Chapter 895

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Just as defense and military representatives waited for Lynch to get up, Senator Langdon was already in the Capitol.

He is waiting for a senator, an important member of the military appropriations committee and a senator of Congress.

Lynch's "list" has always been stuck here. Even if the president grants Lynch a sum of money with his own privileges, Congress is still stuck here.

The president's use of privilege is the president's privilege. If the president can compromise various congressional committees with privilege, these committees would not be necessary for a long time.

Moreover, the funds granted by the president's privilege will finally be reviewed by a separate committee to review the contents.

Only approved privileged appropriations are appropriate.

If they don't think it's appropriate, the size of the president's fiscal privileges will be reduced next year.

Many times, some countries think that this set of federal rules... Is difficult to describe.

Being president here must be like eating shit, because even if you become president, there are many people and things that can restrain the president.

Congress is the most typical example, as well as the ruling party's inner-party Committee and party leaders. These people can affect the president's power, which is why many people think it's meaningless to be president in the Federation.

But they don't know that sometimes the purpose of being president in the Federation may not be for power, but for money.

Just like congressman Langdon at this time, as a member of the house of Representatives, he is doing things that have nothing to do with his job.

"... Senator!"

In such a short meeting, he saw one of the core members of the military Appropriation Committee and immediately welcomed him.

The senator didn't seem to have time to stop and shake hands with him, and of course he wouldn't act so red.

"I'm sorry, I can't free my hand now." he was holding a briefcase in his left hand and a cup of coffee in his right hand. Indeed, he didn't have a hand to shake hands with Senator Langdon for good reasons.

"Never mind,... Senator, I want to talk to you." Senator Langdon followed the senator, who did not stop, but continued to stride towards the elevator.

Senators and representatives... You can't say there is a gap or class difference between them, but senators have more power relatively.

Authority classifies people and gives them different labels. Senators are just a little bigger than congressmen——

In at least 300 years of federal history, no president came from the house of Representatives, which is enough to prove who is above and who is below.

The people in the elevator saw a senator coming this way. They took the initiative to open the closing elevator door, greeted the senator with a smile and waited for him to come in.

There are many people crowded in the narrow space in the elevator. It is not suitable for chatting, especially those special topics.

After the elevator was switched on and off several times, Senator Langdon left the elevator with the senator.

This is the top floor of the Capitol, where senators have their own offices.

"Mr. senator, the things I mentioned to you last time..."

"You mean the grant for that plane?" the senator asked casually as he walked.

Senator Langdon said yes.

The senator smiled. In front of a door, he handed Senator Langdon his coffee and briefcase. Then he took out the key and opened the door.

It was once thought that there were so many members in the Capitol. If each member was equipped with three to five secretaries, at least hundreds or even thousands of secretaries would serve these people.

This is a shameless waste of taxes paid by taxpayers and a humiliation to taxpayers and the country!

Therefore, under the boiling public opinion, the Capitol adopted the public Secretary system. There is a secretary office on each floor, and there are ten secretaries in each office. They are responsible for the daily work of all members of Parliament on the whole floor.

This is obviously a bullshit. Parliamentarians have to contact a lot of confidential documents every day and involve different fields. They can't hand over these tasks to those public secretaries, so they don't need secretaries at all.

There are ten people in the Secretary's office. Their job every day is to clean up and help everyone pick up takeout when necessary - there is no coffee room in the Capitol.

If they don't want bad coffee, they must order takeout.

This is also why many members are unwilling to work here. It is too inconvenient.

After opening the door, Mr. senator and Senator Langdon went in one after another. While opening the curtains and windows, Mr. senator said, "our evaluation of the plane is not as high as you think."

"You know, every year, many people sell some worthless things to the Ministry of defense. After all, the Ministry of defense is not a specialized scientific research institution. Their understanding of some cutting-edge technologies is basically zero."

"It also makes them feel that many projects are valuable and meaningful, but they are not."

"Our work..." after he packed up his things, he stood in front of his chair, "... Just to avoid wasting taxpayers' money on some unnecessary budget expenditure. Do you know what I mean?"

He reached out, took the coffee cup and briefcase from Senator Langdon, and sat down.

Senator Langdon wanted to say something, but he was stopped.

"I know you and Lynch are from the same place, and I am willing to give you some convenience within a reasonable range. After all, we are all colleagues, but you can't take this obviously..."

He shook his head, threw the two documents taken out of his briefcase on the table, and made a "pop".

"... do you understand what I mean?"

They looked at each other for a moment, and Senator Langdon finally had to nod, "I think I understand."

The senator smiled at once. "Look, it's not difficult. Do you have anything else?"

"If not, remember to close the door for me when you leave."

Senator Langdon nodded again and turned away.

Looking at the closed door, the senator shook his head.

Of course, he knows that the plane is valuable, otherwise the president can't approve it, but that doesn't mean he has to agree with the president and vote for it.

Of course, he is not unwilling to get some money from Senator Langdon and Lynch, but the supporters behind him hope to continue to block Lynch in this matter.

Even if it has to pass in the end, it can be delayed for a while.

The advent of Lynch's aircraft immediately made the domestic military industry groups realize that the pattern of military equipment will change in the future. When the aircraft solves its biggest disadvantages, the rest are advantages.

When others haven't noticed, Lynch has solved the problem and showed that he has taken out the test machine. If his budget is approved, it seems that it's not so late for others to catch up.

In fact, it's too late for them to do so. It's just doing their best.

As for offending Lynch?

This is not a problem at all. Business competition always exists. Anyone who wants to make money through business has to face competition.

For Lynch, the obstruction of these people is part of the business competition. At the same time, for these people, Lynch suddenly entered the military industry. Isn't it also a competition for them?

The senator has always been eating the dividends of these people. He can't fall to lynch because of a budget of tens of millions. Lynch's charm is not so great.

He shook his head and began to prepare. Just then, the telephone in the corner of the table rang.

The red button is on, either from the presidential palace or the Ministry of defense.

He thought for a moment. When the phone rang the sixth time, he picked up the receiver.

Here's a little trick. If the call is not so urgent, the other party will start to consider whether to hang up after three times.

If it keeps ringing, it means that the phone is very important and can't be avoided.

Senators generally don't want to get too close to the presidential palace or the Ministry of defense. It's not good to get too close, and it's easy to get into trouble.

"Sorry, I spilled my coffee. It wet my pants. I was changing my pants when the phone rang." the senator immediately found out why he had waited so long to answer the phone.

The person at the other end of the phone obviously didn't consider whether the reason for recourse in the past was true. "I asked someone to send a video to you. You'll pay attention to it later. In addition, the Ministry of defense plans to increase Lynch's aircraft order this morning."

"From the original 200 to 600, the total budget is more than 100 million, and it is possible to continue to add in the future."

Like the military appropriations committee and the military budget review committee, most of these committee members related to the military have several good friends in the Ministry of defense.

Only in this way can we quickly understand some information of the Ministry of defense, what will happen next, and make a response.

The senator's brow immediately stood up. "What happened?"

"Yesterday, Lynch's Blackstone security let people see the future of the aircraft through a small-scale armed operation. The Ministry of defense and the military are considering whether to establish the third service independently."

"Don't stretch out your hand on this, okay?"

"It's not us who offend you now. You will directly offend the top military generals. Their temper is not as good as ours."

What he said was very clear. The senator immediately stood up with his forehead. He couldn't sit still.

After walking back and forth for a few steps, his expression was a little serious, "I have to have at least one decision whether it conforms to..."

"You don't need to rule. I just want to inform you that I don't want to cooperate with a strange friend. You know, I miss old love very much."

"I have another meeting later. Hang up."

Looking at the receiver that had hung up, whether the video tape had arrived or not, the senator immediately ran out of the door and ran towards the elevator.

He looked at Senator Langdon standing in the elevator. The elevator door closed slowly. He couldn't help shouting, "wait a minute!"