Chapter 849

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Some people say that his Majesty the emperor of gavra is the spiritual symbol of gavra. In fact, the president of the Federation is also a symbol of the spirit of freedom - look, we ordinary people voted for it!

Therefore, in the deduction, once buppen is attacked, the first thing to do is to ensure the president's safety. He will be sent to the security room to wait for confirmation of the attack level encountered by buppen, and then choose resistance or transfer.

At that time, the president just took a cup of takeout coffee from the intern and added more milk and sugar, which made the coffee taste not only bitter, but also very delicious.

He held up his coffee cup and had a drink in the morning to refresh the whole day. Just when he thought about doing those work today, the door was roughly kicked open.

Then, when he couldn't react at all, the two agents pressed his head and sent his hair, which had been taken care of for more than ten minutes, into the safe house.

Coffee even spilled on his shirt. Damn it, it was a new shirt that his wife ironed for him this morning!

Of course, after the event, he also wanted to know what the situation was, which alerted the whole buppen's defense system, so he also wanted to come.

About thirty minutes after the call, several mounted policemen opened the way, followed by the military vehicle and the military intelligence bureau of the security committee. The middle is a luxury bulletproof car, in which Mr. President is inside.

The chief engineer outside the Institute stood next to Lynch. He thought it was a very simple reception like an exhibition.

I didn't expect so many people to come!

He moved behind Lynch quietly. It was too late to go back and get hair wax. He spit on his palm and polished his hair.

After a moment of silence, the two researchers on one side also did the same.

Lynch took a step forward and drew a little distance from them. This is certainly not to dislike them, but to better meet the president.

The first to come out was the security committee. They first entered the Institute for inspection, followed by the military.

But the military people are not as stupid as the people of the security committee. They went directly to Austin and asked casually, and then confirmed the security here.

Lynch knew that Austin was the man the military placed beside him, but he didn't care.

When he is not qualified to resist the federal government and the Federal Military, this obvious placement is not an infringement on his rights and interests, but a kind of protection.

He is not a pure Federalist living in his mind. He has a set of ideas that freedom is above everything. For him, as long as he can complete his plan, the process is not important.

After confirming safety, the president got out of the car.

Lynch also welcomed the researchers.

"We meet again!" the president doesn't know what to say. In fact, he doesn't want to talk to lynch now. He can only talk about something without nutrition.

Lynch was very enthusiastic. "Your tie is very beautiful, Mr. President. The person who chose it is very artistic."

Very subtle flattery. Mr. President raised his eyebrows. He gave a very covert look at Truman and scared you to death. The latter didn't notice.

He also had a smile on his face. "This is a gift my wife chose for my 60th birthday. Do you think it's very beautiful?"

"It's a good match for you, Mr. President!"

The president smiled and shook hands with Lynch, and then Lynch introduced him to the next people.

In addition to the president, there are some experts from the Ministry of defense, who are actually the core of this "assault".

After everyone introduced themselves to each other, we entered the institute together. Lynch walked in front and introduced some facilities here to the president.

When Lynch introduced the things here, the president frowned and smelled the palm of his hand, which smelled a little strange.

He quietly clutched the handkerchief in his palm and rubbed it back and forth, but the experts of the Ministry of defense behind him were much more direct.

Those questions never stop, and these questions are strange.

For example:

"This smell may be a new chemical..." the person with this conjecture is an expert in chemistry.

"It's a little sticky, but it dries quickly. Its main component should be volatile water, and the content is very high!", which must be a physicist.

After taking the president around, everyone came to the edge of the runway.

No matter how nice it sounds, it's not as good as the plane flying to the sky and landing smoothly.

"Stare at the experts of the Ministry of defense and treat them as thieves!" Lynch told the chief engineer. Looking at the cold faced experts of the Ministry of defense, the chief engineer was a little uncertain.

In his eyes, the scientists of the Ministry of defense are definitely the most sophisticated group of people in the Federation, and there is nothing here. Let them see?

Lynch glared at him again, "don't let me repeat it a second time..."

The chief engineer could only reluctantly pull two non-governmental scientists to stand with those scientists of the Ministry of national defense and enthusiastically discuss more professional knowledge.

On the other hand, the maintenance of the aircraft has been completed, and the pilot... In fact, he is also a researcher and a former folk scientist.

Civilian scientists have played an inestimable role in the development of aircraft, such as the current test flight.

Those researchers sent by the Academy did not dare to go up, and folk scientists said they would go up. They didn't refuse at all, and even scrambled to go up.

Every progress in science costs a lot. It is the sacrifice of these people that capitalists earn more money.

Another folk scientist started the engine with a rocker, then quickly ran aside, and the plane took off smoothly under everyone's attention.

People's eyes are focused on it. Conquering the sky has been engraved into people's bones since the birth of human civilization.

Although people on the ground can't really get on the plane and fly, they can imagine the beauty of flying freely in the air.

"You call this thing a plane?" Mr. President felt a little sorry. He should have named it, but Lynch had already named it.

According to the correct way of communication, Lynch should ask the president if he has a better name at this time.

Then the president did not give in, saying a name he thought was good, and then everyone applauded and officially named the aircraft.

In the future, whenever people talk about these aircraft, they will think of him, and he will become a page that cannot be turned in this industry.

Unfortunately, Lynch didn't follow the script this time. "Yes, Mr. President, his name is plane."

Mr. general smiled twice, "don't you think it's hard to say so?"

"Not at all!"

Other things will give way, but the plane can't.

We must make our own brand in this industry, which is not only related to the problem of buying and selling aircraft, but also related to influence.

Whether it is a military or civil aircraft in the future, people will think of Lynch as long as they sit on it, which will deepen Lynch's position in people's mind and expand his influence.

Even this influence will spread in the military. For example, when Lynch proposed that they form an air force, this is a double "certification"!

Instead of discussing this issue, the president looked at the aircraft in the sky, and senior officers of the Ministry of defense came together, "I just heard that the aircraft you designed can attack?"

Lynch nodded without hesitation, "of course, it can be filled with four howitzer shells, with special auxiliary throwing equipment, and the pilot can complete the throwing work alone."

"If you don't carry these grenades, you can carry a lighter adult, a machine gun and a certain number of bullets."

People from the military also came together and came to a major general. "Using machine guns at such a high position and speed doesn't seem to cause effective killing on the ground?"

Lynch shook his head. "Of course not, but machine guns are not used to deal with enemies on the ground, but with enemies in the air."

People around, whether talking or not, closed their mouths and looked at Lynch.

Lynch did not seem to notice the convergence or how, but continued, "the future war will be three-dimensional, ground, sea and air!"

"This is the inevitable trend of the development of future war forms. Just like now, it can fly to the rear 100 miles away from the front line, drop four howitzers, bomb important facilities, and then return to continue loading."

"In the future, the enemy will have such aircraft and such methods of operation. At that time, what we may have to do is not only bomb the enemy's important military facilities, but also protect our own sky!"

"Some planes are used to attack the enemy and some planes are used to protect ourselves. Machine guns are just right for air combat."

Everyone listened very carefully, and even some people who didn't know much about Lynch were still asking people around him, which military university Lynch graduated from, and his strategic and tactical vision has surpassed the whole era!

The president's expression also became serious. Although he did not like war, everyone knew that war would break out in the future.

If... A large number of enemy planes flew over bupaine and dropped shells, he would be afraid to think about it.

At that time, I'm afraid I can't live even if I hide in a safe house?

Major general is also discussing Lynch's views on the future war with the people around him. No, it can't be said to be the future. This is the near future, or even tomorrow.

Look, the plane in the sky is already flying. Once the war breaks out, it will shine!