Chapter 999

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Lynch roughly calculated that the value of gifts given by others would add up to hundreds of thousands of yuan just for his birthday, not including the share transfer letter given to him by Mr. waldrick.

The lighter factory is not wholly owned, only 20%, but even this 20% is almost as much as two or three million.

Add up to more than three million for a birthday gift, which is more than ordinary people earn in a lifetime.

It is often said that people are not rich, unhappy and not hard enough

Who can say how hard we have to work in the fixed framework to have so much wealth like this?

Of course, this may also be an encouragement. After all, if people see the reality clearly, they will only despair. Only when they are immersed in the sweet pursuit of dreams, will they have the power to live.

The birthday party was still going on outside, but Lynch and some gentlemen went back to the side hall. It was a closed meeting.

There are more than a dozen gentlemen sitting or standing here. Each of them represents a military enterprise, which is also the most hidden interest group of the Federation.

In society, few ordinary people will talk about the content related to military industrial groups.

They will not discuss how much money these enterprises earn, how much tax they pay, how many employees they have and how much influence they have in society.

At most, people talk about their new products, and not everyone will know this. Only those enthusiastic military enthusiasts will know what products each of them has.

But they don't know much about deeper things, such as their influence on Congress and their relationship with the military.

Or someone knows, but these people keep silent.

Medical treatment and military industry are the two industries with the strongest strength and the largest volume in the Federation, but they don't exist in the eyes of ordinary people.

"Gentlemen, I'm sure you already know some of the reasons why I invited you here." Lynch sat on a one seater sofa, his legs cocked, and his unique position was set off by the thick and spacious sofa.

The other gentlemen nodded, and Lynch made it clear when he invited them.

"Then you can talk about your ideas and whether you intend to cooperate with me."

Lynch said with a slight smile, "Blackstone security can be regarded as the largest, legal and registered military contractor in the whole world."

"We have professional soldiers, professional tactical command and professional military equipment. Everything is professional!"

"Our ongoing orders involve mountains, forests, hills, plains, cities and other known simple or complex terrain."

"Our customers have legitimate government organizations, uprising organizations against government tyranny, rich businessmen and many, many."

"The situation we face is different every time, and there are many changes."

"If we can reach cooperation, it will be a good thing for both of us."

Everyone nodded again, which is why they can appear here.

Lynch put forward this idea to them. The temptation is too big for them to control.

When all military enterprises design and produce a new type of equipment, they will have an imaginary scope of use.

For example, enterprises producing torpedoes will not want to use them in the desert, which is obviously impossible.

However, the specific conditions used in the ocean are also different. For example, will there be any difference between the tropical ocean and the frigid ocean?

If you encounter a school of fish in the process of use, will there be any accidents?

Will ocean currents and swirls change the torpedo's propulsion direction and affect the torpedo's speed?

Too many complex environmental factors affect the actual role of a weapon product!

To design and produce new equipment around a specific use environment, after the prototype products come out, we also have to face a problem, that is, whether their products are suitable for the occasions they designed as they imagined at the beginning of their design.

For example, there was a problem that attracted the attention of many military industrial groups - sand can make guns break down.

When designing guns, they did not consider that sand would be poured into their gun structure, so these military enterprises began to improve the design, so that many arms products that should have been sold to the military at a high price ended up in stores and sold to ordinary people at a low price.

After these ordinary people buy these weapons at a price as low as the cost price, they will swear and say something bad.

Therefore, before a weapon is really launched, it must go through many attempts in different scenes, find possible problems, and finally be determined.

Lynch's is more in line with their needs for the test environment than simulating extremely harsh conditions in some laboratories.

Real combat environment, high-intensity or continuous combat, and all kinds of messy situations appear from time to time. Only this large-scale real experiment can test the reliability of products.

"Mr. Lynch, we are really interested in these things, but I don't know what price we need to pay."

What the speaker said aroused everyone's approval. It doesn't matter if the price is small. I'm afraid Lynch wants too much.

This is not an ordinary person, and people will not underestimate Lynch. In particular, his brilliant past makes everyone treat him carefully, and even they have noticed "Lynch's malice".

Think about it. There are so many representatives of giants in their industry gathered here. If one person agrees to cooperate with Lynch, the rest will be easily "suppressed" and suppressed in an all-round way if they do not cooperate with Lynch.

Even when the Ministry of defense distributes orders, it will give priority to those weapons and equipment tempered by actual war, rather than staying in the laboratory and theoretically qualified weapons!

This is not a conspiracy!

"You are responsible for providing the weapons and equipment we need for every military operation, including spare and ammunition..."

The first half sentence has made everyone frown. If some experimental weapons need small-scale equipment, it means that they need an assembly line to produce at least three or five thousand.

If they are responsible for the ammunition, they need to consider whether the cooperation with Lynch and Blackstone security is really necessary.

Many people's concept of war still rests on how much a shell costs and how much a volley costs.

In fact, the consumption of ammunition by ordinary soldiers can scare people to death.

According to the current market price, the cost of a bullet is about 25 to 35 cents. This is a bullet.

In a battle, a soldier can easily consume more than 100 bullets. If it is a high-intensity war or a long-lasting battle, each soldier may consume hundreds or even thousands of bullets.

Suppose a soldier consumes 300 bullets in a battle, the price is about 90 yuan, and a thousand people are 90000 yuan of ammunition!

This is just a very ordinary battle, such as a local conflict. If it is a large-scale attack and lasts for a long time, it is possible that the consumption of bullets is more than hundreds of thousands after a battle!

If all these are borne by military enterprises, they will not be able to support them.

Looking at the discontent on these faces and their silence, Lynch is not nervous at all. Doing business is like this. He can not only bargain, but also offer all kinds of conditions that others can't refuse.

"We will return the unused weapons and equipment to you after the battle. Although they may have been used, they are also valuable. At least we can find some problems from them."

"Secondly, we will publish the weapons we use to the public at regular intervals, score all the equipment, and we will publish a new magazine at the end of this year."

"Its name is called modern war. It will record some battles in which Blackstone participated safely, the weapons we used in these battles, and the experience and feelings of soldiers."

"Finally, we will recommend to our customers to buy weapons that our soldiers like or are relatively technologically mature."

Lynch naturally turned his wrists. "You know, our customers are rich people. They don't care about the price. They only care about whether they can buy what they need after spending money!"

"The Ministry of defense is also one of our important customers!"

People's tightly held eyebrows not only did not stretch out, but tightened more and more.

At this time, everyone has an idea in his heart, that is, "Lynch is really a dog", he is too bad.

Now they also realize the value of Blackstone security to military enterprises. Its continuous implementation of military tasks can bring a lot of military value invisible to ordinary people. As the largest front-line users, their evaluation of military equipment is particularly important!

People who buy chainsaws don't believe the salesman in the mall who may have never been to the countryside. They only believe in the feeling they have used or the recommendation of other woodcutters.

In the future, there will be no more influential military contractors than Blackstone security. Their evaluation of weapons and equipment can almost be said to be final!

Can the front-line soldiers react more reliably, no matter how well their own people and magazines blow?

People know who to listen to and how to choose, which forces them to make a choice.

Or give up cooperation with Lynch, and then watch their competitors be blown to the sky and their sales keep rising.

Or... Join in, accept Lynch's exploitation, and then stand on the same starting line with other competitors.

This is the most hateful thing. They bear extra costs, but they can only get the result of fair competition. Capitalists are fucking disgusting!