Chapter 1014

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Isabella has a certain understanding of the Federation, which is based on the presidential election.

Someone said that if you want to understand a country, you can see a general idea from its two most political and commercial parts.

Gavra's most political place is the Royal inheritance, aristocratic privileges, and the most commercial capitalists can't get rid of the involvement of the aristocratic group. Therefore, if gavra wants to be a successful person admired by everyone, it must have a key element - contact with the aristocrats.

Otherwise, please give up the meaningless struggle. The harder you struggle, the deeper you fall, and finally you can only become a victim of gavra's aristocratic ruling group. There is no improvement in your life.

People can't resist the general trend and the trend, because people are just people, people are not great gods, and they can't change these.

What about the Federation?

It is just the opposite of gavra. The birth of the president is not really elected by politicians or voters, but by capitalists through their means.

Behind every presidential election, countless supporters are burning funds. From a poster printed with candidates to a float election parade covering the whole country, a large amount of campaign funds will be burned at every step.

All this money comes from the big capitalists.

The business side is the same. Capitalists firmly control the country's business and finance, and even the federal government has no power to intervene in this regard!

This exposes the essence of a most authentic and most competitive fruit country, a country that has the final say of capitalists.

In this country, if you want to have a good future, you must get the support of capitalists!

Isabella has lost her most important chip. If she doesn't want to be semi house arrest in the Federation in a way she doesn't want to bear in her life, her best choice is to find someone to support herself and regain the value that can be used.

She now knows her situation, and even she knows that she has become a "substitute" to quickly replace Sanchez in case of possible problems.

But if Sanchez doesn't have any problems, she won't change. She can only live in this country so ordinary and humble.

It happened that there was such a capitalist in her eyes who could rekindle the fire of hope. She needed Lynch's support.

Lynch shook his head slightly. "You have nothing to take. You know, the essence of trading is mutual."

"You give me what I want, and then you can get what you want. In short, I have what you want in my hand, but you can't get what I want. Do you understand what I mean?"

Lynch raised his wrist and looked at the dial on his wrist. "I have other work this afternoon. If you don't have anything else, I think I should leave."

Mr. waldrick gave him the shares of the lighter factory. He hasn't been there yet. He plans to go there, even if he doesn't do anything, to let people know that he has confirmed the ownership of the shares, which is also helpful to stabilize the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders.

If some people think that Mr. waldrick's shares in his lighter factory are simply gifts, this is definitely a naive idea.

After Lynch accepted the share, the lighter factory immediately carried out the second round of share expansion and capital increase. In other words, Lynch's shares will shrink anytime and anywhere.

It is said that it is precisely because Mr. waldrick gave him this share that people are interested in the lighter factory. There are even rumors that the lighter factory is preparing to go public


The power of capital is more delicate than the wind, so delicate that they can drill into people's every pore to find the interests they want!

As the fuse of the whole thing, Lynch had to go and see who was laying out the layout. Maybe it was Mr. waldrick, but he believed that Sevilla might be behind it.

Seeing that Lynch didn't pretend to leave, Isabella was a little worried, "we have the best tobacco field. I can unconditionally supply the previous high-quality tobacco to every moment."

Lynch didn't say anything. Isabella bit her teeth. "I know some minerals and one place has oil, but we don't have the ability to exploit, so we haven't moved."

This is one of the generals' core secrets. Maybe they don't understand what "sustainable development" is, but they know that they can't always rely on something. One leg can't walk well, two legs can!

After the change of ownership every moment, the general planned to send people to mine iron and copper mines and exchange the ore for funds, but before he could implement it, he was assassinated.

At this time, Lynch had some interest, "these things belong to the whole mankind. They don't belong to one person. Anyone can mine..."

Isabella bit her lips. "It's better to mine by others than by yourself, Mr. Lynch..."

She suddenly stood up and opened her clothes. Maybe it was hot in the Federation. She didn't wear much. Her clothes fell to the ground, leaving only a pair of trousers.

Isabella's complexion is very white, which may be due to the low ultraviolet intensity in mariro, of course, it may also be other reasons.

The white skin just set off the blue in her eyes, making that touch of blue more bright!

Sky blue symbolizes the gods. In marillo's tradition, only the eyes of "people in heaven" are blue, and the others are "people on earth", that is, Dalits.

Her figure is also very good. In a war-torn country, if she can't manage her figure well, it's still very dangerous.

If you grow fat or too thin, you can be found in the crowd at a glance. In the process of being assassinated, it is difficult to escape assassination or even anti assassination.

You can't expect a 300 pound lady or gentleman to make the dexterous movements made by a 120 pound man, nor can you expect them to kill anyone who is out of breath after running a few steps.

Isabella, who has always maintained exercise and health management, is inexplicably proud of her body. The tattoos on her arms and shoulders also add some mysterious color to her body.

Lynch's eyes moved. "I don't understand what you mean."

"No, you understand!" Isabella took a bolder step forward. "After we become our own people, you have the possibility to support me, Lynch... I really need your help."

"I don't know what the federals are going to do to me, but this is definitely not what I want. I can give you a child..."

"He will inherit everything from me." Isabella looked down at Lynch, bent down, took his hand and pressed it on her belly. "He will be the king of mariro!"

be overweeningly ambitious.

This is Lynch's evaluation of Isabella. She is really ambitious and does not hide her ambition. She pulls herself into the water in this way.

While feeling the delicacy of Isabella's skin and thinking about the benefits of extending a helping hand, he did not naively think that what Isabella said was true and credible.

This can even be said to be another trap. Suppose they really have a child who grows up next to his mother. He and she will only hate the father who enjoys a good life in the Federation.

If he really becomes a king, there may be some ethical dramas that federates like to watch after dinner.

Even without these, Isabella will find a way to let the child compete for Lynch's property in the future.

This is not the best choice.

Looking at Lynch's hesitation, Isabella said again, "people should think about themselves. If you don't think these are enough to impress you, why don't you try to leave yourself a way back?"

"If something irresistible happens, you can come to mariro for asylum!"

Lynch couldn't help laughing. "You underestimate the Federation. If one day I can't hold it and have to flee overseas, it doesn't make much sense no matter where I go."

"Mariro is not a good choice. You have nothing, even you have not felt what is called 'carpet bombing'. In that attack, nothing will be left."

Looking at Isabella, who was almost desperate in front of her, Lynch gently felt the friction between her palm and her skin. It was a wonderful feeling.

"But we can cooperate in other areas, minerals, oil, they are really important!"

No matter when, the value of these things far exceeds their actual value.

These things also have political value and strategic value. The benefits produced by any value exceed their original value.

For example, these minerals can be mined by Mr. PATU or even subcontracted to them, which can not only obtain high profits, but also have a better relationship with xingmengdie consortium.

Oil can be kept by itself. There are more and more places that need oil in the future. Civil and military are inseparable from oil.

Especially when the war broke out, oil immediately rose to the height of strategic reserves and national security. At this height, its benefits will exceed its actual value.

In addition, mariro is a place suitable for military training, and what Isabella said before may not be unreasonable.

People always have to leave a way back for themselves... No, it's to leave more ways back!

Lynch withdrew his hand and looked at her. "What are you waiting for?"


Forty minutes later, Lynch dressed up again with Isabella's help.

It seems that this is not necessary, but this process is just the key. It is like... Signing a contract. Verbal promises will not reassure people. Only appropriate "concessions" can be made!