Chapter 1061

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Every penny in the capitalist's pocket is full of sin.

This sentence does not necessarily apply only to capitalists.

In this room, there are capitalists and people related to capitalists.

For the Confederacy people, the United Development Corporation has helped the nagarian people get rid of the decadent feudal rule, improved the life of the nagarian people, and made everyone live as equal as possible.

But for the nagary people, especially the upper middle class of nagary society, the federals are demons.

The same thing happened in mariro and in many places

At the door of every factory that closed down due to federal commodity dumping, the bankrupt factory owners squatted on the ground and looked back helplessly at the sealed factories.

They have only endless hatred and even hatred for federal capitalists and commodities from the Federation.

They will not think about the federals, how many jobs a factory has provided for the society, how many families have been lifted out of poverty, so that they can eat and fill their stomachs

They don't think about this. In their hearts, the federates and the things of the Federation are evil!

In this room, every successful person is covered with dead bones under his feet.

This is not "the ruthlessness of big people", this is just what Lynch saw.

The world itself is so ruthless, and nature is like this.

"Mr. Lynch..." someone suddenly leaned over. Lynch looked at him. It was a very young man. How old was he?

Maybe in their thirties.

The method of seeing age from the face is only applicable to the bottom of society. Those gentlemen and ladies of upper class have some ways to make themselves look younger.

In recent years, there has been a terrible beauty method in society. It is said that the reason comes from a medical research.

The goal of medical research is that amniotic fluid provides some necessary elements for fetal growth. It may be driven by some people. The role of amniotic fluid has been exaggerated.

At first, people only used sheep's amniotic fluid to make various health products, but now, some places have begun to use human amniotic fluid - abortion is illegal, so this business is also illegal.

Good business is illegal, but goods are not illegal.

It's hard to say whether it's useful. Some people have used it very effectively, while others say the effect is not so obvious.

So the young man in front of him should look like Lynch, but who knows if his real age is older than he looks?

Lynch held out his hand and shook hands with his peers. "Hello... Sorry, I don't seem to know you."

"My name is Jason...", a rotten street name. Lynch didn't mean anything because he had a rotten street name, but he still looked at him.

He knows that some people have some strange mental diseases.

They... Really want to show their low-key appearance, but they deliberately tell others about their extraordinary.

It's like they wear a set of clothes for tens of dollars to work, but they have to take tens of thousands of dollars of watches and drive expensive cars.

The most interesting thing is that these people hope that someone can look down on themselves, and then show some of their own advantages to give each other a hard fight back.

These people are all sick people.

Lynch could feel the young man in front of him, because he first introduced his name and then paused for a while.

Generally, in such social occasions, people who are not very famous, such as senators and some roles that almost everyone knows, generally do not only introduce their own names.

Even if they only introduce their own names, they will soon add their own work or other things that can represent themselves.

The young man didn't. He seemed to be waiting for some low evaluation of him in others' hearts.

Lynch's calm made the young man laugh happily. "I forgot to say that my name is Jason Duncan, and Mr. jeruno is my uncle."

Lynch seemed a little surprised, but not too surprised, which made the young people feel that Lynch's reaction was just right.

"How is Mr. jeruno now? I haven't seen him for a while."

The very common social opening starts with a person we all know and slowly introduces it into the social content.

Jason nodded. "My uncle is in good health. He always has endless energy. He often mentions you and thinks you are the best of our generation."

Flattering each other's chat always makes people feel physically and mentally happy. Lynch smiled and looked at Austin around him, "it makes me feel a little ashamed..."

After expressing a little humility, Lynch asked, "did you buy a house here, too?"

Jason nodded. "Yes, I bought two houses. I like this location very much. It has a lot of room for appreciation."

Jason paused. "Mr. Lynch, I hear your work in mariro is going well, isn't it?"

Lynch nodded. Jason took out a business card and handed it over. "I think we can cooperate in some fields. Maybe we can sit down and talk when we are free?"

Lynch is not sure what business he has to talk to the family. He doesn't even know Jason.

But he took the card. "Of course, no problem. I'll arrange it."

"Then don't bother!" Jason smiled and nodded to them. "Have a nice night, Mr. Lynch and this lady."

Seeing Jason leave, Lynch seemed to remind Austin, "you know, the biggest slave trader in the Federation is the Duncan family."

"But as far as I know, most members of the whole Congress are on the side of the Duncan family, and the rest, even if they don't like the Duncan family so much, won't take a clear stand on their opposing positions."

"They must have something to do with horn. It's no use for you to do more investigation if you don't push down the family."

Lynch looked at Austin curiously. "Did you offend your boss, or did your boss offend others, so they arranged this task for you."

Austin was a little confused. "Duncan family... I haven't heard of them. Are they famous?"

Lynch was silent for a moment. "You'd better not have heard of..."

Horn talked with everyone about the future of blissful Island, and even tasted it when he seemed to be joking. Blissful island formed a very interesting small organization called blissful club.

Every member of the Council is the owner of the blissful Island, and no matter whether the number of members of the blissful society will be increased or reduced in the future, they must abide by a rule.

That is, they must own the real estate on the island, otherwise they will not be allowed to join even if they are given more money.

It's like a small kingdom. All the owners are aristocrats, and others are residents or "lower class" working here.

This argument is very consistent with the cognition of the upper class of the Federation. After all, we all recognize that the development of federal civilization comes from gavra, which is a fact that does not need to be debated.

Gavra is a monarchical country, imperial power, aristocracy and a highly hierarchical social class.

These upper class people in the Federation shouted the slogan of "breaking class, equality and freedom" and yearned to live a life like gavra.

This is also the reason why the akiner family can maintain a certain position in the Federation, because they are "aristocrats".

"Actually... We have two nobles here today!" said horn, pointing to the problem.

Lynch immediately realized that he wanted to be the focus of people, even temporarily.

"The first is Mr. akiner's second son..."

With horn's voice, people followed his eyes and looked at a young man standing in the crowd, who should be Anna's brother.

Young, he looks like he is in his thirties. He is a very decent gentleman.

He smiled at those curious, kind or other eyes and saluted them back.

The akiner family does have a good position in the upper class society of the Federation.

"The second gentleman, Mr. Lynch, is the first in history to become a legend of gavra aristocracy as a federate!"

Horne introduced Lynch with more descriptions, which is a flattering performance.

Lynch is superior to the young man of the agine family in terms of influence, personal wealth and his means.

Others don't know much about Lynch. How can speculators like horn not know enough about his "customers"?

Some people will always say that who has good luck, but sometimes it's not luck.

Like Horne, he was just a small businessman, not even a capitalist, but he had the ambition and desire to become a big capitalist.

So he found such an opportunity, and now he is expanding his achievements.

He wants to turn these more than 90 owners into his "allies". Blissful society was born!

They will become a whole, so that horn can borrow or use these people's businesses and contacts to achieve his desire for success to a certain extent.

So Horne is a very smart and capable person. He knows when to do what.

Lynch holds the largest private armed force in the Federation, and he is the "first generation". As long as it is his decision, no one will oppose it.

If such people don't pay attention, who else can they pay attention to?

With Horne's roll call, people looked at Lynch again, and Lynch nodded modestly in response to people's eyes.

Austin's expression was a little stiff. She was not used to such a scene. As a bodyguard, she stood aside and looked at her without any problem.

When she really stood here, she suddenly felt that she had become a clown!

A clown in wealth, status and influence!

She shouldn't stand here. She should stand by the wall, wear stab proof clothes and quietly watch what happens here, not here!