Chapter 843

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
If foreign hardline is only one of the climaxes of this press conference, then at the end of the press conference, it is the second climax.

At the end of the press conference, Mr. Truman raised his hand and pressed it again to quiet the press conference.

While sorting out the materials in his hand, he calmly looked at everyone, "before I come here, I have one more thing to tell you and everyone."

"At the national level, we will continue to push forward, but revenge will not stop."

"The life of every federal citizen is extremely precious. We will not allow any murderer who killed federal citizens to escape the punishment of the law!"

"If the place of the crime can't solve this problem, we will solve it!"

At this time, Mr. Truman, who had packed up his things, gave the document to his assistant with a smile, "the press conference is over, bye..."

After a brief inexplicable, the reporters suddenly woke up. This is... To take revenge first, and then talk about diplomacy?

They don't know if their guess is right, but they become more crazy!

Mr. Truman, who returned to the office, directly told the secretary not to answer anyone's phone except Mr. President.

Let the president's phone call come in because his seat is unstable, which has nothing to do with his achievements and the support of the people.

If the president thinks he can't, he can't. among the many failures, not answering the phone is obviously a very bad signal.

Not surprisingly, as soon as he had finished speaking, the telephone of the Secretariat rang wildly.

As soon as he sat down, the president called.

"What did you mean by your last words?" this time he didn't even have implicit greetings and went straight to the subject.

Mr Truman said calmly, "let's kill those killers first and take some things seriously, so that we can get more initiative in diplomacy."

The president's voice was a little anxious, "what we said is to maintain this attitude, not to use force!"

Truman's words made him a little uneasy. The use of force would make people uneasy. That's what he is now.

He should take into account some changes brought about by the use of force, social changes, changes in public opinion, changes in the regime, and some changes in the international community

He needs to consider too many things. If he is not careful, Congress will impeach him. The Conservatives have just been impeached. Now maybe they are ready to impeach their own progressive party.

He was a little angry. Truman didn't tell him in advance. He felt cheated and very passive.

In addition to asking for advice, I also want to make a fire and vent my dissatisfaction.

In fact, Mr. Truman has already prepared his speech. He has a deep understanding of the president and knows how to deal with the current situation.

"I'm not pushing this, Mr. President."

"In fact, not long ago, I just learned that Mr. jeruno hired Blackstone security to launch a military attack. They solved these people and searched for some additional evidence. You can see it in two days at most."

When Mr Truman said the name "jeruno", the president suddenly lost his temper.

If he is talking about a politician, regardless of whether he is inside or outside the party, he can bring bad luck to the other party by directly closing the door and releasing the whip.

But neither jeruno nor Lynch is easy to provoke, especially the former.

Money, status, background and power!

The Conservative Party and the chairman of the bipartisan committee of the Progressive Party are all Mr. jeruno's personal friends. He is the real powerful man in the Federation.

The anger in his body was pulled away in an instant, and the president calmed down. "Do you mean they've done it?"

"Yes, Mr. President, they have done it."

The president was a little ashamed. He was the nominal supreme ruler of the country, but he couldn't fully control the country. Unexpectedly, someone crossed him and carried out a military attack.

This time it's just revenge against some gang members. What if they start a war directly next time?

Those capitalists are so rich that they can pull up some desperate people to fight for them as long as they are willing to spend money.

"Why didn't anyone inform me?", he was confused and felt offended.

The two gentlemen think this is a "business" between them. There is no need to inform you.

Then Mr Truman heard something breaking from the receiver, and the president's breath was a little heavier.

"If one day they want to attack the presidential palace, don't they have to tell anyone?"

"Take that what, yes, Blackstone is safe, turn him off!" the president's voice was a little out of tune.

The news that the capitalists launched military operations outside of him really scared him. It was really scary. He subconsciously wanted to solve the root causes of all this. As long as Blackstone security was turned off, would everything be over?

"Mr. President, I'll go to your office and explain it to you in detail. When will you have time?"


After hanging up, Mr. Truman thought about it and called Lynch again. He felt that Lynch should also mention it to him.

After all, there are Lynch's interests here. He can't represent Lynch. If something extra happens, it will be devastating for their small group.

Later, Lynch and Truman came to the presidential palace together.

"What's the matter here?" as soon as he entered the president's office, Lynch glanced curiously at the workers who were moving things and painting the walls.

He remembered that there was a gray carpet on the ground, but now he couldn't see it. A worker was repairing and painting the wall.

Mr Truman thought of the cracking sound in the receiver not long ago, perhaps coffee.

"It's not convenient here. Come inside with me!"

The president doesn't seem to be as angry as he showed on the phone. Of course, this is also the most basic self-restraint of a politician. He must keep his emotions in the depths of his heart, not on his face.

The three entered the rest room through a door. After closing the door, they were completely quiet.

It is said that even if shells are used to bombard this room, there will be no accidents in a short time, so it is also called "safe room".

There is enough food, fresh water and some emergency supplies in the cabinet in the corner.

It's not clear whether anyone can shell buppen outside buppen, but the suppliers of these things must think so.

"Lynch, tell me, did you find those people and kill them?" the president repressed his emotions and stared at Lynch.

Mr. President in a serious state is rare. He always smiles. This is the first time Lynch has seen him serious. He also has some dignity that Mr. President should have.

Of course, this dignity is nothing in front of Lynch.

He nodded. "Of course, this is the entrustment given to me by Mr. jeruno. It is very normal for the employees of the company to complete the tasks according to the contract. I don't think there is any problem with it."

"But your actions may lead to war, Lynch, you know?"

The president's voice was quick and urgent, "this time it's not a joke. Your people went to other countries to kill their citizens, which can be regarded as an aggression!"

"If it causes a war, you are the sinner of the country, Lynch!"

Mr. Truman was ready to say something. Lynch raised his hand and stopped him. "Mr. President, if we have to be cautious and humble in the face of the provocation of a weak country, this is the persecution of the people of the whole Federation."

"This will make a bad start in the world, and those countries will wantonly plunder the wealth of federal businessmen, because they know that we are a weak Federation."

"Even if they slap us in the face, they don't dare to fight back, they won't give us any respect."

"You won't respect any woman's watch, because you know that as long as you spend money, you can solve the problem. Even as long as you spend enough money, you can whip her!"

"The same is true in the exchanges between countries in the international community. If you take a step back, others can't take the same step back. They will only further force you all the time."

"The living space is always limited. We must strive for it, and there will be contradictions."

"A country as small as gavra can develop today not because they reason with people all day. Civilization may be an indispensable support for brilliance, but force is the flame that ignites brilliance, Mr. President!"

"In addition, you don't have to worry about the nature of this matter. If there is an accident, everything will be borne by Mr. jeruno and me."

When it came to this step, the president could only stare at him and began to think about some problems.

"What benefits are you going to get from sug by using this?"

Lynch and Truman looked at each other, and the latter said, "the relationship between sug's central government and local government is separated. We can use this separated relationship to obtain some benefits for us."

"For example, ask them to open up the market and ask them to rent a piece of land for us to build a military base."

"We have many gold prospectors looking for gold in the mountains of sugE. Although there is no news about the gold mine, they have bauxite and copper mine, which we need..."

The president's mind flashed the picture of nagary at the first time. There is no doubt that this place will become the second nagary.

He began to seriously think about the feasibility of this matter. After all, as Lynch said, people are fucking dead. Now it's worthless to discuss whether it's appropriate to do so.


① in the previous issue: the remote control is wired.


By the way, I'd like to introduce a book "different aspirations of longevity, beheaded at the beginning of the vegetable market"

This is a new book opened by my friend Zhenyu. It's a strange fairy in the Republic of China Version. It's very, very good-looking. It's so good that I can't eat. (this article was deleted before the fifty cents release)