Chapter 1043

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
After dealing with the safety of Blackstone, Lynch went to the city hall of bupayne.

Many people will feel that it should be a very happy thing to be the mayor of buppen.

Because this is the political, cultural and economic center of the country. There are all the best things in the Federation. It will be very happy to be the mayor of this city - not!

Just because of the difference of this city, it is doomed that being mayor here will not be very happy.

It is entirely conceivable that there are people everywhere who the mayor can't afford to offend. He should be the supreme ruler of the city, but here, he can only be regarded as the middle level.

Because there are too many higher figures, such as the president, ministers and deputy ministers of various ministries, and then those members of Congress, as well as countless big capitalists!

Anyone can make him a headache, let alone so many people get together.

So many times people don't know what the mayor of the city said, or... What new ideas and policies he had.

His sense of existence in front of people is so low that some locals don't even know who the mayor is, what his name is and what he looks like.

Lynch didn't know before he came to the city hall, but now he knows, because the supreme ruler of the city is sitting opposite him.

"I heard from the social services bureau that they said you wanted to buy a large piece of land?"

The mayor of buppen looks very young, in his early 40s, energetic, and dressed up to make him look very capable, not as decadent as he thought.

Lynch nodded, "I'm going to build an industrial Incubation Park here..."

He talked about the meaning of the industrial Incubation Park with the mayor. The mayor was immediately attracted by Lynch's idea.

"This is a good plan, so that some small and medium-sized entrepreneurial groups don't need to worry about these things. You can provide some funds to solve their financial difficulties at the beginning of entrepreneurship and provide venues."

"It can be expected that once this industrial Incubation Park develops, it will form a very interesting ecological chain!"

"Maybe we can give you some preference in policy."

Lynch nodded. "This is also one of my purposes here, because we only invest. According to the relevant federal laws, our tax rate is not very high."

The mayor was stunned. "Wait a minute..." he needed someone to provide him with some help.

Then he mentioned the phone, did not avoid Lynch, and directly asked his concerns.

About a minute later, he ended the call.

"I inquired about it just now. It's true. It's troublesome." the mayor fell into thinking.

For entrepreneurs, or for any capitalists, tax exemption is always the best "policy", because this is money!

It is tantamount to giving money to these capitalists. Although the tax department may be dissatisfied, it doesn't matter!

This move is better than anything. It's also true when it was used before.

Unexpectedly, Lynch's light of tomorrow investment company is actually a non entity enterprise.

It does not specifically produce any goods, there are no workers, but employees will work for it, and it will pay salaries and buy insurance for employees.

If there is no actual market trading behavior, it does not meet all the tax preconditions, and the return on investment may not need to pay tax or only need little tax according to federal law.

Regional and state laws are different, there will be some differences, but even if there are differences, the gap between these differences is not very large.

If you give Lynch the tax exemption, Lynch will not have to pay tax.

People will be very sensitive to this matter. You should never "assume" that those people can understand the decisions of the city hall, nor underestimate their ability to think nonsense.

Once Lynch's light of tomorrow investment company is exempted from tax, people will certainly boil. They will think it's a black curtain, but it's not.

The people will not care about this. They will only make trouble, and then lead the investigation team to investigate, and then even the investigation team will be sprayed

It's funny to say that capital predators do not pay taxes or pay less taxes. On the contrary, those who really pay taxes in full to develop and build this country are those who are not so rich.

Their nerves are very sensitive. It's best not to let them have excuses.

The mayor looked up at Lynch. Lynch was very calm. In fact, both sides knew what the other wanted, but none of them shook it out first.

About half a minute later, the mayor sighed, "well, the real estate tax can be paid less, but not too much."

"We can also give some cooperation in some other projects."

The real estate tax is a "local tax", and this part of the funds will be directly left in buppen's finance.

The federal tax mainly has three-tier structure, local tax, state tax and national tax.

These three kinds of taxes are just like their names. Who pays the tax and who collects the money? The land of real estate tax comes from all over the land, so almost all of them are left in the place as one of the funds for development and construction.

The mayor thinks that he can only give Lynch some "benefits" from this aspect. It is impossible not to give any benefits. After all, this industrial incubator is really a great project.

"It's a great decision. I'm very satisfied. We can talk about the next issues."

The mayor asked his secretary to send a map for planning. The whole bupayne became a plane. The used land was colored and the unused land was blue.

There are many colored blocks on the map, and Lynch's goal is outside the city.

He will not think about buying a large piece of land on the edge of the urban line of bupayne, because a large amount of funds flowed into the industry due to the previous financial tsunami and the recovery of the federal market.

With the rapid development of industry, the development of real estate will shrink - the reason is very simple. When the industry is in the period of rapid development, the flow of funds will flow to the entity field with higher return rate, and the funds flowing into the field of real estate development will be reduced.

And now the middle and lower classes of society have not fully recovered. Their purchasing power for real estate is relatively low. If the real estate is close to saturation, there will be no new projects to start.

Capital is always profit driven. What needs to be reflected here is "profit driven". It will run after the tuyere instead of investing in advance at the next tuyere where there may be opportunities.

That kind of early investment is not investment, but a gambling behavior!

Some people like speculation, and the rate of return of successful speculation is amazing, but they can't guess right every time.

If you guess right, the rate of return is amazing, and if you guess wrong, the loss is amazing!

Therefore, on the whole, if buppen's urban circle wants to expand, it will have little hope in ten or twenty years.

Lynch thinks that a new round of war will break out in the next ten years. At that time, the flow of funds and population is more unlikely to expand the urban circle, so gambling is meaningless.

It is better to buy large pieces of land where the land price is cheaper than around the urban circle. The land price is falsely high, which is not cost-effective.

After Lynch had circled a large piece of land, the mayor of bupaine couldn't close his smile.

To build an industrial Incubation Park, no matter how he does it, at least some buildings should be built. These are jobs.

This can solve hundreds or more job gaps. People will become more satisfied with the urban development during his administration, and he will have more opportunities to impact a higher position.

Like a congressman or a governor.

Federal politicians are often pitiful. They revolve either around capitalists or around public opinion.

"It's a little far from the city circle. I hope the city hall can plan a new bus line to connect it with the city." Lynch put forward his second small request.

The mayor hesitated and agreed, "yes, I'll contact the public transport company."

"Water, electricity..."

The mayor suddenly had a headache. He said as if joking, "don't you think these are also a policy?"

Lynch smiled and asked, "isn't it?"

The municipal government wants to say that it is definitely not. You know, the federal power company and the water conservancy company are fucking private companies. In other words, it costs money to lay hydropower in the past.

Even at the request of the city hall, the city hall will have to give money to let them do so.

This is also a considerable cost. You have to ensure that a similar small urban area may still be the water and power supply of the industrial area. It's too difficult!

The mayor pondered for a while, "I'm familiar with the people of the power supply company and the water conservancy company. I can give you a discount..."

"But you have to solve the problem of the power grid yourself!"


Magical Federation!

Lynch was stunned for a while before he reacted, "I'll handle this part myself!"

In the Federation, there may be one company generating and selling electricity, but it is possible, or there may be two independent cooperative enterprises, and then electricity needs to pass through the power grid to reach the user's home.

The power grid is another company and charges two-way.

Sometimes, because of the sequence before and after construction, electricity comes out of federal power plants, passes through power companies, and then passes through two or three or more grid companies before it can enter the user's home.

Lynch's incubation base is outside the city, where there is no power grid. Lynch either builds it by himself or hires other power grid companies to build it.

In addition to these, there is another problem. If he builds his own power grid, the power grid company can refuse him to directly connect to his own power grid.

In this way, Lynch has to build some separate wires directly to the gate of the power plant or power company in order to power the incubator.

Anyway, it's troublesome!