Chapter 1022

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
A series of moves by the Ministry of national defense soon attracted the attention of domestic consortia. Because Lynch's Flight Research Institute was also on the list, someone came to him soon.

Mr. waldrick, with two engineers, found Lynch.

"I heard you discussed some very wonderful things at the Ministry of defense?", sitting opposite Lynch, Mr. waldrick had a wonderful feeling.

When he saw the young man three years ago, he looked at him more just because he was really handsome, but he didn't really enter Mr. waldrick's "heart".

An ordinary person doesn't have the value of being noticed. Maybe he can use it in the future - there will always be people who like handsome young people. His evaluation of Lynch is limited to this.

But today, three years later, Lynch is qualified to sit behind the table and face him. It's a wonderful feeling.

He took out his cigarette and his cigarette companion and lit it for himself.

This kind of thing is very popular in today's federal upper class society, and it may also have something to do with Lynch's publicity. People know that using cigarette partners with black gold supreme can get a better experience.

"Don't forget, I'm also a shareholder of the flight research institute."

Lynch seemed to think of this matter under the reminder of Mr. waldrick. "There's such a thing. We just talked about some technical problems of aircraft."

Mr. wardrick nodded to show that he was still listening.

Then Lynch talked about the new round of military equipment research that the Ministry of defense wanted to launch. He didn't say that the news actually came from gavra, which inspired the strategic response mechanism of the Ministry of defense. He skipped this part.

This sensitivity still exists.

After listening carefully to Lynch's words, Mr. waldrick frowned and thought for a while, "do you think it is possible to have such a... Warship born?"

Lynch asked, "why not?"

"Decades or more ago, people probably didn't think about installing guns on ships and installing a lot of them, and we did it."

"Now it's just to take off these guns and pave a runway. This is not a problem. Technically speaking, it can be achieved."

Mr. wardrick shook his head. "I don't know much about these things. They sound special."

He was silent for a moment. "The chariot we talked about before... The company has completed the reorganization and is now waiting for the design drawing. We said this before."

He talked to lynch about this issue. Lynch said he could provide him with some ideas, so he persuaded the board of directors to restructure the three companies to enter the military industry.

Lynch's Flight Research Institute exists. With this springboard, Mr. waldrick and the consortium behind him can better communicate and sell arms to people in the Ministry of defense.

It sounds a little... I can't understand why we need a springboard to talk about sales with the Ministry of defense. This is actually an exclusive measure.

Countless arms dealers are arrested in the Federation every year. They are not really arrested for selling weapons or other reasons.

In the major supermarkets of the Federation, various weapons are hung on the walls for sale, and no one has caught the bosses behind these supermarkets.

What really made these arms dealers unlucky was that they moved the cake of the military industrial group and did not divide the accounts for the military industrial group, so they were unlucky.

The profit of this industry is very large, so people in this industry will guard this industry and try not to let outsiders in.

They artificially created a lot of barriers, such as qualifications and licenses. Only after avoiding these problems that may cause problems can they establish sales relations with the Ministry of defense.

Lynch got a similar sales license because of the birth of the aircraft, and the Ministry of defense included their names in the "cooperation list".

In short, many people's interests are involved. Even people like Mr. waldrick and the consortium behind him can't rashly enter this industry.

Otherwise, it may lead to the targeting of the whole industry, which is the most terrible.

You developed a pistol, and your competitors used their advantages in this industry to develop a pistol with better performance and cheaper price.

In addition to these disadvantages, the Department of defense is not optimistic about you, and several congressional committees refuse to pay for your products, which is a fatal blow to military enterprises.

Tens of millions of research funds have been wasted, and even water flowers can't be seen.

The wages of the workers, the cost of the site and all kinds of losses will soon bring down a large heavy industry enterprise.

Only after taking advantage of the "indispensable" characteristics and gaining a firm foothold in it will it not be excluded.

Anyway, the water is deep.

"How much can you give me?" Lynch asked directly. He didn't beat around the Bush and asked directly.

Federals are very direct on many issues, especially on business. They don't like to go around. If the price is appropriate, they can make a decision immediately.

If it doesn't fit, even if you go around, it won't change anything in the end.

Mr. waldrick offers two options.

"Five percent of the company's shares and five percent of the sales commission."

"10% of the shares and 2% of the Commission."

Lynch hardly hesitated. "I'll choose the first."

"Don't think about it again?", Mr. waldrick was surprised at the speed of his decision. He felt that such matters involving millions and tens of millions of capital gains should be considered carefully, but Lynch shook his head.

"No, have you brought the contract?" he looked at the two high-tech students sitting aside and knew that Mr. waldrick was ready.

Subsequently, they signed a contract. If Lynch's designed chariot is approved and purchased by the Ministry of defense, Lynch will obtain 5% of the shares of the new company "Titan industry" and 5% of the sales of the corresponding designed products.

If the designs he gave were not approved by the Department of defense, the contract would be terminated.

Lynch found the director of the legal department all the time. He sat aside with Mr. waldrick and talked about some recent developments of the joint development company. He handed over professional things to professional people.

"Akumali's influence is growing. Mr. jeruno has some opinions. He believes that such a person with expanding influence can not be allowed to continue to stay in nagary."

"Maybe he will talk about it at the end of the year!"

Lynch frowned after hearing this, "the existence of akumali is not a trouble for us, but will help us better rule the natives of nagaril."

"Without him, we can't determine whether those people will solve their demands by attacking others after they encounter some problems."

"It's good now. With akumali, everyone is abiding by the rules. I don't think it's a problem or a problem."

Mr. waldrick smoked and looked at Lynch with a playful smile. He didn't speak.

Lynch suddenly realized what he was implying, "Mr. jeruno's people didn't abide by the 'rules'?"

Mr. waldrick looked back at the lawyers and people in the room and said, "they bought and sold people in Nanan and reportedly had some conflicts with the locals."

Lynch's eyes widened. "Are you kidding?"

He felt that Mr. waldrick was really joking. The human resources of nagariel were so cheap that it was obviously not cost-effective to do illegal business such as buying and selling people.

Moreover, the Duncan family is not a small family that eats bad money. It is the largest family in the Federation. They don't have to do such a thing.

But soon, he reacted.

Maybe it is because he will have such an idea that he thinks it is impossible.

If a person has some "nonexistent" people and some girls in his hands, even killing them will not cause any consequences. How much evil will be released in his bones?

Lynch doesn't know, because no one has done such an experiment, and he believes that human evil will exceed the limit of human imagination.

Just like a performance art master almost died in the street, as long as conditions permit, human beings will turn into evil.

The rich in the Federation and the rich all over the world will always have such needs. They hide their true self under their usual false appearance, and they also need to vent their evil thoughts.

Nothing is more important than spending money to buy some "non-existent" people to vent their inner evil. They will spend a lot of money for this.

As long as they can ensure that these people will not cause "problems", they will pay more money!

It is not strange that there have been all kinds of illegal businesses, such as human trafficking, organ smuggling, and smuggling of precious living animals under the horizon of the whole world and even the federal society.

It's just that the Duncan family's status is too high, so Lynch just subconsciously thinks it's impossible when he hears this kind of thing.

Now, he doesn't think so.

People who have needs and can afford money are often the ruling class of various countries, and the worst is the rich. They constitute the ruling class of the whole world.

The Duncan family needs to maintain the relationship with these people, so it must have its own ability. It must have a "chip" that can hold hands.

Population business is those chips.

The "truth" of the world has never been the same place as flowers and Utopia. There is only the latter truth, that is the "moral abyss"!

Now think about it in turn. It seems that the Duncan family's dissatisfaction with akumali can be understood.

A person who has great influence and appeal and is concerned by the whole world will receive worldwide attention if he says anything shocking.

If he detonated the Duncan family scandal, it would be a disaster for the Duncan family.