Chapter 962

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
In the simple laboratory, three male students are still doing experiments.

Then one of them said discontentedly, "she went to the professor again."

His voice was full of complaints and discontent, because he knew why the female students among them went to the professor.

In addition, the young man doing chemical analysis said, "isn't that normal?"

"We conquer the world with our ability. Women can conquer us as long as they lie down!"

This is a dirty joke and full of disrespect for women, but the three young students in the room have no aversion to it, and even think that this is the world.

They have been helping professors work for free. In name, professors should pay them a salary, which is not low. It is the salary given to them by associate researchers in the federal salary standard.

But in fact, this salary will not be really paid to them, but deducted for various reasons.

For example, if they screw up an experiment, everyone's salary will be deducted. Maybe the cost of experimental materials destroyed by the screwed experiment is only a few dollars, but they can't refute it.

They do not accept this kind of exploitation as capitalist, even worse than capitalist. There are many people outside who want to join in, and they can only endure it.

The person who spoke first continued chatting, "at first, I thought she was different from others. This woman's watch."

Some people were interested in his statement, "have you liked her before?"

The first person who started this topic did not hide his thoughts, nodded, "I tried to pursue her, but failed."

There were some laughter in the room, some gloating, some relieved and some disgusted.

After putting down the beaker in his hand, the person who hasn't spoken for a long time said, "do well. When you have money, everyone will be the same."

This sentence may be the greatest encouragement for them. The three people stopped chatting and began to work more seriously.

For several days in a row, the data and material collection were very abundant, and the professor planned to go back to the Federation.

There are many advantages in this place. For botanists, it is a paradise, but there are also some problems that people can't stand, such as mosquitoes.

It was good when they were in the laboratory. They had an insecticide and sterilization spraying corridor, but they were punished when they were working in the field.

Those mosquitoes will try their best to get into their clothes, taste the local specialties from the Federation, and then be slapped to death.

Everyone has a lot of bags, which are bitten out by those insects.

Now, they are finally free.

When the paper comes out, their names have the opportunity to rank behind the professor's name - it depends on how much they can spend on the paper or how much the paper is worth in their mind.

If you are lucky, you can get a chance to be a second and third author. If you don't have enough money, you can mix an experimental assistant.

Just as they packed up, the first batch of tobacco leaves had entered the production link.

In the clean and tidy production workshop, everyone wears the kind of raincoat that doctors wear during surgery?

It may be called this, but whatever it is, in the room pretending to be sterile and dust-free, a group of workers with hoods, masks, disposable raincoats, gloves and rubber shoes sit on both sides of the table.

They are processing tobacco on the table and look very focused. At this moment, they are like real doctors preparing for surgery.

Outside the production workshop, a camera is shooting.

Everyone's expression is very serious, because soon these pictures will appear in front of the people, and even it is not just an ordinary advertisement!

Lynch spent some money for the director who was good at making documentaries to make it into a ten minute documentary called "where does it come from?"

In this documentary, people will see a picture they have never imagined. They will see with their own eyes how a cigarette changes from a piece of fresh tobacco leaf to a cigarette and kolov, which is finally put in a box and sold to them on the shelf.

Since ten minutes is not a short time, the whole documentary will be broadcast in the window by the side of the road——

Some stores will display several TVs in the window, some will broadcast local TV stations, some will broadcast their own advertising films, but others will broadcast videos sent by others.

Just give money, which is also a means of revenue, and the benefits are fairly good.

The price of buppen is 100 yuan a day. It may cost 150 to 300 yuan in particularly prosperous places. Every time it will play for 24 hours, including late at night.

Anyone can see these things.

If Lynch wants to reflect the gap between every moment and the past, the best way is to reflect more professional technology and processes on the original basis.

Compared with other people's messy factory, this temporarily renovated workshop with money is already very beautiful.

Especially those workers who look like doctors inside, no matter what they are doing, depending on their current dress, people can feel the difference of the products in their hands.

At this time, a man wearing gold rimmed glasses appears in the picture. The guy in lattice suit looks like a scholar.

He began to explain why he had such strict requirements on production all the time, and also dealt a slight blow to other competitors.

For example, he mentioned that dust, bacteria, humidity and other factors in the production environment will cause certain problems to the taste of cigarettes and the physical condition of consumers.

Only when the cigarette is produced in such a strict production workshop, can it better provide its real taste to consumers, and ensure that some unnecessary troubles will not be caused due to the laxity of some links and the problems of production environment in the production process

"Is it really so... Magical?", the gentleman standing by the window waiting for the traffic light accidentally missed several opportunities to cross the road.

He just wanted to find something to pass the boring time while waiting for the traffic light here, and then looked back at the window behind him. There was something like a documentary playing in it.

With the explanation of an expert and scholar, he finally figured out how the cigarettes in his pocket were produced.

At the same time, he also had a doubt whether every moment is really as good and special as the documentary said.

He doesn't know, but at the moment, he wants to taste it.

Although there are more than ten cigarettes in the cigarette box in his pocket, he can't wait to buy a pack and have a taste.

However, it was a pity that he looked around the shops around his workplace and found no one selling cigarettes all the time. He wondered if there was something wrong.

When he got off work, he went again and vaguely remembered who he had a lawsuit with every moment more than half a month ago.

The lawsuit has been delayed until now. It is said that it will be fought at the end of the month because there is no supply of goods at all times.

But... If they can't supply the goods, why should they advertise?

This is also the most confusing thing for many people. It is not normal to have no products and continue to advertise.

Under the influence of this reflection, some rumors began to spread inexplicably.

For example, some people are jealous of the current development all the time and intend to end their control over the tobacco market in this way.

Such stupid words are false, but people with no brains believe it.

For three days in a row, many people began to ask everywhere where they could buy new moments.

At this very special time, TV advertising also began to work.

When two beautiful girls appeared in the challenge arena, they caused the exclamation of federal men.

Their eyelids seem to lose their function due to the violent hormones. They stare at the TV motionless.

Penny and Nelly played "real" and the men in front of the TV would scream when they watched their fists fall on each other's faces.

At the same time, there was a distorted expression on their faces, as if they could feel the pain when they were beaten, mixed with some unclear excitement, as if they had some strange sexuality.

No one knew what the advertisement was talking about until finally, Penny lit a fire with a cigarette in her mouth and slowly spit out a mouthful of smoke.

As the picture rotates, people also find a line of words at the bottom of the picture——

"The new direct experience store was fully opened on the x day of this month. Citizens of bupayne are welcome to experience the store."

"Black gold supreme, on the way!"

People began to inquire about this place as soon as the advertisement was broadcast, and even someone went directly.

The precipitation and brewing in a few days are enough to make people have uncontrollable curiosity and impulse every moment. Now they want to take a sip and feel its magic.

However, it is a pity that the outside of the store is wrapped in canvas. It looks like decoration. People don't have a chance to look inside.

The staff also prompted, please bring it on the specified date.

When people have expectations, time will pass very slowly.

In the slow wait, the time to open the store finally came.

After looking for a long time that day, I didn't find any place to sell every moment. For the first time this year, I got up at more than six o'clock and came here early to prepare for the most advanced entry-level store to taste.

To his surprise, there was a group of people with floor shops outside the store. As for the team

It's far away!

He hurried to the end of the line and looked at more and more people around him. He looked forward to the cigarettes he was about to taste.