Chapter 864

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The old priest lying in bed thought a lot of things in his mind. His long experience in fighting inside and outside gave him a lot of experience to solve the current problems.

He knew that what he had to do now was to wait and wait.

The light in the room suddenly went out, everything fell into darkness, and an elongated shadow flashed through the gap at the bottom of the door.

At this time, the turbid eyes reflect bright luster in the weak light.

At the weekend, a phone call suddenly reached Lynch's villa. He was watching TV.

Recently, the federal government released a very popular TV play, which tells the story of a young girl and the grandfather of a mad scientist.

Some advanced concepts like "crossing time and space" are very attractive to the public. To be honest, it's amazing that those viewers who may not have graduated from high school in front of the TV actually like to watch this kind of TV series of semi popular science and semi fantasy.

Lynch is also watching. In today's episode, it is said that the protagonist, that is, the little girl's pet dog, died inexplicably at the door of her house. She thought there was a huge conspiracy and wanted to save the dog's life, so she found her grandfather.

Her grandfather is also very crazy. Without a word, he makes a time shuttle with the washing machine. As long as he enters the washing machine and turns on the switch, he can go back through time and space.

Generally speaking, it's interesting. Maybe these fantasies are closer to the imagination of the audience and the way they are used are closer to life, so they can be so popular?

I'm afraid there are few people who really watch popular science.

Incidentally, the little girl's skirt is a little short and her coat is a little smaller. The crew is really poor.

Lynch picked up the phone and immediately heard a professional voice, "Hello, Mr. Lynch, I'm your private Manager... Do you remember that you made a pure gold kolov customization plan in our company?"

After receiving Lynch's positive reply, the lady in the receiver continued, "the weather is good this year and the temperature rises rapidly. We have selected the best original tobacco plant for you and will plant it in early March."

"Thank you for choosing every moment. If you are free, you can go to our planting area to personally watch the planting process of your original tobacco plants and communicate with other distinguished customers..."

"We will also provide you with some treasures that you can't get through other channels. I hope you can be invited to this spring tasting."

Every March, the largest tobacco company in the Federation organizes a group of senior customers to go to the planting area for various activities every moment, which is also a very special social activity.

Because the standard of selecting customers all the time is very high, not only rich, but also influential, so the quality of the whole group is very high.

This kind of high-level social occasion is still very attractive to many people, which is recognized all the time. Under their operation, many heavyweight capitalists will attend every year, and the scale and grade are higher and higher.

Its "purity" makes it impossible for this activity to sneak into those "fake rich", and the invitees of the Spring Fair will also become a social hot spot all the time.

Lynch thought about it for a while and agreed.

The staff of every moment soon finished the call, and they promised to arrange everything to ensure that Lynch had a relaxed holiday.

I thought it was just a simple thing, but I didn't expect that someone would come to lynch soon because of it.

Just after lunch, the door of the room was opened. A waiter wearing "Baoli boutique" nameplate came in with large and small bags. Another guy was hung with all kinds of packages. I don't know which brand of waiter he was.

"Just put them at the door. I'll have them sent up..."

After seeing Lynch, the agent who was arranging these people to put their things down ran over and said hello, "Mr. Lynch, I didn't expect you to be there!"

Looking at the agent's chubby smiling face, normal people can't get angry. This guy is Penny's agent and has been taking care of Penny's daily life and work.

Lynch nodded and said hello. Sometimes when he gets closer, he doesn't need those cumbersome social rituals.

"Where are the people?" he asked.

The agent answered honestly, "in the back..." she giggled, "then I'll send the things up first?"

Lynch glanced at those things and nodded. The agent called the maid to take large and small bags of things to the second floor.

She looks silly, but she's not really stupid. She can protect penny for two years. Many people are like this. If she only evaluates them by their appearance, she will certainly have a wrong judgment.

After all, not everyone is Mr. Lynch. He is not only handsome, but also talented.

Two or three minutes later, Penny came in from the outside.

In the middle of February, the temperature of bupayne has risen to 14.5 degrees, and it is still heating up. Penny came in wearing a less thick coat, a fur shawl and carrying a new women's handbag this spring.

A mixture of fashion and youth came to her. She didn't seem surprised that Lynch was still in the Federation, or in bupayne. She came to find Lynch.

She took off her high-heeled shoes, walked in on the carpet with bare ankles, took off her sunglasses from a distance, and tilted her face towards Lynch.

According to the script, at this time, Lynch should kiss her on the face and say a few disgusting words, but Lynch is Lynch after all. He stretched out his hand to lead and let her fall.

She looked at Lynch with gnashing teeth, "hum!"

Lynch smiled at the girl, "I'm allergic to cosmetics. You have cosmetics on your face."

The girl's expression became a little skeptical. She did put on some cosmetics. Now whitening cream is particularly popular, and people began to advocate that kind of white to crystal skin.

Some people say that this is a tribute to the appearance of women in medieval times and a retro fashion.

In fact, it's only two or three hundred years since the union came out of its mother's womb. Is there a ham's medieval?

In fact, the Middle Ages in people's mouth are still those countries led by gavra.

In these countries, from the Middle Ages even to the present, some noble women still took arsenic to make themselves white and crystal clear.

During that crazy period, many girls who had been taking arsenic for a long time could see the blood vessels below, but they also paid for their lives.

Many girls in that period could live to their thirties at most, and the toxicity of deposition in their bodies finally broke out.

Penny thought she stood up, went to the bathroom to wash her face, then ran back, put her arm around Lynch's neck and put her face close to her, "do you smell any cosmetics?"

"Is it clean?"

It has to be said that the face of a 19-year-old girl is really tender. Her thin and almost invisible appearance naturally grows on the surface of the skin. It clearly has appearance, but the skin gives people a feeling of smoothness. This is very contradictory, but it is real.

"Well, stop it. After the movie is finished, did you come to participate in any activities?", Lynch took the girl and asked her to sit down.

The girl curled her legs and hugged Lynch's arm. "After the film was made some time ago, I want to take a break and go shopping."

"New products come on the market in spring. I like many designer's new products very much."

"The other is to find you!"

"Looking for me?" Lynch was surprised. "In trouble?"

Penny shook her head, "no..." she laughed, "the Spring Festival will begin every moment. Have you been invited?"

She looked at Lynch with expectation, just like making a wish under a meteor.

Lynch nodded. "Just called me this morning."

"Did you agree?" her voice became shrill and seemed very excited.

Lynch nodded again. "Of course, I agree."

"Great!" the girl cried out in surprise, and then the whole person hung on Lynch. She begged, "take me, I want to go!"

Lynch was a little strange. "Will this spring product be very special?"

"Of course it's special!"

With the introduction of the girl, Lynch probably understood why she cared so much.

Every moment, as the top tobacco company in the Federation, its top customers can be said to be the top people in the Federation.

Many people outside this level are proud to blend into this level. In the words of some media, who is a real high-class social celebrity, you can see if he or the people around him are qualified to participate in the spring fair all the time.

The threshold of this activity is one million, which is at least one million a year. No one knows how much it will cost.

In addition to money, they do not accept applications. It does not mean that they can apply until they have money. It has always been an invitation system.

Being able to accept every invitation means that this person has entered this level, which may not be attractive enough for men, but it is obviously a very important opportunity for some girls.

Beyond this threshold, you become a person in the door. The more you can't pass, you are only an ordinary person after all.

Now Lynch is invited to attend and can bring a female partner. As long as penny gets Lynch's permission to go with him, the media reports will definitely make her the focus of the Federation and the man of the moment among women.

Maybe a lady like Ms. Tracy can ignore these comments, but all this is full of fatal temptation for a vain young girl.

She wants to go, very much!

Lynch showed the appearance of thinking, and even showed some hesitant expressions. This subtle expression is very dead, comparable to the expressiveness of the movie emperor.

Penny is a little worried. She knows that Lynch has an unusual relationship with many girls, but this opportunity is really rare. She doesn't want to give up.

She bit her teeth, leaned into Lynch's ear and whispered, "take me, if you take me, I will..."