. Without your selfless help, I may not be able to get to this day."

"After... (the former president) left office, I was under a lot of pressure. He left me a mess. I was not willing to bear the responsibility that did not belong to me."

"But people and your support gave me motivation. You supported me to today..."

The president suddenly pointed to a person in the crowd, "Hey, put down the checkbook. I'm not looking for your sponsorship this time. I just want to sit with you and relax. After all, soon each of us will have a new responsibility and face a new situation!"

"I may not be a good president. I don't understand a lot of things, so I need you by my side more."

"This is the case now, next month, four years later, and forever!"

"Cheers to our never fading friendship!"