Chapter 837

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The next day, several prisoners had their heads cut off in the square and their blood flowed all over the ground.

The onlookers looked at the rolling heads, and there was some excitement behind the frightened eyes.

It is true that the killing of similar species will make people feel uncontrollable sadness, but if this killing is not between opposing species, but just to show the status of power, then people will not be sad.

Will only be excited, envious, jealous, why they do not have such power.

The city hall announced that these people were gang members who robbed and killed Mike. They had sacks on their heads, and no one could see their appearance clearly.

People believe what the local government says. Whether they really believe it or not, at least they won't take the initiative to oppose the practices and statements of the local government, which is just to make themselves unhappy.

However, there are still some people who say that those who had their heads cut off were not the mastermind and murderer of Mike's tragedy.

We all know who did these things, and we also know that those people are still alive. We can see who is lying at a glance.

But people don't have to stand up and say anything. It's a stupid choice to offend the local government, as well as those gangsters.

The matter seemed to end here. The city hall lords also invited out cameras to take pictures of the execution. It is said that these will be sent to the federal government to tell them that it is over.

Sounds like... It's kind of funny.

For these sug people who don't think they are too backward, no matter how powerful the international reputation of the Baylor Federation is, they are not fooled at will by their small country, which is not very famous?

This inexplicable sense of superiority suddenly straightened the spine of the onlookers in the square. Under the flash of the magnesium lamp held high by the photographer, people who looked sideways at the camera became the headlines on the front page of the federal times next week.

People's heads are strangely twisted. In the middle of the picture, more than a dozen headless bodies fall neatly to one side. There are large blood stains on the ground. In the distance, some children are laughing and kicking a head

That's it.

The one meter eight gang leader was sitting in his chair. His men were counting and folding piles of money, tying them up with strips made of cowhide and putting them on a huge table.

The table was full of money. It was a foot high. Near the leader, there were some gold products and all kinds of jewelry. All the money was exchanged for federate goods.

Federals don't want local currency, but it doesn't matter to people living here. They even think it's better to change to local currency, at least they can use it anytime and anywhere.

This is only half, and the other half is not sold. It is put in the warehouse. When he needs to get through some relationships in the future, the carefully selected goods can become the key.

No one will refuse wealth, let alone exquisite goods from the Federation, which will not be so easy to get in the future.

Since Mike's shop was robbed and his business partners were killed, many federal businessmen have withdrawn during this period.

Even if some people remain, they are downsizing their business.

Thinking of this, the one meter eight gang leader wondered if he would do it again.

It's too addictive and profitable. The key is to "block" these markets back.

Only when the federals stop doing business for a short time can the things in his hands appreciate all the time.

Four or five days later, at about ten o'clock in the morning, the one meter eight gang leader came out of the room with a lazy waist.

When the door opened, it vaguely revealed that there was a woman lying on the bed in the room, naked and wounded.

This woman is Mike's brother's little lover. In fact, as Mike said, there is no pure love story of a teenage girl falling in love with an old man in his forties.

The girl just wanted to bang Mike's brother and get a ticket from him to leave sug.

For many girls living in poor, backward and chaotic areas, as long as they can leave that ghost place and have a temporary residence outside, they are willing to pay any price!

It's a pity that Mike's brother is trapped. The dawn of a good day has dispelled the darkness, but the eternal night has come

There was no trace of activity in the brain of the dying girl lying in bed. She didn't think or do anything. Her thinking was like falling into a pause.

Here, she is like a toy, anyone can play.

When the leader thinks the toy is interesting, he will occupy her for a period of time, and then she will be given to others.

If she is unlucky and dies, she will become the food for wild dogs. If she is lucky and doesn't die, she will start to change into explicit clothes and do the cheapest things to make money for the gang.

On the day when the future and hope die at the same time, she and her soul die.

The one meter eight gang leader looked at the people running on the playground not far away, and his face showed some proud expressions.

In fact, at his step, he was almost a small clan.

With money, people, weapons and enough ruthlessness, ordinary forces dare not collide with him.

After another three or five years of operation, maybe you can be a mayor or an officer.

In the backward and barbaric country of sug, power has never been inherited, but robbed.

These people in the yard are his future capital. There are some newly recruited young people in the yard. Many of these young people with fierce faces are famous outside.

But in front of him, they were like the girl in the room.

His approach stopped the runners. He took out a cigarette and immediately someone came over to light a fire and covered it with his hand.

He is going to say something to establish and deepen his position in the eyes of these people, which is also a way to close everyone's relationship.

The flame in front of him was close to his mouth. He bowed his head and pointed the cigarette up, but at this moment, with a sudden sound, he rolled and fell to the ground. Looking at the huge body falling slowly, his rotten brain was thinking about a problem with the last few stubbornness.

Just light a cigarette. Can you fucking blow your head off?

This sudden change made everyone silly. The one meter eight gang leader has been in this area for many years.

Not that no one has challenged him, but all the people who challenged him are dead, so that no one wants to step on his head.

But at this moment, he died.

A shot exploded in the head, followed by a more intense gunfire, but something was wrong.

These gunshots didn't sound like native guns used by local people or those guns from abroad.

These gunshots are "sudden" continuous together, not harsh or loud, but they can also be heard clearly.

The people who just stopped to breathe were like ears of wheat harvested by the sickle of death. Everyone was blooming with blood and fell down. Up to now, they don't even know what happened.

Just then, three soldiers in thick combat clothes broke in. Those who pretended to be dead and the people in the room found that the man who had just attacked them was on the roof next door.

These people were well-trained and marched alternately. Those who pretended to be dead had no chance to escape. After they came in, they shot everyone in the head.

I've heard of people with hearts on the other side, but no one has ever heard of people with heads on their hips, and that's true.

Whether you pretend to be dead or not, you can't die if you shoot your head.

Then the gunfire occasionally sounded, but it soon stopped, and all the people in the surrounding rooms were cleaned up, leaving no survivors.

Of course, except for the girls who look like victims.

They were driven together, shivering, some vomiting, some fainting.

On the contrary, the girl with red fruit woke up by smelling the pungent bloody smell. She trembled and had a focus in her eyes.

She looked around blankly, and soon her eyes fell on the 1.8-meter-tall gang leader with only half a head left.

She rushed over, grabbed it with her hands and kicked it with her feet, venting her anger and despair

All the people who were killed were dragged to the middle of the yard, and then someone took pictures for them. I didn't forget to take pictures of their warehouse, and took away all the valuable and easy to carry things in it.

It took less than ten minutes from the first shot to the end of all the fighting and then to the evacuation.

Ten minutes later, the mayor was still sleeping and the police chief had just got up from bed.

Ten minutes later, some brave people gathered outside the yard and bounced their heads inside.

"I swear we will be punished this time!" asked the Raider who was chewing tobacco.

The pleasure of killing calmed down after a brief excitement. He began to get nervous. Chewing tobacco is a very good way to relax and help relieve tension.

The captain glanced at him sideways. "Take care of yourself. I'll handle other things!"

In the last row of the car, a girl wrapped in sheets looked at these people. She didn't know how to describe her inner thoughts at this time.

I thought I fell into hell, but I climbed up again

When she looked at these people about to leave, she suddenly said, "take me, I know Mike."

Then the captain took her.

This woman is useful. This is the idea of the captain. In Blackstone security, if you want to be a captain and be able to command a military operation, you need not only enough professionalism, but also active brains.

He knows what Mr. Lynch wants. This girl is valuable.

He looked back at the girl. "We may take a picture for you later, if you don't mind."

The girl doesn't care whether her body will be seen by more people. She only has one question, "can I go to Baylor Federation?"