Chapter 825

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Hundreds of square meters of baths serve only one person. The king lying in the bathtub enjoying hot water relaxes his nerves.

When he was just found by the federals, in fact, he was very nervous and scared. He was about to pee.

He thought the federates wanted to kill him. He almost confessed that he was just a double. Fortunately, the federates' polite attitude made him not say what he shouldn't say.

In exchange for his present life.

He was not as frightened as the other members of the royal family in the palace. He thought that he didn't know when the federates would rush in and kill them, just as they had done to the old king before!

Yes, up to now, many members of the royal family believe that it is either members of this party or that faction or federals who killed the old king.

After getting rid of the old king, they can realize their ambition to control the country through puppets. When they think it appropriate, they can get rid of the remaining royal members, even if nagalir is really dead.

Everyone lives in fear. The federals do not allow members of the royal family to leave, which also plays a certain role of intimidation and deterrence.

Only the king himself knows, and don't be afraid at all. Even if people all over the world want them to die, the federates will want them to continue to live and live well.

Otherwise, how can they prove that what they have done to nagary is not to seek the power and interests of the country?

He didn't do anything in the years when he studied instead of the big prince. He also learned a lot of knowledge. Although he didn't communicate with people, he didn't communicate and communicate after all, let alone a fool.

In this cold country and cold palace, there is no one more reliable than the federals.

Thinking about something he talked to the feds——

At about the same time, he will get out of here and go to the Federation to spend the rest of his life in advance.

The federates also negotiated with him, which would give him a new identity and give him a lot of money, enough for him to spend his whole life.

Five years at most, this is the promise given to him by the federals.

Thinking of this, his originally bleak life became so bright that he couldn't help smiling.

But just then, a disorderly footstep disturbed him.

No one will come to him at this time, and his steps are so heavy.

Ladies in the palace are not allowed to wear shoes, lest their shoes wear out the gemstones inlaid on the floor, so those girls have no sound when walking.

Only men have voices. Everyone knows his current "hobby". No one will disturb him at this time.

Surprised, the quiet pool water centered on him, set off layers of ripples.

He sat up fiercely and opened his eyes, but it was too late.

A chill was blown to the back of his head by an invisible force along his eyes, and he trembled.

The big prince looked at the double lying in the bath without showing any abnormal expression. His identity was not suitable to be revealed for the time being.

If those who support him realize that the person they have always supported is the big prince, their faith will collapse.

What will happen to them in the future? The big prince doesn't know, but he is sure to die or be killed by them.

"Cooperate with us and you will live."

"If you don't cooperate with us, you'll die, okay?"

The "loose" guard in the palace was deliberately shown to the federates by the new king. The federates stationed a lot of people outside, so he didn't worry that someone could sneak in.

But he really didn't think that not only did someone sneak in, but also found him.

Some footsteps came from far to near, and several people found here. The big prince turned to face the people, "take him away, I'll come out in five minutes."

This is a plan. People are hijacked by them. Someone must be "responsible".

They learned from the experience of the resistance organization in Amelia for a period of time, and knew that they should leave something to prove that they did it, so that they can become famous, someone can help them, and they can recruit more people.

These people silently pointed guns at the king. The new king could only put on his clothes with a cold face and follow behind them.

After they left the bath, the big prince went to a wall.

On the wall, there is a monster with eight hands than the head of a human body and beast. This is the appearance of a God in the local religion. It holds eight babies in its hands. The big prince pressed these arms down in turn, and the statue and the wall behind it slowly moved a space.

The operation of this treasure house is in order. No wrong step can be taken. In addition, other gods in the palace can move their arms and legs. People who don't know the specific details inside don't know that there is a treasure house under the bathroom.

Three minutes later, he came out with something in his pocket, a gem the size of a child's fist, and a deposit certificate.

Early the next morning, people finally found something wrong. The king was gone!

The federals immediately arranged for people to conduct a rigorous search in the palace. The results were very worrying. Within half an hour after people found the king missing, the news of the king's hijacking spread all over the senior management of the joint development company.

Lynch was having breakfast when the phone reached his landline not far away.

"The king was secretly kidnapped. They said that they would mail a video tape to the TV station at noon today. Please watch it on time and connect to our conference call at 11 o'clock. The number is..."

Lynch took out his pen and wrote down a number on the note.

After hanging up, he called Mr. Truman and said what he knew, "what Democratic Congress Party hijacked the king? Is there any further news?"

Mr Truman asked the people in the office to leave and close the door. "We investigated the Democratic Congress party. It is said that the old king and his wife were killed by their party leaders. They planned the last attack on the palace."

"When we go back, we find that the Democratic Congress party is actually the former nagalil youth party."

"As for the current situation there, I don't get much information. I have to wait for further information."

Mr Truman paused and asked, "is there any news from the joint development company?"

The penetration of Nadal joint development company into Nadal is much deeper than that of the military and the government. They have penetrated into all industries and regions. Maybe the military has no news, and the joint development company has mastered it.

"No, but the board of directors held a conference call at noon. I think it may have something to do with it."

"When it's over, tell me what happened at the meeting, if you can..."

Neither of them had a further understanding of the matter. After communicating with each other, they hung up on the phone.

At eleven o'clock, the conference call was held, and Lynch joined the conference call in his study.

No one was talking. Everyone was waiting for news.

At about 11:30, the hijackers sent the video to the television station, and the teleconference was also broadcast with delayed sound.

According to the description of professionals, the king was beaten hard in a very closed room. There were two guys with guns against his head.

He spoke their demands at the request of the hijackers.

To put it simply, there are two things. First, support the nagarian people to stand up against the rule of foreigners.

Second, call on people to join the Democratic Congress Party and fight with the federates to the end to realize the freedom and glory of the country.

The TV station's news was cut off as soon as it was broadcast.

Just then, Mr. jeruno's voice rang.

"I think everyone has known what happened here through their own channels. Now our interests have been infringed unprecedentedly, which is contrary to our original plan."

"Facts have proved that there are still a small group of speculators trying to subvert the existing ruling class and the existing political structure in Nagar, and their existence has seriously damaged the interests of all our parties."

"In view of the current situation, I don't think we can completely hand over the safety of our property to the military. We should also take responsibility ourselves."

"After all, no one is more nervous about our own wealth than we are."

At this time, a familiar voice sounded, "say something specific. What do you mean?"

This is Mr. PATU's voice. His voice is highly recognizable, and his accent is more inclined to gavra.

After all, he claims to have pure "aristocratic blood", so it's normal to speak a common language with a gevlar accent.

Mr. jeruno said with a gentle smile, "in fact, I'm discussing with several members of Congress about our legal protection of our own overseas property security these days. I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"I intend to promote a bill called the overseas security act. Its core content is that our armed forces established outside the federal territory enjoy the powers and obligations of the Federal Military..."

Capitalists, especially big capitalists, have never been gentle. The core of the so-called overseas security act is real cannibalism.

Lynch's barbaric development abroad has made him one of the representatives of the new generation of capitalists, although he doesn't think so.

It is undeniable that his rise is precisely because he has an armed force under his control.

Now the international situation is becoming treacherous. The military competition between countries has ignited some folk "anger", which is good for the country itself, but not good for some capitalists investing abroad.

Lynch has a gun in his hand. People should pay attention to his attitude wherever he goes.

It is obviously impossible for the early and middle generation capitalists to copy Lynch's success path. Mr. jeruno thought of a way.

Since the mountain can't move and can't walk to your feet, move your feet to the edge of the mountain.

As long as the bill is passed, capitalists can legally form federally recognized overseas legions.

Once they master the armed forces, the expansion of federal capital forces overseas will be more uncontrolled.