Chapter 1029

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
"How long is it before dawn?"

"There are eight hours left."

"There are only eight hours left..."

After pushing forward two houses again, Ryan's partner asked him the current time.

Both men were silent for a moment, and the command car asked them to pick up all the wounded soldiers left before seven o'clock.

Because once it is dawn, they are likely to encounter shelling again.

The Ministry of defense has told them that federal artillery has started loading and will arrive at the front line in no more than a week, but how to keep it in a fucking week?

With flesh and blood?

People have guns in their hands, and they are not ready at all.

Therefore, at 7:30 at the latest, the whole line will tighten and then retreat from the main battlefield of the city.

The idea of the command vehicle is to move the main battlefield from cities that obviously have more advantages over the enemy to the suburbs.

They even let some soldiers who were not seriously injured start digging trenches in the field and plan to fight a positional battle.

As long as they can drag supplies and artillery, they can take the city.

In other words, eight hours later, whether they can advance to the position attacked in the morning or not, they must evacuate.

After a short rest, Ryan took a mirror and observed the outside through the reflection of the mirror.

He found this mirror in this room. It is more suitable to use a mirror than the crazy way of sticking out his head directly.

His sniper companion is also looking in the mirror.

The flare in the sky is slowly falling. The light it brings is getting darker and darker, and everything becomes very dark again.

After the darkness fell, the two men took advantage of the weak night light, ran quickly in the street and entered the next building.

As soon as they entered the building, they picked up their rifles and began to search the room. On the way, they had met two or three rooms with hidden enemies.

Every move was fast and careful, and this time they met a closed door.

It seems that it should be a bedroom or something, and the door is tightly closed. At this time, Ryan doesn't keep some innocence when he just arrived in mariro.

He will not think about whether there are people in this room. If there are people, are they innocent civilians or armed elements with weapons.

At this time, any stranger around him, he has subconsciously regarded them as enemies.

Ryan took a broken grenade from his body, held it in his hand and stood by the door with his partner on the other side.

They cooperate with each other tacitly.

His partner gently held the door handle, gently twisted it, then nodded, and then pushed the door open.

Then Ryan dropped the fragment grenade in his hand. Neither of them had the desire to look inside. About three or four seconds later, there was a loud noise.

There were three more craters on the wall facing the door, one of which was missing a fragment about the size of a little thumb nail.

One by one, they entered the room, and the flashlight in their hands lit up the room.

At the corner of the wall, an adult male was seriously injured and was still struggling for his last life. Ryan walked over, calmly raised his gun and ended his life.

The man's body has been shaking. He has no strength to support his body, but he still tries to cover something.

A few seconds later, there was a slight cry.

Ryan pulled away the man's body and saw a child curled up in the corner.

In the dark, there was an unspeakable silence and despair in his eyes when he looked at them, as well as... Towering hatred.

Even the light of hatred finally covers everything else!

"You go out..." Ryan's partner said. He knew Ryan couldn't do it.

Ryan was silent for a moment and left the room silently. Then there was the sound of a pistol in the room.

According to the habit of the federal army, one shot in the head and one shot in the heart.

A moment later, his partner came out of the room. They both looked as if nothing had happened.

In fact, they all know that without the protection of their families, the child living in this chaotic place may be worse than dead.

Their behavior is not justice, maybe very evil, but everyone has his own reason to do so.

Just like Ryan, what he is thinking now is to take those comrades in arms who need help back.

The whole house was cleaned. There was no one. They came to the window again, looked at the fluorescent hour and second hands on their watches, and waited for the light to come again!

The progress of street warfare is very slow and meticulous. There are countless such cooperation in alternating reconnaissance in almost the whole city and every street.

They kept moving forward, slowly but always forward.

At this time, in the command car outside the city, the commanders' faces have not looked good since the morning.

The speed of propulsion is too slow.

There is a straight-line distance of about four kilometers from here to the temple. Considering the layout and construction of the city, the actual distance may be farther.

Nearly six or seven hours have passed since the whole afternoon, and they have only advanced a little more than two kilometers.

Every step is very slow. In order to ensure safety, they must ensure that there are no enemies in the searched house.

As a result, the number of their soldiers is obviously insufficient, so the speed can only become slower.

In other words, if the situation is very good and there is not much resistance and exchange of fire like the first half, they may have the opportunity to bring back their comrades in arms lost in and near the temple.

But this is obviously unrealistic.

The more backward, the more difficult it is to move forward. It is likely that the speed of propulsion will be reduced from 100 meters to 10 meters or even five meters!

Suddenly, everyone was stunned by the telegraph. Why would someone send a telegram in the middle of the night?

Perhaps it was the news from the Ministry of national defense. Soon the telegraph operator solved the password, which made them unable to understand - clear a 500 meter straight runway as soon as possible, and add lighting on both sides of the runway to show the width and angle!

Finally, an emergency message was added, with the password of the Ministry of defense. This is indeed a message sent from China.

Commanders don't know much, but they have guessed that it may have something to do with the plane.

The remaining people are organized and choose a place to start work. When people at work do one thing at the same time, it seems that difficult things will become easier.

At about 3:30 p.m., the runway was completely cleared. Although there were still some uneven places, we didn't rest, but continued to repair.

The sky gradually brightened, the eastern sky was white, driving out the darkness of the night, and the stars were retreating. That was a sign of the sun of the king of stars.

The gunfire in the city became dense. It may be that the front line accelerated the speed of advance, and they also came into contact with more enemies.

Street fighting is very anxious. The anxious place is that you don't know whether the person you flashed by the window of the house opposite you in ten seconds is still hiding in that room or has gone to other places.

You don't know, you have to be careful to test. It's very difficult for everyone to push every meter.

It's getting brighter and brighter, and Ryan's heart is sinking. It's far from the temple

He looked in the direction of the temple in the distance, about seven or eight hundred meters away, but it was such a short seven or eight hundred meters that he hardly had a chance to go.

At this time, it is already six o'clock in the morning. There is still about an hour left from the evacuation time. At the current speed, there is no way to push forward the past, let alone take those people and leave quickly.

It's getting brighter and brighter. Although it's a little late in winter morning, people who have fought all night can see the surrounding things vaguely without flares.

With the constantly lit gun flame and flashing figure, Ryan realized how bold and troublesome they were!

Almost all the enemies were directly opposite, and the gunfire was more intense than an hour ago. It was only at this time that he realized that the other party might have been resting last night, and they began to participate in the battle in full spirit.

Ryan is also very tired and sleepy, but he doesn't want to sleep at all. He can't sleep!

In such a place where bullets would fly towards him anytime and anywhere, he didn't feel sleepy at all.

His body and instinct are telling him not to sleep. Once you sleep, you may sleep forever.

But those people opposite, they have no burden to sleep!

What kind of people are we fighting?

The sound of the shooting made Ryan lower his head. There were several bullet holes in the wall behind him. Now, let alone push forward a hundred meters, it's impossible to even cross this street!

A kind of sadness, a kind of despair, seemed to begin to diffuse. At this time, Ryan was suddenly stunned.

There was a sharp whistle outside, some harsh, which made people feel flustered.

The next second, Ryan suddenly pressed his lost partner on the ground. The next second, the silent explosion exploded in the street, and then there was an explosion in his ear!


Ryan knew that sound. He often heard it when he was in the Navy.

The Marines in the fleet called this sound "the whistle of death" to describe its horror!

It's shelling!

The earth is shaking, the whole world seems to be collapsing, and the end is coming!

When shooting, I never feel how terrible shelling is. Only when I become a target can I understand the smallness of people in front of the war!

At the end of the first round of shelling, the voice of the messenger of the communication class suddenly sounded around——

"The headquarters asked us to retreat immediately. Repeat, the headquarters asked us to retreat immediately!"

"The enemy's shelling time is earlier than we expected. We can't continue to advance without fire cover. We must evacuate here!"

At this time, Ryan fell into a state of confusion.

I spent a night doing many things against my will, and the result... Is that it?

Just at this time, a voice he had never heard came.


Like mosquitoes flying around in your ears?