Chapter 888

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
The morning after the cruise ship was discovered, senior naval officials, including the Commissioner of the Ministry of defense, attended a conference call at the same time.

The person who presided over the teleconference was not an officer on active duty in the Navy or an important member of the Ministry of national defense, but an ordinary person from society, Lynch.

"... in the course of this incident, our navy has actually shown some fatal problems. For example, we can't quickly and effectively locate the enemy who may have invaded federal waters."

Lynch's speech kept everyone on the phone silent because he was telling the truth. The cruise ship was missing for six days, and the Navy found nothing in six days.

They mobilized almost 20 warships, large and small, to look for the cruise ship, but they didn't get anything.

If Lynch's planes hadn't found the cruise ship first, they might have to find it for some time.

At this time, a rear admiral wanted to recover the current situation against the Navy, "Mr. Lynch, I know that you are very angry as one of the victims, but this does not mean that our navy has done nothing, but we are not as good as you think."

"This is not our problem. It's like everyone knows to call the police in case of trouble, but the police can't appear around everyone who needs the police immediately. It needs a process."

"Even if there are no planes, we will find cruise ships. It won't take much time."

His speech was affirmed by many senior officers. People who have not been out of the sea will never know what the real sea looks like.

Many people think that the sea level can actually extend far away. In fact, the sea level in Shanghai is not so far away.

Sometimes even because "invisible" gives people a feeling of going in the wrong direction, they change their direction and want to go to other places to see what happens when they finally miss their goal.

Lynch's laughter made some admirals unhappy. Someone wanted to propose to end the meaningless teleconference, but the Admiral who was serving his sentence at home spoke.

"Go on, Lynch, I'm sure you asked for this conference call, not just to complain to us."

The lieutenant general's sentence made all the generals listening to the telephone terminal give up their ideas. Everyone knows that once your sentence ends, he must be the new federal admiral.

Even because he has the experience and qualification to command federal warships to defeat the gavra invincible fleet, he will become the first truly powerful admiral in the history of the Federation.

Such people's words carry a lot of weight, at least more weight than Lynch's words for these generals and important officials of the Ministry of defense.

"Your Excellency generals, you know the cruelty of war better than I do. War will not allow us to compromise on time."

"If we find the enemy early, we can protect our Gulf cities and ports from military attack."

"If we lock in the enemy earlier, we can take the lead in launching an attack and take the initiative in the war."

"The word 'take the lead' is very important for the war. The time when the cruise ship was hijacked also shows this point. If we call the aircraft for all-round coverage reconnaissance from the beginning, maybe I have returned to the federal land a few days ago."

Your Excellency the lieutenant general recognized this view. He knew the whole process of the search and rescue and that the aircraft had indeed played a great role. "We have ordered 200 aircraft, and then we will put them into the new war system as appropriate."

"I'm not talking about it, sir. Of course it has something to do with it."

"I heard that planes have flown back and forth many times during this period. If our planes can take off from more places, they will certainly be more useful..."

"Just say what you think, Mr. Lynch. We are not good at playing word games with you capitalists. Let's be direct."

Someone interposed. His voice was not young. At least he was a naval officer such as a major general.

Lynch chuckled, "well, to put it simply, my idea is to establish a complete maritime reconnaissance area in the Atlantic and Eastern oceans, build more airports and ports and complete rapid response."

"Maybe as soon as the gavra fleet left the port, we got the news. We were waiting for them on the way when they knew nothing about us."

"The inequality of information can provide us with more opportunities and probability to defeat the enemy. Gentlemen, if our planes were all over the Atlantic, you might have known what happened to that cruise ship and where it was going a week ago!"

"And some additional supply ports can ensure that our fleet can be supplied and even repaired at any time and anywhere!"

"Once the war breaks out, we will establish incomparable huge advantages!"

Lynch's words made all Navy generals fall into thinking. The biggest problem of this search and rescue cruise ship is that it can't be found.

No one knows where it went, which is the root cause of the rampant piracy in this period.

They don't have a base camp. They go wherever it's easy to mix.

If you hold fast to any place, immediately change another place to make a living.

As long as we can't catch up with them and stop them, we can't destroy them.

At the same time, this also reflects the problem of backward war response mechanism. What if this cruise ship is an enemy warship or even a combat cluster?

Does it mean that in the past, they can bombard any city on the west coast as long as they like?

This is equivalent to complete undefended!

Lynch put forward the idea——

The idea of using aircraft to form a reconnaissance network covering the entire Atlantic and Eastern oceans has moved the senior Navy a little.

And they also saw the value of aircraft through this thing, mainly because it flies too fast, faster than cruisers, and many times faster!

Speed is the key to victory in war.

Plus the port of ready supply, there's something.

Lynch mentioned this idea to lieutenant general before, but lieutenant general didn't know what the plane could do, so he didn't give Lynch any reply.

Now he knows a little. At least the speed of the plane is very fast. The navy fleet has gone back and forth, and the plane has gone back and forth for more than ten times. The speed is incomparable.

In addition, the aircraft is said to be able to drop bombs, which can also play a key role in attacking the enemy's warships. Your Excellency has been a little moved.

He thought for a moment and said, "there are two more questions."

"First, we are not sure that the aircraft is irreplaceable and necessary. Although it is indeed valuable to us in some ways, this value is not enough for us to build a terrible budget for it."

"You must show its irreplaceable and important value. It's not so easy to convince those in Congress."

"Second, aircraft is a very new thing. It will take a long time to explore its specific usage. We can't fully develop it in the initial stage of exploration, which requires a process."

"Technology is improving every day. Maybe something new will replace it soon. I heard... The company's air fortress plan is about to be completed, and we also need to compare it."

Air fortress is a very secret plan. Its core content is to build "air battleship".

At least two two main guns, which is the lowest target in the air fortress plan, but it is enough to impress the Federal Military.

Once this thing flies over the enemy, nothing can restrict it anymore.

The military has been supporting this top secret plan, and many people believe that this is the real future, at least before Lynch's plane came out.

Lynch also heard the name of the plan for the first time, but he didn't care at all. "There will be a small-scale armed battle in two days. At that time, the aircraft will cooperate with Blackstone's safe ground attack forces."

"At that time, you will see the specific role of the aircraft. It is definitely not as simple as you think."

"I don't know if the air fortress is the one I know. If so, I can only say that it is a wrong future, and the plane is the real future!"

After the connection ended, everyone was remembering a series of things caused by the accident.

Lynch, on the other hand, made a phone call to lem. He had to ask if his account was full.

To his slight surprise, Lyme didn't answer the phone. Then he called the exchange, which confirmed that there was no problem with his account at present.

The manager let Lynch know that he had made a lot of money with a slightly envious tone. When asked about Lyme, the other party said he hadn't seen him come to the exchange for two days.

In fact, this situation is very abnormal. Except for not going to the exchange on rest days, buppen's financial practitioners will stay in the exchange from morning to night.

Even some financial companies directly rent the floor or room of the exchange and arrange their own companies in the exchange.

Lyme hasn't shown up in two days. Something must have happened to him.

"Do you have any contact with the media here?", Lynch put down the phone and returned to the bedroom. The girl was still resting.

She hid in the ventilation pipe for two days, during which she had to solve two personal problems. This experience... Is really rare.

So that her spirit has not recovered yet.

"You can call my agent. She knows what to do."

Not long ago, the media on the West Coast got a message that Lynch was going to hold a personal press conference and have big news to announce!