Chapter 918

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Every moment of business is based on a fragile balance. There is no sign of mutual attack among the major warlords in mariro, and they are developing in their own sullen way.

Before they were prepared to eliminate others so early and establish a unified regime, the warlords were very friendly on the surface.

Even a little friction will not turn into a larger armed conflict.

But if you cut and split with the warlords behind it all the time, other big warlords will have the reason and purpose to start, establish and supply system all the time, and grab this business!

So Lynch doesn't care about the attitude of Sanchez and his general father. In the Federation, everyone must obey the rules of the game here.

Whether that man is the son of a warlord.

Or the warlord himself, your excellency.

Or the president of the Federation.

They must obey these rules, the rules formulated by capitalists.

What happened at the shareholders' meeting every moment was not hidden for long. After it was determined that the shareholders' meeting would be reconvened next month, that is, May 1, the changes in this meeting spread out in an instant.

Someone is deliberately publicizing what happened at the meeting, and Lynch doesn't have to guess. It must be from the bank.

If buppen's capitalists are crocodiles, then banks are prehistoric crocodiles.

It has bigger body, sharper teeth and, of course, more greedy appetite!

They see the opportunity, the opportunity to make big money, so they have to push it in the direction they expect.

Lynch, as a major shareholder, is obviously within the scope of their "solicitation".

On the evening of the third day of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, a director of the asset execution department of Rongsheng Jinhang personally visited Lynch.

The work of the asset execution department is to find a way to sell the assets of individuals or enterprises who can't afford to pay back the bank money to recover the "lost" department.

Fortunately, they are banks and capitalists. If they don't have this skin, people will use "selling stolen goods" to describe their actions.

After seeing Lynch, the supervisor gave him some small gifts, all worthless handicrafts. Then they entered Lynch's study.

"Mr. Lynch, the bank has reassessed its risk at the everytime shareholders' meeting today. We believe that continuing to hold the shares of everytime company for a long time will not bring us considerable benefits."

Lynch tilted his legs and pressed his hands on his legs. He nodded his head slightly and motioned the supervisor to continue.

The smile on the supervisor's face was warmer. Lynch didn't interrupt him, which meant that they had the basis of cooperation. "You are the major shareholder of the company. I still have less than 10% of the shares in my hand, plus some people we can win over."

"We have mastered the key votes."

"Now, the dispute over the ownership of Founder shares may last for a long time, which is likely to bring us great losses, so the bank has given us a new choice."

Lynch nodded again. "Tell me."

The executive director pursed his lips, as if he were thinking about his own strategies and ideas. After the meeting, he said, "we plan to unite with those companies that initiate acquisitions, so that as long as we hold more than 51% of the shares, we can split them all the time."

"We notice that the most profitable department at present is kolov, so we will separate this part and the rapidly developing general tobacco department."

"Most of the other departments are in a continuous loss or breakeven state, which will be abandoned by us..."

To put it simply, Rongsheng gold bank means to gather the power of major shareholders to get the absolute control of the board of directors.

Then the company was divided into more than ten different independent companies and the ownership structure of all shareholders was readjusted. These companies were divided into two cases.

The first is ready to give up, and the second is ready to harvest.

Those companies that intend to be abandoned will use all their real estate to mortgage a sum of money to the bank, and then lend the money to those companies preparing to harvest in an interest free and indefinite way through some special channels.

Then these companies that intend to give up apply for bankruptcy, and the bank takes away their real estate. Not only will they not lose money, they may also make a profit.

After all, it's not easy to borrow $10 million of real estate capacity from banks, but it's much easier for banks to deal with these real estate.

The market value of enterprises that get a lot of money and wait to be harvested will soar in an instant, because they hold a lot of money in their hands. If they "dress up" a little, they can easily attract the attention of investors.

Then "sell at a premium", everyone can earn a satisfactory return, except those who are destined to be "abandoned" in the beginning.

Of course, their losses will not be too great, and their lives will not change much after the enterprise goes bankrupt.

Maybe just like ordinary people, they need to find a job to support themselves, rather than sitting in a room with central air conditioning, looking at the quarterly financial report and thinking about where to eat in the evening.

It is a very common means, which is also the most popular financial operation means of buppen at present, so those financial companies will be called "buppen's jackal".

They don't care about the life and death of the founders. They put the future money into the present pocket by trampling on others' dreams and destroying others' future.

After finishing these pat your ass, you will leave behind enterprises applying for bankruptcy and a large number of unemployed people.

Lynch looked at the executive director and hit the core, "is there anyone going to buy the tobacco business all the time?"

The pupil of the executive director contracted very quickly. He then lowered his head to cover up the unnatural expression changes on his face. When he raised his head again, his expression and expression had recovered as before.

But Lynch caught his subtle and instantaneous change just now.

"Why do you think so, Mr. Lynch?", the executive director finally couldn't help it. He knew that this might deceive ordinary people, but he couldn't deceive people like Lynch who had guessed the truth.

If he hadn't guessed the truth, he might have been hidden for some time, but he guessed that with a goal, he could know the truth as long as a few phone calls, so the head of the executive department didn't hide it. He asked his doubts.

Lynch did not show any pride, nor did he guess the happiness after it was right. He was still so ordinary. "I don't need to guess. Every moment of the tobacco business plus the squeezing of other departments, a single kolov business is worth at least 600 million."

"This kind of business cannot be quickly digested in the market. The cost of their own operation is too high. The only possibility is that someone has an eye on this business and plans to acquire this business through you..."

The head of the executive department sighed and convinced.

"Shi good luck company took a fancy to these businesses. They also heard what happened at the meeting and contacted us..."

Good luck is also called good luck. It is one of the three major federal tobacco companies and belongs to the later developed company.

Originally, this is an ordinary tobacco company. Like most small and medium-sized tobacco companies, it has ruling power in a certain region, but it is not strong enough to look at the whole country.

In the early years, the president of shiluck seized a very important opportunity, that is, he created a variety of filter tip mixed cigarettes suitable for women.

At that time, women's rights organizations were launching the campaign of "women also have the right to smoke in public", but there were no cigarettes specially made for women with a slightly softer taste.

As soon as the lucky women's cigarettes came out, they immediately spread all over the Federation. Because they actively participated in and supported the feminist movement, they have now become one of the favorite companies of women in the new era.

This small tobacco company, which was not very prominent, has become one of the three major tobacco companies in the Federation.

Of course, this is also directly related to the consumption ability of women. Women's cigarettes are often more expensive than men's cigarettes, but they use less raw materials. Just one more baking process can bring more profits.

After the rapid expansion, good luck is still planning further expansion and wants to be bigger and stronger.

It has been said that whether a tobacco company really has strength depends on whether they have kolov business.

As the favorite consumer goods of the upper class society, kolov is also very greedy for good luck, but they can't get into this circle all the time.

This is also because they are one of the costs of success by making women's cigarettes. The mainstream upper class society is still dominated by men. They don't like the business strategy of good luck, so they can't open the situation.

After encountering problems all the time this time, rongshengjin's first reaction was good luck when contacting. They always wanted to open the situation, and now they have a chance.

Rongsheng Jinhang did so because they could get the most benefits in this split acquisition case.

These include a large number of high-quality real estate property rights under their command all the time, the income brought by their shares all the time, some of the loans they pay will return to their pockets, and when they lend money to shiluck, let shiluck have the money to buy the kolov business all the time.

Even the money lent to good luck will be converted into debt and shares, just as they do all the time.

The borrowed money becomes an investment, directly take shares to eat dividends, and then sell the shares or recover the interest and principal when there is danger.

Back and forth, at least tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of profits, which is enough to move the shareholders of Rongsheng Jinhang.

So they will send someone to contact Lynch and hope to get Lynch's support. Only if there are enough people to support, can the plan go on.