Chapter 1079

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
In the wind and snow, three cars parked slowly on the roadside. It rarely snows so much in Saibin, which also led to many people joining the ranks of beggars.

They are not tramps. These people have their own families and homes. They just have to turn themselves into beggars because of the shutdown of the factory and the great pressure of life.

Those luxury cars and teams are often their goals. Rich people may give them some benefits in order to stay away from them.

Some change, coins, or something.

But when the middle door was opened and the people inside came out, the people who were rushing to these cars stopped and even went backwards!

They know this man, Noel, Noel green, the brother of the green brothers, and he is also a very terrible character.

No one in Saibin doesn't know him. If he appears here, his brothers should also be here. They rarely separate!

There was no doubt that the other door opened and fern got out of the car.

They wore round hats with wide edges, black cloaks and a fur collar.

Under the cloak was a gray dress with some red, with a blue checked pony clip and a silk tie.

The pocket watch made of pure gold and inlaid with gemstones is horizontal on the left, which makes them look very noble. At least they are rich!

Noel stood on the sidewalk with an umbrella around him. He took out a small stack of one dollar bills from his pocket, about forty or fifty dollars, and waved them out. Then he entered the roadside building with his brother fern.

After the brothers left, the tramps screamed and fell on the snow, frantically putting the money in their pockets, as if they were crazy.

In Saibin City, the green brothers are definitely legendary figures. They control the largest "children's party" in Saibin city. They have almost one or two hundred men, all minors.

The worst thing for them is that federal laws are relatively tolerant of minors. For example, they also kill people with guns.

Adults are at least second degree murders, but minors will be less guilty.

They are emotionally, intellectually and spiritually not enough to withstand pressure like adults, so maybe adults should be charged for more than ten years, and they can come out in three or five years.

Lower crime costs and more presumptuous means are one of the reasons why the green brothers have become a nightmare for some people in Saibin.

In addition to these children's gangs, they also have a group of adult helpers. In short, the number of the whole green brothers has exceeded 1000, and has begun to radiate to other cities.

They are cruel, treacherous and cunning. More importantly, they have big people behind them.

More visible wealth allows them to hire the best lawyers in the Federation to file a lawsuit for them anytime and anywhere, which is why some people can't help them so far.

In the absence of sufficient evidence, no one can move them.

And with the passage of time, they have fewer and fewer opportunities to commit crimes in person, which also means that it is likely that the two brothers will not go to prison for the rest of their lives!

That's why people are afraid of them, a group of lunatics who are not bound by the law!

But it is the existence of demons in people's eyes. After entering the roadside house, they become cautious.

They took off their coats and hats at the door, quietly entered the living room, and then stood by the wall.

"Mr. Lynch..." Noel whispered Lynch's name.

Lynch raised his hand and interrupted him. "Wait a minute, I'll finish reading the news."

He is watching the news.

"... according to the information released by the six major banks, under the authorization of the federal government, the six major banks, together with the Federal Financial Regulatory Commission and a series of departments such as the Federal Department of international affairs, will issue four additional batches of federal sol to deal with the current monetary tension..."

The reporter on TV stood outside a bank. She said that Lynch didn't know the news, but it was expected by him.

If federal sol wants to become an international settlement currency, the circulation must be small.

It was previously proposed that nagariel directly use the federal sol as the main currency, which was rejected. Under Lynch's proposal, the new federal sol used by nagariel is linked to the federal sol in a sense, and can even be regarded as a "sub currency".

The advantage of this is that the federal sol is active at any time, and has strong control over the new federal sol, which also means that when the federal government needs it, it can harvest the wealth of nagary anytime and anywhere.

Just need to adjust the exchange rate and so on, which is very simple!

But now what they have to do is different from the one they played in nagary, so they must increase the circulation of the main currency.

This also means that Mr Truman may have convinced the president, and Lynch incidentally thought of the "pressure" that the president had endured before.

Stress is very useful. It can make people realize that they are not safe all the time. It is precisely because people lack a sense of security that they have the motivation to work hard!

After this news, it was reported that the mission of a small country had determined its itinerary and would soon come to the Federation for a state visit to discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations and other matters.

After reading the news, Lynch thought for a while. At this time, it had been more than ten minutes since the green brothers came in.

In this more than ten minutes, they stood by the door honestly, not even a little voice.

When Lynch came out of his thinking, he took a deep breath, looked up at the two brothers, and then got up.

They immediately walked towards Lynch, hugged Lynch and separated.

The three sat down. Lynch took out a cigarette and gave each of them one. "Is there anything that hasn't been dealt with last time?"

What he said was to let the green brothers arrange people to pretend to be people all the time and cheat the shopkeepers who sued for breach of contract all the time.

Because this involves many cities, there are still some problems in personnel arrangement, which is a little nervous.

Noel shook his head. "No, we handled it very clean. No one would doubt that we did it, and everything was dismantled."

All the counters were sent to the scrap station immediately after they got their hands, and they were torn into pieces. Even if someone found some of them, they couldn't put together a complete counter, let alone those people didn't know where to look for these things.

Lynch nodded. "Have you had any trouble recently?"

The two brothers shook their heads. No one would provoke them in Saibin. No one would make trouble for them, whether it was their own deterrence or Lynch's influence.

At present, the green brothers operate some entertainment places, some strip bars and so on. Of course, they also provide some periodic protection work.

They listened to lynch very much. After Lynch told them not to break the law, or they also need to put on the coat of law, they found a "rogue lawyer" to serve them.

This guy is a lawyer who only recognizes money. At the same time, he also has some research on gang culture, social structure and some problems. He cooperates well with the green brothers.

The business run by the two brothers is not illegal. Although some things are not so legal, such as the box service in the strip bar, there are no big problems in general. They are the kind that money can solve.

This also caused the local bureau of investigation to have a headache for them. They couldn't find any valuable handle. They had to stare at them all the time, but they couldn't do anything.

Respect for Lynch comes from many aspects, even fear!

Lynch never did anything terrible. He didn't swear, beat or commit a crime. But when they saw Lynch, they felt afraid.

It's like... Lynch can crush them anytime, anywhere, just like they crushed the insects on the windowsill in the orphanage when they were young!

This fear is deeply rooted in their hearts. They don't know why they feel like this, but they do!

"The children's party should not continue to develop. Don't admit new members. Everyone attaches great importance to children. Pulling too many children to join you will attract the attention of some people."

"When more people pay attention here, even if you have done nothing wrong, you will become sinners."

"Don't touch some sensitive things. Whoever touches them will die. Even the president is no exception!"

The recruitment of teenagers is not a problem at a certain time, or when the group size is small.

No one will bring the matter of a dozen orphans to Congress, but people will pay attention to it because hundreds or even more teenagers have joined gangs and engaged in some illegal and criminal activities!

Fortunately, it's still too late. The endurance of those who know these things is still within their acceptable range.

The green brothers nodded repeatedly, indicating that they would pay attention to these things immediately.

Then Lynch said, "I noticed that you are expanding outward. It's a good idea, but it shouldn't be in this way."

"Gangs have their advantages, but they also have their disadvantages. When you step into someone else's territory, it is tantamount to declaring war on the local gangs. This is very bad and will make some people nervous."

"This is a commercial society, Noel and fern. Don't always think that gangs should be gangs. That's what old people do."

"The gang may be a company. You are the president of the company, your confidants are the management, and those ordinary gang members are the employees of the company!"

"Opening a branch is always better than grabbing territory. It's easier for people like us to accept it!"

"Don't let the old ideas become the threshold to prevent your progress. Use your brain and think more!"