Chapter 1005

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"What benefits do you want?"

This question... Actually happened very suddenly. It was only instinctive to ask for benefits. It was not about any planning strategy. On the contrary, Mr. Truman's rhetorical question made Lynch not consider what benefits he wanted for a while.

Want money?

Not to mention whether Congress will agree to grant some money to lynch as some kind of compensation, how much is a question.

Give less, it seems that everything is childish, it's better not to.

Given more, the president may not agree, and even feel that Lynch is a small and greedy person.

So you can't have money.


This seems like a good idea, but in fact it is also the most worthless.

Federal land is privately owned. In other words, the federal government can give private land. Only those land that does not belong to anyone, such as the land here in the city center, can not be sold at all.

What they can give Lynch is worthless land, land outside the city.

Those lands are not only worthless, but also need to undertake different jobs and pay real estate tax. It's hard to say whether they have earned or lost.

Valuable land is land. Worthless land is just waste!

Tax exemption?

This may be a practical benefit, but the federal government can't approve too much.

There are too many tax exemptions. Some people will have opinions. If someone pokes it into the media again, as soon as public opinion hypes, a story of power collusion will appear.

Many people will be unlucky, including Lynch and Mr Truman, so what is the best?

Lynch gave an answer after thinking for half a minute with his two life experience.

"I want a license, a license for the insurance industry."

Mr Truman did not hesitate for too long. "I will talk to the president about this matter. If there is no accident, there should be no problem."

In fact, the establishment of insurance companies in the Federation does not require a license. In fact, insurance companies are no different from other private enterprises. They only need to register with the social service bureau.

But this involves a problem of capital supervision. Generally speaking, an insurance company without a license is like a pheasant standing on the street.

You don't know what she looks like, or what kind of service you will get after spending 20 yuan. Maybe the whole experience will be very bad.

However, with a license, it means that the company is supervised by the Federal Financial Management Commission and is guaranteed. It is probably equivalent to senior recruitment in high-end places.

You can even watch her daily life, plain photos, and health reports through the album before calling her.

And if there are any problems in the recruitment process, it is relatively guaranteed.

Of course, it's only relative.

Every two years, the federal government makes a ranking of licensed insurance companies regardless of the order of ranking. It sounds a little awkward and contradictory. In fact, it doesn't matter.

Because it is really unimportant, such as customer praise, there are all kinds of operation methods.

As long as the money is in place and the interpersonal relationship is in place, even the insurance companies with few customers can rank first.

Lynch thought that in the next stage of work, loans and insurance business could be put together - no one stipulated that insurance companies could not approve private loans.

With the development and evolution of society, people's income is bound to be higher and higher. At that time, more people will spend a little money to buy insurance.

This is a booming market. It's just getting started now.

Of course, the premise here is the same as all the premises. You have to have money.

"You know, Truman, I'm a noble man. It's nothing to sacrifice some of my personal honor and disgrace for the interests of the country." Lynch's words turned a little shameless.

"What else do I need to prepare? I was going to experiment with some new things, but it seems that I can't participate."

Some mainstream countries are beginning to study aircraft, including domestic factories are studying how to make the aircraft take off and land successfully, and can fly farther and carry more load, which poses a greater threat to ground units.

Lynch has secretly asked the Institute to change the direction of research and development - how to shoot down other people's planes.

The frenzy of aircraft is bound to lead to changes in the whole military field. At this time, Lynch has taken a step earlier than others, so he has to expand his advantages.

He has even secretly registered a patent called "synchronization coordinator". Secretly, the lawyer who may be responsible for the registration and the people in the Patent Office of the social service bureau do not know what this thing is and how valuable it is.

In addition, there are other things that are also being studied or prepared for experiments. These are secret weapons. If gavra and even other countries send military observers, Lynch's things will continue to be hidden.

Mr. Truman was also thinking about this problem. "I heard you talked to them about this problem, and I know that some people are considering these things."

"In this way, I'll help you coordinate with the Ministry of national defense. You'll meet yourself later and talk about what you can and can't take out."

"I must remind you that the gavra plane is said to have taken off."

The outflow of aircraft secrets is the pain of the Ministry of defense and the security committee. Although all countries have aircraft, the Federation is the first to really apply aircraft to the military field, and it is a relatively mature technology.

Like submarines, this will change the pattern and mode of war.

When they were ready to end the conversation, Mr. Truman also reminded, "by the way, the funds required for the plan to build overseas military bases have been fully in place. You can start to prepare."

"Talk to the people in the Ministry of defense about these, and they will give you further information..."

Lynch was really surprised when he heard the news. It took more than half a year to approve it, mainly because these contents were not so sensitive, or the level was not so high, but the cost was a lot.

This also means that he can meet in the eastern ocean and the Atlantic Ocean and build crazy. This is also good news. He is more closely connected with the military.

After hanging up, Lynch called Nell. Fortunately, he hasn't returned to nagary yet.

It's mainly because the weather is too hot. Nagaril is located next to the equator and is now a stove.

Moreover, it was not only hot, but also stuffy and humid. Nell would not return with his wives until the temperature dropped completely at the end of the month.

Wives, what an enviable, jealous and hateful word, which is probably one of the pleasures of the rich.

With Lynch's phone, Nell soon came. He looked better than ever before. He also wore fashionable clothes and looked younger.

"What's so urgent?" as soon as he entered the house, he sat on the sofa, lit a cigarette and smoked.

Recently, he thinks too much. He smokes more fiercely than usual.

Lynch gave him a big trouble. While he reluctantly wanted to refuse, he opened a real consideration for himself and his children.

Lynch also sat on the sofa. "How many employees are there in the company now?"

Nell was stunned. "About 20000 people."

In fact, this number is not large, but it is definitely not small. Any enterprise with 20000 employees feels like a big Mac in the Federation, but in nagariel

A month's salary may not need a million, but hundreds of thousands is enough.

Lynch nodded noncommittally, "go back and continue to expand enrollment, and strive to expand enrollment by 20000 people before the end of the year."

Nell looked a little surprised. He held his cigarette in his hand. "So many people?"

"Can you ask why? We don't need so many people now."

Lynch told him the reason, "because I negotiated some projects with the Ministry of national defense, and soon our construction site will be spread over Shenzhen and Hong Kong Islands in two oceans."

Being able to start work means making money. Nell, who has been eroded by capital, looked excited, "how much money can we make after we finish this order?"

"A lot!" Lynch did not give him an accurate answer, but repeated this sentence, "a lot!"

Nell clenched his fist. "I'll order the summons right away. If there are no other questions, I'll leave tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Lynch didn't object, but Nell couldn't sit still. After nothing else, he immediately left Lynch and went back to his home.

Just after entering the house, the three little wives greeted him, took his shoes and helped him hang up his clothes. There were also basins and scarves brought by others, and some ice water to wash away the dryness and heat in his heart.

This is the fucking life!

Perhaps because he is rich now, he is becoming more like a husband and a new father than before.

In his marriage with Cera, he is still coping, coping, dealing with the same height of life every day. The slowly decaying and wasted Despair makes him angry.

So he would beat Lynch and sometimes even use cold violence against Sierra.

He never felt proud because he was a husband and a father, as the book said. He only had deep fatigue and despair.

Violence and cold violence are the only way for him to vent these pressures.

But now it's different. He has money and the pressure of life has disappeared. He can face life easily and actively.

Just like now, he met with a smile and talked with his three little wives about what had happened before.

Instead of sitting at the shabby table, slapping the table and asking his wife why the damn dinner hasn't been served yet.

Looking out of the window, a family is happy (happy, harmonious, happy and happy family)!