Chapter 814

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The next few days of life was very unreal for Nelly. The whole team and even some departments of the company were revolving around her.

There were at least twenty or thirty plays about love stories filled the tea table in her living room.

One screenwriter came here in person to tell her what the content of her story was and what effect she wanted to achieve.

She sat on the sofa, and the older female assistant beside her cleaned the dead skin on her hands and polished her nails.

The male assistant keeps putting some things where they should be. It's winter. He's tired and sweating. He has to show his teeth and say he's not tired.

The agent sat aside and discussed the next details with the screenwriter and the company's producers, just like discussing the ownership of the best actress in this year's Federal Film Award.

Everything is so unreal. Everything in the past is like a wrong dream, or everything now is like a beautiful dream.

It's not real.

The female assistant released her hand and sat on the other side of her. She naturally raised her arm and handed her hand to the female assistant.

She looked at the repaired hand. It was very beautiful.

Is this life?

Finally, at Nelly's own initiative, her film salary was reduced to 8000 yuan, but fox film put 42000 yuan into Nelly's account on the grounds of "improving the actor's skills before shooting".

The company said on the face of it that she was asked to learn some dance lessons. The money came out of the company, in fact, was to find an excuse to give her the money.

The agent clearly conveyed the company's opinions to her. She can only have a small number in the contract, but she will give no less money.

Ignorant and in a trance, Nelly has begun to get used to such a life.

The script was finalized soon. Nelly chose a script with pure love and even a little abuse. Before choosing this script, the agent asked her some taboos, such as whether Lynch allowed her to shoot scenes such as kissing.

In fact, Lynch has no restrictions on this. He never controls anyone by threats or warnings, because smart people themselves know how to choose.

If the choice is wrong, it means that he is a fool and should not stay with Lynch.

Finally, Nelly felt that it was better not to shoot such a script. The male and female protagonists in their selected script had been in a state of unrequited love for each other until they were not identified in the end.

Since there is abuse in this play, there must be the involvement of a third party and a fourth party. It needs a supporting actor with more scenes and a supporting actress with more scenes.

As the heroine and core character of the film, Nelly actually got the opportunity to become an "Examiner" when she was casting.

After all, the whole production is around her, and her satisfaction is the most important. People in the company don't want to quarrel with this inexplicable girl because they choose a supporting actress she doesn't like.

At the beginning, Nelly thought it was very interesting. From another point of view, it is a very interesting process to reflect on her own performance while others have no physical performance, which can also improve herself.

But she felt a little bored. She didn't speak out and gave the choice to professional directors and producers.

Just as her mind had begun to wander, the sound of closing the door startled her.

She quickly looked down to sort out the materials in front of her, turned over a page, and her eyes, which should have passed by, stopped for a moment on the girl's photo on this page.

Then, she heard a familiar voice ringing in the room, "Hello, everyone, I'm an audition actress for the supporting actress of the... Project. Mr.. Recommended me."

Nelly raised her head and looked at the girl in the room. The girl also saw Nelly.

The girl's expression suddenly had some surprises. She soon controlled it as if nothing had happened. She performed for a while according to the director's requirements.

When she left, she made a waiting gesture. She would wait for Nelly.

"Do you know her?", the producer discovered the little secret between the two girls at the first time.

Nelly didn't deny, "she used to be my roommate."

The producer nodded and said nothing, but it was obvious that he paid attention to the girl.

After trying out all the girls today, Nelly left early. The producer and director are watching the casting video again, reducing the number from the existing list and looking for the person they want.

Meanwhile, Nelly, who left the casting office, soon saw her former roommate sitting in the car outside the company.

She was driving a car for seven or eight thousand yuan. When she saw Nelly, she waved on her own initiative.

"I know there's a cafe nearby. I'll sit there?" the girl looked at Nelly. After Nelly nodded, she breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't drive, the cafe was not far away, they walked, so they would have more time.

They thought there would be a lot to say after this meeting, but when they really came to the road, they found that they didn't know what to say.

After walking for a while, the girl smiled and said, "I almost forgot to congratulate you. Are you the heroine of this film?"

Nelly nodded. "I'm lucky. How about you? How's it going?"

The girl pretended to be natural and unrestrained and shrugged her shoulders. "What else can I do? It's almost the same as before. I'm looking for the crew to audition everywhere. I'm lucky to play a supporting role, but more when I'm unlucky."

Her eyes flickered a little. She didn't actually tell the truth. Now she's doing senior call while auditioning everywhere.

Because among the films that can be found in the federal market, there are indeed films she participated in. Whether it is a supporting role or not, at least one "actor" can't escape.

For those who are just rich or not rich enough, actors, hosts and broadcasters are full of great temptation.

The price given by each guest is very high. The girl can earn at least one or two thousand yuan each time. Sometimes she plays wildly, and three or five thousand yuan is not a big problem.

With the money she received, she continued to realize her original dream of coming to lardimore. The by-products produced in the process of realizing her dream can increase her value.

Sometimes she doesn't know whether she really wants to be a star or raise her value so that she can sell more money when she tries so hard to audition everywhere?

Only today, when she saw that roommate sitting on the audition bench, something touched her heart.

She has almost given up her ideal, but someone has realized her future, which makes her feel very much.

Suddenly, she felt why she couldn't really pursue the purest and original dream in her heart?

I want to be an actor!

The most touching thing is always the present self and the former self. Maybe the past self was stupid, but it is always the best look in my mind.

They walked into the cafe, sat down and ordered two cups of coffee.

They talked about the interesting things that happened when they shared the rent and another girl. They seemed to be avoiding some things, which also made their conversation very pleasant.

At last, the girl took her hair in her ear and saw that she was a beautiful girl. She reached out and grabbed Nelly's hand and said softly, "I want this role. Can you help me?"

Nelly actually had this hunch long ago. When the girl spoke, she didn't know why she sighed, "I don't know if I can help you. You know, the producer and director are the one who can really make a decision."

"It doesn't matter. Just help me talk to them and I'll thank you if you can choose me in the end."

The girl looked at her sincerely, "I know some things I did before will make you feel... But I want to say that the desire to pursue dreams has never been extinguished on me!"

Maybe it was this sentence that moved her, maybe it was some other self touch. Finally, she nodded, "I'll talk to them, but I don't guarantee that it will work."

"Thank you, thank you..."

In the evening, the agent sent two little assistants and looked at Nelly, which made Nelly feel a little pressure for no reason.

"Why...?" she looked down at herself and didn't find anything wrong with herself.

"I discussed with the production department in the company this afternoon. We have a new idea."

"If we treat your first play from a commercial perspective, to be honest, the effect will not be very good."

"You don't have any fame. It's difficult for the audience to spontaneously enter the cinema. Moreover, the audience of romantic films is not very large, and the box office may not be very good."

"We're going to change the way we shoot, and use this film to shock you with a rookie of the year award!"

This is also the decision of the company as a whole. They watched some videos of Nelly before. Nelly is no different from most girls struggling in lardimo. It's nonsense to say how shocking her performance is.

At most, above the pass line, there is still a little distance from excellence.

Even if you find a famous actor at this level, you can't take her. It's better to use this film to exercise her, hone her acting skills and hit the trophy.

As we all know, in all large-scale evaluation activities, it is definitely not professional quality that can determine who can get the first place, but public relations and operation.

In addition, the director department and operation Department of fox film also considered trying to get some awards to prepare for listing, so they changed their shooting plan.

Nelly's script is not the only one. Next, the company will launch at least five films and try its best to hit major awards.

Nelly was a little confused and a little unsure. "Do I really have a chance? I know my performance is not very good. I think it's too difficult."

The agent nodded. If she can recognize her shortcomings, she is still a good girl. "So we need your friend, your friend during the audition in the afternoon."

Nelly wondered, "why do you need her?"

Originally, she was going to say a few good words for her former roommate, but now she inexplicably has some resistance.