Chapter 1025

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Nausea is the only feeling people have.

The federals were disgusted. They used Sanchez as an excuse to interfere in mariro's internal affairs and pretended that it had nothing to do with them.

This also makes mariro's big warlords face a very difficult choice.

Is it a step-by-step concession or a way to let the federals see their determination.

This is important.

Look at nagariel. That land has been completely reduced to a federal colony. Its new name even carries the words "new federation".

If the warlords do not resist, it is possible that mariro is the next "new federation", such as "mariro new federation".

And those of them... Look at the ruling class in nagary, they won't end well.

The old rulers died, the immigrants to the Federation, and the rest disappeared.

These new rulers are not so much the puppets of the federates as the rulers. The only thing they can do is to listen to the federates and play their roles well, otherwise they may disappear from people's sight anytime and anywhere.

Warlords don't like this. They certainly don't have any great ideals when they are warlords.

Maybe at the beginning, they saved the world and the nation, but when they came to this step, they found that all ideals are bullshit, and power and wealth are what they pursue.

They will not give up these, at least when their lives are not in danger.

There seems to be some dangerous things brewing in the silent space. They are thinking, everyone is, and their ideas are gradually approaching, that is to give the federates a little power.

They should not be allowed to meddle in the domestic situation of mariro at will as they are now. They should understand that this is mariro, the kingdom of heaven, not a broken place like nagariel

"I agree with this idea. We can fight with the federals and then negotiate."

Some people were the first to stand up, and others naturally agreed with this idea. Soon, everyone's opinions were unified, that is, give the federates a little strength, and then bring them to the negotiation table.

If we do not fear the federals, they may not be able to negotiate at the negotiating table, and they may not be able to make enough concessions.

Next, a group of warlord representatives began to discuss how to fight and to what extent.

In fact, before they came here, these representatives had a preliminary contact with the generals behind them, which was just a more direct contact.

Even some people think that this contact will become a page that can not be ignored in the history of the Marriott peace process, and the Marriotts and Mallory are really trying to cooperate for the first time.

Instead of letting go of prejudice and hostility and merging together at the call of some clowns like Sanchez.

Their cooperation is the first step of real integration.


The first day's attack did not yield much. In order to avoid the previous attack, the strategy of this attack was slightly adjusted.

The headquarters decided to clean up part of the urban area and establish simple posts.

Mariro's situation is too complicated. Everyone may be under the warlord.

When there is no war, these people are ordinary citizens, even a farmer. They don't run around with guns every day. They do their own things most of the time.

Work or life, which also leads to the lack of a good way to distinguish these people from real citizens.

Before, they could pretend to have distinguished, but now there are so many international military observers. If they are still "mistakenly killing" civilians, it may have some negative effects.

The advance of the first day was not very fast, but everyone was optimistic about the outcome of the battle.

More advanced military equipment is enough to cope with many problems. With the help of these new equipment, the problems encountered in the last battle are not so easy to happen.

According to the plan, in about four days to a week, they will expel or eliminate all the armed elements in the city, and then declare their occupation here.

This time, because of the presence of international military observers, the federal government wants to reflect a different thing——

We care about innocent civilians!

Yes, this is what the Federation wants to show. When they told Lynch to be kind to civilians, Lynch despised it very much.

They all fucking called people's homes and said they should be kind to people

But there was no way. The Ministry of defense and the Lords of Congress approved another part of the money to deal with and resettle some injured civilians.

We should fully carry forward the federal spirit of loving peace and freedom

I don't know what they think.

The next day, something changed.

"What's going on?"


"OK, I see."

The colonel who hung up the phone looked blankly at the other commanders in the command car, "according to the news sent back in front, local civilians are taking the initiative to leave their house..."

After all kinds of publicity yesterday, the local people were willing to stay in the house rather than go anywhere.

Everyone can understand this mood. At least they can provide themselves with some necessary sense of security in their own home. If they leave the house, they don't know what they will encounter.

The soldiers kept persuading, but it didn't work. For this reason, there were some small conflicts, and more than a dozen armed elements hidden among ordinary people were found. Of course, these people had been killed in advance before attacking the federal soldiers.

But what I didn't expect was that early this morning, those citizens who were unwilling to leave their house began to leave with their belongings.

This makes the commanders on the command vehicle completely confused about what happened. This completely reversed change makes people have to think of a lot of things.

"Maybe we influenced them!"

The sporadic gunfire in the city makes people's attention return to the battle in the city. They don't care why these civilians choose to take the initiative.

At the first time of the war, information began to be transmitted frequently.

The enemy's defense is not much different from what they thought. They block and intercept with the help of the complex terrain of the city, and this time their enemy has become smarter.

They didn't get together and stick to a building, which made the idea of making a quick decision when the command car came up.

The enemy dispersed behind various obstacles and hid in buildings. At the moment of exchange of fire, federal soldiers suffered casualties.

"This is inevitable, but much better than the previous battle."

A lieutenant colonel who stood with the military observers to observe the movement of the city explained, "the danger of street warfare should be second only to jungle warfare. If we want to empty every house, it will cost too much and take too long, so we have adopted some new methods."

With the beginning of the war, flamethrowers and incendiary bombs also began to play a role, especially burst incendiary bombs, which used a chemical agent said to be the latest synthesis.

Once ignited, the combustion speed will be very fast, and it is not easy to extinguish, and the generated smoke has a certain toxicity.

In order to make it more lethal, the incendiary bomb adopts a method similar to fragments for blasting.

It was a missile about 15 centimeters tall with the thickness of an adult's wrist. One was heavy and the other was light.

After being thrown, the first heavy must fall to the ground first. After landing, the projectile will have a slight explosion and accumulate into massive combustion compounds, which will quickly contact the air and be ignited in the process of flying.

Every time this incendiary bomb is used, the whole room, including the roof, is burned.

Even if someone hides behind the furniture, these flames can quickly ignite the furniture. If it is not like being burned or suffocated by poisonous smoke, the only way is to rush out and accept the baptism of bullets.

"I noticed that your soldiers have a very special thing behind them. What's that?"

Gavra's military observers saw at a glance that each soldier was wearing something like a mask. In the past, when there was an epidemic, those doctors would dress like this, but it was the first time they appeared on the battlefield.

Is there any epidemic here?

The lieutenant colonel also looked at the soldiers who were protecting them not far away and said quietly, "it's a dust mask. We found that the dust here was relatively large in the previous battle. Once a strong wind blows, our soldiers will face the harsh natural environment."

This man is lying!

Gavra's military observers smiled and did not expose the fact that he was lying. As long as they continued to observe here, they would certainly find these little secrets.

At this time, their eyes returned to the front line. Sporadic gunshots gradually became frequent, and occasionally there was an explosion, which looked very intense.

Gavra's military observers still have a heavy expression. There is no doubt that the federal army is at least stronger than gavra's army.

It's frustrating that he doesn't want to admit it and has to admit it.

The lieutenant colonel standing beside him always kept a reserved smile. All this was expected.

At this time, in another direction of the city, about more than 100 kilometers away, a group of soldiers who don't look like elite soldiers are rushing to the battlefield.

Behind them, there were several trucks with some machine guns, some machine guns and even several guns at the back of the team.

In the other direction, there are also some similar soldiers moving forward quickly. They take trucks and travel faster. Although they do not carry guns, they have more machine guns and machine guns!

Federals more than 100 kilometers away never thought about what they would encounter next.