Chapter 1139

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
Many people gathered in the conference room of the presidential palace, including heads of various government departments, as well as some well-known scholars and experts in the society.

The reason why they gather here is from the report on TV not long ago - silver currency!

In fact, the federal government knew about the silver alliance and silver currency earlier than many people, which also contributed to them.

They helped some small countries enter the silver alliance, but now there is a problem.

The silver alliance, and the silver currency, all went wrong, which was not in their initial plan.

At the beginning of listening to the news reported on TV, Mr. Truman thought there was a problem with the silver currency. He heard Lynch say some theoretical knowledge about money.

He didn't tell Lynch. He has carefully read the "theories" Lynch said, including those financial and economic ones, including those about money.

The birth of silver currency is very dangerous for the federals whose ambitions are expanding. After listening to Mr. Truman's analysis, the president consulted others. Then he gradually realized that this matter was in trouble.

The harm brought by the proliferation of silver currency was beyond the president's expectation. He believed that it was a loose alliance and a closed cycle.

However, the current situation is not like that. In fact, more information was not displayed to the audience in front of the TV screen at the scene of the conference.

For example, some countries and regions hope to join the silver alliance. Their purpose is also very simple, that is, to confront the current group in another way.

Gevlar group, gevlar group and pengeo group.

Pengjieao is the core country of the defeated country. Although it was defeated, in fact, the overall strength of the country did not decline obviously. On the contrary, because of the failed war, the power was highly concentrated in the hands of the rulers.

Moreover, social contradictions have shifted from inside to outside, which has given the country a new fighting spirit and strength.

The reason for all this is that pengjieo's army is very strong. They have defeated many invaders and invaded other countries. Their army has always been tempered in the continuous outbreak of war.

Gavra and other countries' attacks and invasions against it were limited to coastal areas, which may be a few countries that were defeated in the war, but did not lose much, but strengthened the strength of the ruling group.

The war potential of this country is far beyond people's imagination.

With the existence of such three power groups, many small and neutral countries that wavered in the first World War were also gradually aware of some developments and changes.

Mario didn't participate in World War I. the country was so hot at home that he didn't have time to show his muscles internationally.

But now the Federation invaded it!

No matter how the federal officials whitewash these wars, for those countries in the international community that have little military and economic strength, this is a fucking invasion!

If this is not an invasion, nothing is an invasion.

This shameless style and attitude makes people aware of the crisis. If we can stay together with a group of similar countries at this time, perhaps this is the best.

Because in the face of these powerful forces that can compete for the name of the world's strongest country, they are too weak.

Even if they will not challenge the three military groups, these people are too ambitious to have room for them!

The silver alliance is a good way for them to fight against these powers. They just want to show a little bad attitude and let these people realize that they don't have the ability to fight back at all.

This is what they want to express. If more countries join the silver alliance, the larger the alliance, the safer they will be.

At the same time, silver currency will continue to spread outward in this process and circulate in more countries and regions.

This is an infectious spread, and it will not take long. Silver currency will become the mainstream international settlement currency.

On that day, how can the Federation break the deadlock?

Against the world?

The gavra must be able to laugh. The federals finally chose the most fucking stupid decision!

This is also the core of today's meeting - how to break the silver alliance.

At this time, even if silver plummeted, it would be difficult to destroy the silver alliance. It is no longer simply an organization that relies on silver to unite many small countries.

It is the guarantee of these small countries against the powerful countries.

Lynch put on his work card, found a place to sit down, and waited for a while. It happened very suddenly, and some people didn't come.

About ten minutes later, the president shook his head and said that he could not wait. The door of the conference room was closed.

At the same time, security workers also told people outside that they would no longer release those who claimed to be participants inside.

They don't respect time, don't respect Mr. President, no matter what reasons they have, those are not reasons!

You can feel that your current work is more important. You can feel that your current guests are more important. Life is spent in choices.

Now that you have chosen what you think is appropriate, you'd better not regret it!

The door is closed and the meeting is closed, which means that those who are late cannot come in and will not have the opportunity to participate in any activities organized by the president in the future.

He is a very talkative person, easy to be persuaded, and his position sometimes swings.

But he is also a vengeful man!

You can't blame an old man for taking revenge. He has been tolerant all his life, and he can be a little more willful!

Soon the materials were distributed. Lynch looked at them and threw them back on the table.

"Has Mr. Lynch read these materials?" someone suddenly interrupted and asked. This sentence was so insidious that Lynch didn't even recognize it from the beginning. It was an offensive sentence.

If he answered that he had read it, whether the president really showed it to him or let others tell him these contents, he would be disliked by the president.

The reason is very simple. The more high-ranking people want to show their fairness and justice in front of others.

If Lynch said he had seen it, it means that the president is no longer a fair and just person, let alone represent these excellent qualities.

This is a very cunning way of attack. At first, you can't even notice its aggressiveness, but when people come back, it may be over.

Lynch glanced at the gentleman sitting opposite him. He didn't know the gentleman. Then he shook his head. "I saw this material for the first time."

The person opposite smiled and didn't continue to talk.

The simple conversation between the two had only two sentences, but attracted some people's attention.

The president looked at Lynch with some expectation on his face. "Lynch, what do you think of the silver alliance and silver currency?"

This is a very simple and ordinary opening. Mr. President can't tell you how to bring down the alliance and how to turn the silver currency yellow at the beginning.

His level is not so low. He can't say such poor quality dialogue.

Therefore, he needs a little modification. If the silver alliance and silver currency can have unpredictable and serious consequences for the Federation, it is normal to deal with these people and their silver currency at this time.

After all, this is also a way to protect the Federation's 60 or 70 million citizens. Who can say a wrong?

There is no "hiding clumsiness" in the Federation. If you don't show it, people will never see your value.

Lynch nodded. "The silver alliance and silver currency have incalculable harm to the Federation. We should tell them to stop such foolish behavior as soon as possible, otherwise it will easily lead to a new round of confrontation and even war."

The president was stunned. He glanced at Mr. Truman quickly and asked with some uncertainty, "is it... So serious?"

"Yes, Mr. President, it's more serious than you think!"

Then Lynch popularized the relationship in money to everyone, "... Once we can't restrain the value and role of silver currency in settlement, more countries will reserve some silver currency for use in foreign trade."

"The position of silver currency will be difficult to shake in the end, even in the face of FRA and sol, it will occupy an absolute advantage."

"No matter how the exchange rate of silver currency changes, we will become very passive and inferior. They can even plunder our wealth by manipulating the exchange rate of silver currency."

He glanced sideways at the man opposite who set a trap for himself. "If you have seen my previous theory of economic war, you should understand how much the international settlement currency affects a country!"

After hearing this, the president immediately straightened his spine. "So it has a great impact on the Federation?"

Lynch nodded solemnly, "yes, it's very big. The national interests of the Federation and the interests of the people will be infringed!"

"Mr. President, in order to prevent this from happening, I think we can take the lead in using force to solve the problem when necessary!"

The president, who looked serious just now, suddenly showed a little embarrassed expression. Lynch's performance was too radical. He didn't like war very much.

It was like this before, it is like this now, and it will be like this in the future.

Of course, if anyone affects his ruling status and power, he doesn't mind using force to resolve differences.

Although this is not what he wants!

"I'll take your suggestion seriously. Please sit down, Lynch." the president shut his mouth and looked at the others. "I invited a lot of people, not just Mr. Lynch. Maybe you'll have some ideas?"