Chapter 810

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Many people have a high probability of believing that there are miracles in the world before they are drawn by reality.

Until they are drawn by reality, they have no thinking ability, and just subconsciously shout "don't fight, don't fight", they will understand the dream and pursuit. Indeed, everyone has it.

But yes, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to pursue, it doesn't mean that you must have results when you pursue.

Some people have done some surveys before, and conducted a random questionnaire survey on young pedestrians on the roadside. Among the young people under the age of 24, more than half want to become stars.

The reasons why they want to become stars are actually simpler than many adults think.

There are many simple reasons, such as "it will be cool to be a star", "I will have many friends after becoming a star", "I hope to make my family proud of me".

On the contrary, there are few people who make more money for being a star. This is what people call the beautiful values of young people.

In fact, they are only beaten less and full of illusions about their future life.

The girls around Lynch thought so. She thought she was beautiful. In high school, the quarterback fought with other players for her.

In junior and senior grades, people like her everywhere. She also has a nickname called "sweet girl".

In the words of feminists, this is an insult to personality, but for this girl, she doesn't think it's a problem. She likes people to revolve around her. She is like a sun, and others are planets circling around the sun.

With a beautiful face, she has always paid attention to the body management. She feels that there is no gap between herself and the big stars on the screen and the big stars in TV dramas in terms of appearance.

Even some stars are not as good as her!

She felt that as long as she could enter the performing arts circle, she would be popular.

After graduating from high school, she chose to fight for her ideal in lardimo, but what she didn't expect was that none of the things she imagined had happened.

For example, walking on the streets of Raleigh moor, being liked by the star Scouts of large companies, signing a contract with a large company directly, becoming a heroine and participating in the shooting of large-scale production - No.

For example, because her beautiful appearance has been favored by some modeling industries and magazines, she became the cover girl of a famous magazine as soon as she arrived in lardimore, and was sought after as the youngest supermodel - no!

For example, she took part in a beauty contest casually and almost didn't need her to do anything, so she easily won the final championship and started her acting career - no!!

... nothing!

Is she not good enough?

No, there are too many excellent people.

All the beautiful girls in the Federation and even those immigrants gathered in lardmore to look for opportunities, many of whom were more beautiful and in better shape than her.

It doesn't make sense that those people didn't succeed, but she can succeed. The world is fair and treats people who expect fairness in a relatively fair way that people can't understand.

She spent more than half a year in lardimo. One of her two little sisters has started to participate in the shooting of some films, and the other is trying to sing in some concert halls. It is said that she wants to make an album at her own expense.

Only when she did not develop anything, she felt that she was not lucky enough. One day, when the little sister who became an actor came back drunk and cried in the bathroom, she knew that the bright life was too heavy.

The little sister sleeps with this one today and that one tomorrow. She tilts her head under the shower. I don't know whether tears or the bath water from the shower washed her heavy makeup.

She said that she felt like a woman's watch. She could get a chance by sleeping with others, but she was not willing to lose it.

The next day, the little sister went out dressed up again, but this time she didn't come back.

Later, I heard that she moved to a single apartment to live alone. Maybe her drunken gaffe made her unable to face her little sisters.

The little sister who was singing moved away later.

Not that she was successful, but that she filled herself with a thousand records with the money she earned from singing with her guests.

There are eight songs, which she wrote and composed by herself, which spent all her savings. She thought this would be the starting point of her singer's road, but she didn't expect that everything would end at this moment.

The girl on that record has heard it. It's not much different from the mainstream platinum records. Anyway, she can't hear good or bad. She only knows that the songs of the same rental girl are better than those on the list.

The female singer took her records to major music stations and TV stations to recommend herself, but no one publicized it for her.

On that day, she and her little singer sister learned that it would cost money and a lot of money to let the radio play their own songs.

She went back, and all the records were thrown into the dustbin by her. She took her luggage with her. She was like a defeated chicken. She bowed her head and surrendered to fate. Where did she come from and where did she go back.

It's said that she wants to go back and continue to be a farmer. That's all she can do.

It was very good to rent together, but only the girl was left, and then she was about to lose it.

She went to many production companies, but big production companies can't get in. Large production companies only believe in their own star Scouts or newcomers who already have some value. They are not interested in even newcomers. They can find dozens of beautiful girls all over the street.

It's terrible for small production companies to go. Their interviewers often ask the first question is "do you accept naked scenes?"

At first, she said she couldn't accept it, so she was sent out "politely". Later, she tried to relax a little and said she was willing. The interviewer gave her another problem - "can you take off your clothes and let us see your conditions?"

Hell, she suspected that if she really took off her clothes, the interviewers would ask her if she would accept the sex play, and even ask her to lie down and try the play first.

Dreams are beautiful, but the process of pursuing dreams is never beautiful.

Those who think that the scenery in the journey is better than that at the end are qualified to sigh because they have finally reached the end!

Like rich people, their remembrance of their struggle is based on their success. If they don't succeed, do they have to recall the pain?

Maybe I just feel too happy to live, and no one will listen to them fart!!

The girl finally gave up the idea of directly entering the production company, found an agent company and signed a three plus six contract.

To put it simply, the brokerage company will train her for three years and give her a chance. 80% of her income belongs to the company and 20% is hers.

After the expiration of the contract, the company has the absolute priority to sign her contract for the next six years when the conditions are less than three times different.

This is typical of killing and eating meat.

Before signing the contract, the girl told her agent that these were too harsh, and then the company manager pointed to the door, "you can choose to go out or pick up the pen to sign the contract..."

The girl finally signed the contract, which was her last hope, but she was smart enough to add a supplementary agreement. The company couldn't force her to take the job.

After spending some time in lardimore, she knew too much about the city that seemed bright but actually rotted to pus.

Various brokerage companies will find ways to set up their contracted artists and make them owe a large amount of debt. For example, the cost of each class is ridiculously high.

Of course, the teacher is indeed a star. Maybe he is a second - and third-line past star. These past stars don't care about these. Making money is not humiliating.

They work with the brokerage company to suck blood from the young people who come to lardmore with dreams. If they have money, they will be sucked dry soon. If they don't have money, the company will borrow money to let them learn and improve.

Performance class, body class, etiquette host class

When they have no money and owe the company a lot of money, the company will provide them with some other ways, such as sleeping with an investor, producer and director.

Not only can you offset some debts, but you may also get a shooting opportunity, even if it's just a supporting role in the supporting role

In this way, many people have changed from a young man with a dream and fighting for his ideal to the one on some obscene little cards in lardimore or bupenn's telephone booth.

In the second half of last year, fox film made a start-up film. After the success of their previous inspirational film, the company immediately adjusted its film arrangement plan.

A large number of inspirational films, entrepreneurial films and other inspiring films began to be produced, which requires some innocent girls to play various roles.

For example, female students in campus movies can't let those flirtatious female watches play. It's definitely not a campus movie.

When employing people, the girl was lucky to be selected and became one of the supporting roles.

It was such an opportunity that she was lucky to transfer the contract from the brokerage company to fox film.

In the girl, little fox saw another penny, and even the girl was a little better than penny in some temperament.

Maybe this girl can use it. That's what little fox thought. He did the same.

This practice is very popular in ladymore, or it has become an unspoken rule. Large companies will specifically raise some girls or even boys and provide them to some dignitaries in exchange for their support for their career.

It is said that many federal presidents have attended similar secret parties. They have a good time at the parties, which also leads to the existence and prevalence of this trend.

With a girl as the link between two people, it won't cost much money and won't lose!

When the girl knew that her "goal" was Lynch, what she had been insisting on suddenly didn't insist so much.

People always try to grow up and learn to bow to reality.