Chapter 828

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
From a certain point of view, the middle and lower class people who should have been protected by the state have become the last "bottom line" on some issues.

The penetration of capitalists into the top level of the federal government is shocking. One idea and one word can promote whether a bill can be passed. Perhaps they do not have "power" in their hands, but capital is far above the supremacy of power.

On the contrary, capitalists and politicians need to consider the image of themselves in the eyes of the people, and sometimes have to restrain their terrible faces.

People who should have been protected have become the last line of defense to protect this country. Sometimes... Life, society and the world are really fucking funny!

The day after Lynch and Senator Langdon had dinner, members of the Duncan family lobby found him.

They will lobby every member of Parliament as much as possible, which is the key to their success.

When lobbying, many political lobbying groups will only choose to lobby key figures, such as the leader of a small group or some people who can be won over. They will not lobby for those who cannot be won over or are not key enough.

In fact, the main reason is that the budget is limited. Hundreds of members of Congress give each of them twenty or thirty thousand, which is millions.

Sometimes it's not easy for those who promote the proposal to earn the money back. They can't do it recklessly at a loss. They can only do it strategically.

Lobbying needs not only one mouth to say, but also real benefits. If lobbying can be completed by relying on the mouth, politicians and capitalists have long been replaced by lawyers.

As soon as Senator Langdon came to his office, someone came to visit him. He asked his secretary to invite people into his office.

Members of Congress have offices in the Capitol. They always have their own jobs, such as members of a committee. This requires them to have an office space so that people can find him during working hours.

At present, Senator Langdon has joined the Federal Environment Committee. The role of this committee is to protect the environment, a committee that can be big or small.

Generally speaking, as long as the factory starts, it is tantamount to polluting nature, which belongs to them.

At a young age, as long as the environment is not depressed and even the most tenacious plants cannot grow, it means it is not serious.

So there will always be people who want to use the energy of the committee to do something. They want to do something. First of all, they have to talk to the members of Parliament.

Visiting these members of Parliament is obviously the easiest way.

In order to avoid being harassed all the time, the secretaries chosen by members are very insightful. They know who to let in and who not to let in.

"Hello, Mr. Langdon, I'm..." the person who came in was in his forties and looked very energetic. He was wearing a decent suit and carrying a briefcase in his hand. The whole person looked very experienced.

If he is a government worker, Langdon believes it, but he lacks the laziness of some government workers.

While Senator Langdon was looking at his business card, the middle-aged man in his forties smiled and talked about his identity. "Today, on behalf of the Duncan family, I'd like to talk to you about our proposal."


Yes, Senator Langdon put down his business card, and an arrogant atmosphere came to his face, which made his hair a little messy.

He met the lobby.

Last year, an old city in the North planned to shovel tens of thousands of mu of natural forest due to the needs of urban development. Such a big thing can't be done locally. After reporting it layer by layer, the state government will report it to the Congress for final ruling.

Before the vote, lobbyists in that place appeared. They used a lot of data and evidence to illustrate the necessity of cutting forests and building cities for local economic development.

Only in the end did they slightly express their hope that Senator Langdon would consider this issue for the local people who urgently need to develop the economy and are anxiously waiting for jobs, and then give a local specialty - the intention from the bottom of society.

Sometimes it is really difficult to use the crime of duty crime to look at the behavior of parliamentarians. They can cover up their crimes for criminal acts and criminals without scruples, and can receive all kinds of "proceeds" without concern, regardless of the attention of the investigation bureau.

Finally, Senator Langdon reluctantly agreed to the other party's request and voted in favour of it for the sake of the people at the bottom of society.

He spent a little money to become a shareholder of a small irregular company. The small company was suddenly acquired by a large company. Senator Langdon sold his shares and made a huge profit.

You have to say that he is not illegal. In fact, everyone knows that this thing is really illegal. At least there is enough evidence to prove that he agreed to the proposal because he received the money. There is a connection and motivation between the two things. He should be guilty.

But if he really breaks the law, first of all, he doesn't have a clear job concept. He is just a member of the environmental committee. His job is to raise his hand or not, and he is not a key figure.

Based on the fact that 18 people vote and one person is in favor or against has no impact on the overall situation, it has no effect on promoting the development of the event, and a simple job-related crime is out of the question.

In addition, he just took a stake in a small enterprise and then was purchased at a premium of hundreds or thousands of times. That's his good vision. It can't prove that this matter is an extension of other events.

So he took the money and there was no accident. This is what members do.

But no matter how "overdone" everyone does, they are actually maintained within a certain range, just like those girls who publish photos of themselves who can't afford clothes in magazines and newspapers for help from kind people, but never think they are doing recruitment.

They can do it, but they will never admit it.

All lobbyists will not admit that they have influenced others' decisions. Their job is to provide more information and give people more choices.

All members of Parliament will not admit that they are tool people who do things with money. Their decision to choose one way or another is entirely their own subjective judgment.

The Duncan family gentleman is different. He doesn't hide his purpose here at all. As soon as he opens his mouth, he has a momentum of "you must be convinced by me". This feeling is actually very uncomfortable.

Congressman Langdon looked at him. The middle-aged man in his forties smiled. He didn't seem to care about the mood of a congressman at all.

"Have you seen our proposal?", when Senator Langdon didn't invite him to sit down, the gentleman pulled out a chair and sat opposite him with his legs cocked.

He put his portable briefcase on the table, snapped open the locks at both ends and took out a stack of documents.

Senator Langdon was very unhappy in his heart. It was unbearable for someone he had never heard of to offend him.

People are like this. If Mr. jeruno did this to him at this moment, or more ferocious and humiliating, he would think it's nothing.

But he couldn't help being offended by a small character who didn't have any fame.

Unfortunately, I can't help but have to bear it, because this guy represents the Duncan family, which is not one of the most terrible families known in the Federation.

He nodded a little unhappily, "I've seen it..."

The middle-aged man sitting opposite him nodded with satisfaction, "then, do you have any incomprehension about some of the problem descriptions in this proposal, or do you think there are still ambiguous places, I can explain for you."

The middle-aged man looked up at Senator Langdon with a confident smile.

If they were senators, they would be former senators, former governors and even former presidents.

The place to talk to them about it will not be in the Capitol, but in a golf course, an opera house, a cruise ship, a private beach, a private island and so on.

Just a congressman is in front of us. From the perspective of the conservative party or the Progressive Party, it only takes one election or a small accident for another congressman to adjust the Congressional strategy to screen out some people.

Of course, there is a premise, that is, there are enough interests to support them in doing so.

Speaker Langdon shook his head. "I don't know anything."

The middle-aged man looked at him more, and the smile on his face looked a little... Disliked.

He picked up another business card, put it on the table and pushed it over:

"Mr. Langdon, when I came here, I noticed that you were a member of the environmental committee, didn't you?", he fiddled with the nameplate on Langdon's desk and wrote "member of the environmental committee" under his name.

Congressman Langdon nodded and said, "it's just that one of our companies is a little confused when facing the federal environmental policy. Maybe you can help us..."

Senator Langdon didn't even say yes or no. the middle-aged man began to remind him that it was good to promote the proposal.

There is no doubt that this is a consulting service, and there will be a lot of income.

Look, this income is completely legal and avoids all problems. At the same time, he doesn't need to do anything - there is no connection between consulting on environmental pollution and promoting the overseas security act. He can take the money calmly and pay taxes, and sign a check to use it when necessary.

People don't associate these two things together, except themselves.

According to each person's different identity background, they formulated corresponding lobbying strategies.

Looking at Senator Langdon, he seemed to hesitate. The middle-aged man said kindly, "you know, Mr. jeruno is very concerned about the changes of the natural environment. We plan to set up a foundation..."

Langdon didn't hesitate any more. He put away his business card on the table. "I've seen the proposal. It's very reasonable. If Congress votes on this proposal, I will approve it!"

The middle-aged man didn't need to say anything else. He stood up and held out his hand, shook hands with Senator Langdon, "happy cooperation!"