Chapter 1091

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
People always have different ideas and desires at different times, but one thing is the same.

That is the summary of the past and the outlook for the future.

What is the future like?

Mr Truman stared into Lynch's eyes. He saw that Lynch's eyes had lost focus for a moment. He was thinking.

But it was like... His eyes looked through his body to a place "in front". That feeling made people tremble, but also a trace of expectation and excitement.

What will the future be like? Can he really see it?

Mr Truman thought so.

A moment later, Lynch smiled and shook his head. "It's a profound question. No one can answer you."

Mr Truman looked at him with a smile. "I think you really saw something just now. Don't you want to share it with me?"


Lynch didn't refuse. When he opened his mouth, it was a word that people couldn't restrain their impulse and desire for it, wealth.


"Power, war!"

"You know, some people think that war and capital are a means and a method derived from politics. We use capital or war to solve problems, but they are not."

"Politics is not as important as you think. Truman, whether in the past, present or future, politics is played by capital."

"You asked me what I saw..." he was thinking against his head, and seemed to sum up how to express what he saw. "I saw the uncontrolled expansion of capital to an uncontrollable level."

"Everyone is controlled by capital. Whoever is rich will speak louder, and whoever is poor will bear all the injustice more and more, just like..."

The smile on his face made Mr. Truman's scalp a little numb, "... Just like now!"

Like now.

Mr Truman felt relieved and wanted to laugh loudly. He thought Lynch was teasing himself, but when he showed his expression of "laughing loudly", the laughter broke the appointment.

It didn't run out of his throat and make a look of "this joke is fucking funny" with his expression. No, it's gone.

It was as if he had been strangled by an invisible hand.

Because he realized that Lynch was right!

The presidential election is controlled by capitalists, while the list of top leaders of various government departments is controlled by the president.

To some extent, capitalists can control the list of the president's cabinet of one government, or even two - if they do well.

Two hundred years ago?

No, not 200 years ago. At that time, the federal government was not like this. Even if politics could not override capital, it could at least compete.

Politicians are proud to ensure their independence!

This was not the case a hundred years ago. Although capital has expanded and is out of control, the federal government is still doing its best to control capital.

They have issued a series of bills that are still in operation to restrict the expansion and fission of capital, hoping to slow down the pace of capital!

Now... Politicians are proud to know capitalists. They will not hesitate to say such disgusting sentences as "Mr. XX supports my idea" at some time to prove their relationship with capitalists.

What is the future like?

Mr Truman felt a bitter cold. Maybe a hundred years later, politicians are like current workers. The federal government is just a special "company", and its shareholders are those large consortia, chaebols and big capitalists.

And everyone in this company, every politician, President, minister, deputy minister, or anything else, is just their workers!

They take a salary that may be much higher than other jobs, and do the same work as those workers in the factory now - accept the fate of being exploited, oppressed and controlled!

Politics will be squeezed out of the last little profit in the hands of capital and then abandoned.

What happens when they abandon politics?

Perhaps the Union will split and the capitalists will fight each other for plunder, not justice.

Sad future!

Mr Truman was frightened by his imagination of the future, and his expression became particularly serious. It was definitely not a good future.

"Terrible," he answered Lynch.

Lynch nodded and seemed to agree, "yes, it's terrible."

The two men looked at each other and remained silent for a long time. Mr. Truman calmed down a little. He asked curiously, "you are also a capitalist. Why do you have such an idea? You should hope that such a thing will happen, right?"

"I don't agree with you. I've never admitted that I'm a capitalist. Secondly, even if I am, I'm also a capitalist with a sense of social responsibility and patriotism."

"I'm different from them!"

Lynch's tone was very solemn, just like his speech to multinational leaders at a large international conference. "I don't like looking for profits in destruction, which is different from them."

"Moreover, in my eyes, profit is not the only one. I have a bottom line and my own moral standards. I don't want the world to be like that."

"So I'm sitting here. In a way, we have the same demands. We don't want the capital to get out of control."

Mr Truman pointed out a mistake in Lynch's statement, "it's out of control!"

"Then pull it back!" Lynch responded very quickly.

Then there was a period of silence. Mr. Truman pulled his tie, which made him feel that his neck was stuck by something and his breathing was not smooth.

He thought and thought. In this cold winter, sweat beads were secreted on his forehead.

He leaned forward and looked at Lynch, "you must be crazy. They won't let us succeed!" he said something that looked decadent, but his spirit was very excited. It seemed that what he wanted to express was not "won't succeed", but "we should try".

Lynch didn't answer this time, just looked at him.

Somehow, Mr. Truman thought of what had happened to him before. He felt that Lynch made a lot of sense.

He didn't want to bow his head, so the capitalists forced him to bow his head. Even a gentle man like Mr. President couldn't help giving him a holiday.

If he does not compromise and bow his head, maybe that will be his last moment in federal politics.

Until now, he needs to attend some capitalist gatherings from time to time.

At the party, we won't discuss anything, just talk about some current affairs, and then eat, drink and enjoy.

He knew that the purpose of the capitalists was to observe his attitude. He had to show that "we are a group" so that the capitalists would not be wary of him.

Capital has expanded more than ever before. They can even control a senior federal government official beyond the will of the president.

It's really terrible!

After about seven or eight seconds, Mr. Truman asked, "can you tell me why you think so? I'm curious!"

Lynch should not stand on his side, or on the side of those camps that inhibit the power of capital. He has no reason to oppose himself.

If Lynch's reply to him is not so perfect, there may be some cracks between the two sides who have been cooperating very happily.

These cracks will not affect their continued cooperation in a short time, but in the long run, it is definitely not good news!

Lynch sat in a chair with his legs tilted and his hands pressed on his knees. "The end of madness is destruction. If capital is not constrained, it will inevitably go crazy and destruction."

"I'm just saving myself!"

Mr Truman leaned back and pointed to Lynch. "That's a good story. I pretend I believe it."

He really believed it, not pretending, just saying so.

Mr Truman breathed a sigh of relief and smiled a few times. He took a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his face. "It's not interesting to chat with you. I think it's almost broken out several times if I have a heart attack."

Lynch's counterattack was still very fast, "if so, what flowers do you like?"

Mr Truman was confused by Lynch's rhetorical question, "what does it have to do with what flowers I like?"

"I can buy one when I go to the code scanning bureau!"

Mr Truman pointed to Lynch's unbridled laughter, "ha ha..."

After laughing for a while, he took a deep breath and said fiercely, "I won't die until you capitalists are finished!"

No one knew about this conversation. When Lynch left, Mr. Truman took the initiative to see him off. They talked for a while downstairs, and then Lynch left by car.

Looking at the slow-moving team in the snow, Mr. Truman is unprecedented full of fighting spirit. He seems to have found the most correct direction and should strive for these goals.

He doesn't know what the future will be like, but he will do his best to make the future not so bad!

Sitting in the car, Lynch thought about the next work. The attack on mariro was completely suspended, and those people would withdraw to the federal territory.

Now the Federation is suffering from snow disaster. Don't expect to fully resume work and production before April.

Then there are only two things left to do. The first thing is related to silver, but it is still in the layout and will not move for the time being.

The rest is OK. It has something to do with food.

Although nagary also suffered the coldest temperature in history, it was still warm for the Federation.

He can go on vacation and solve these problems by the way. He hasn't passed for some time. He can also talk to akumali