Chapter 1172

Name:Blackstone Code Author:tripod
This is an era far from entering the information age. Everything is still preserved with "paper" as the ultimate medium.

This means that cross state access is much more difficult than people think!

At the same time, it also means that as long as Charlie (sister) uses her "legal" account, she will be found by hunters.

Whether withdrawing money or using a check, the bank will notify the deposit bank for communication to ensure that the customer has enough money in the bank before making a transaction.

In order to hide her whereabouts, Charlie (sister) didn't sign a cross regional authorization agreement, which also means that she can't get around this problem.

Someone in the bank where she opened an account sold her information and will always sell her information!

No doubt, it's for money.

Charlie (sister) is in a dilemma. If she wants to use the money in the bank, the information will be leaked.

If she doesn't use the money in the bank, she doesn't have much money to use.

Hiding in a small, smelly hotel with mold stains on the walls, Charlie's face was even worse looking at the little cash in his pocket.

After she ran out of the last house, she realized that her whereabouts had been exposed. Naturally, she would not go to the two houses that had not lived in the back.

She wandered outside and money became more and more important.

In the past, it was absolutely impossible for her to deduct every point so carefully for funds less than 10000 yuan. At that time, she thought that money could not be regarded as money if it was less than 10000 yuan, and it was not worthy of being called money.

She must apologize for her past shallowness and ignorance. The money in her hand is only enough for her to stay here for less than a week.

But what happens in a week?


Where to?

In the evening, Charlie (sister) decided to go out and make some money. She used to know some girls and take senior recruitment.

At each checkout, these girls can earn hundreds of thousands of yuan every night. She thinks she has a good temperament and good figure.

Even if you can't earn so much, half should have no problem.

According to her understanding of people engaged in these businesses, she bought a leather skirt at some second-hand stalls and appeared on the street at night.

The trading of second-hand goods is much better than some time ago. People's pockets are refilled with "power", which increases their consumption desire again.

They can't afford new things, but second-hand goods are easy.

In Yorkshire, there are special places to engage in such trade. Outside Yorkshire, there is no special trade distribution center, but some people are selling it in some streets and alleys.

Most of the goods on the stall are stolen goods from robbery or theft. They will be sold at a very low price.

Most can be sold, and only a few may not be wanted. In the end, what no one wants either goes into the dustbin or cheaper into the antique shop.

Charlie (sister) paid the money under the strange eyes of the stall owner who looked like a thief. When the other party changed the money, he held her hand and gave her goose bumps all over!

In the evening, she put on her leather skirt, came to the street and found a brighter place to stand.

Looking at her dress, almost everyone knows what she does. She wears a leather skirt and engages in skin and meat trading.

Someone soon followed her.

A middle-aged man in his forties, with thick body hair on his arms when he rolled up his sleeves, carried a wine bottle in his hand and looked up and down at Charlie (sister).

Soon he showed a satisfied smile and wanted to hug her. She dodged.

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment and then laughed, "do you think I have no money?"

Charlie didn't speak, but her eyes acknowledged it.

The man took out a ten dollar bill, "look, what's this? If you want it, you'd better tell me how powerful you are..."

Charlie (sister) was so angry that he couldn't even speak clearly. "Do you think I'm worth ten dollars?"

The man looked at her with a lot of why flashing in his innocent eyes. He looked around and looked at the wine in his hand, "I thought I drank too much, but you were the one who drank too much."

"This is the place for ten dollars, chick..."

Finally Charlie (sister) ran away, ten dollars... She couldn't stand this.

A man cried in a small hotel for a long time. During this period, the boss wanted to come in and comfort her. He even offered to use some kind of transaction to replace the room fee.

The most real world showed her the most real malice, red fruit, and she collapsed.

After thinking for a long time, she made a call

At more than ten o'clock in the evening, Lynch was ready to go to bed. He was sitting at the head of the bed and looking through the book in his hand.

Books are the treasure house of knowledge and the ladder of human progress. It is necessary for anyone to read, and so is he.

If there was no accident, he would probably rest in 15 minutes, but the sudden ringing of the telephone broke the peace in the bedroom.

He answered the phone, in a tepid tone, without the slightest unhappiness of being disturbed.

Listening to the voice on the phone, Lynch's expression changed slightly, "this is a big order. Why don't you take it?"

After hanging up, Lynch looked at the book in his hand, smiled and shook his head.

He put the book back on the table. It was a very popular book recently. Its name was how to be a multimillionaire. It was a best seller.

Its author is a new millionaire. He wrote down the process of his assets from less than 5000 to more than one million.

Once sold, it has formed a huge word-of-mouth effect. Many people call it "the secret collection of millionaires". As long as you read it, you can also become a millionaire.

It is said that some people have succeeded in copying some of what he wrote, which also makes the enthusiasm of the market more enthusiastic.

It has become one of the top ten best sellers in the Federation.

Lynch couldn't help being curious and bought one. He wanted to learn from other people's experience.

The author of this book is also the protagonist of the story. At first, he was just a farmer selling agricultural products. He found some business opportunities in the process of selling agricultural products.

Gradually, the small-scale planting and retail has become the purchase of agricultural products and then increase the price for wholesale. Until Lynch saw this part, he has completed a round of financing, bought more farms and began to build sales channels.

In his understanding, within five years, he will become a multimillionaire.

And his deeds will also become a benchmark and a standard in business!

From the perspective of ordinary readers, this book is really interesting, constantly breaking the current dilemma and constantly changing the situation with victory.

However, from the perspective of a slightly higher businessman, there are too many coincidences in this story. It is no longer a coincidence, but more like a script.

Selling agricultural products can become millionaires and multimillionaires. The secret is not in his agricultural products and sales methods, but in who he is friends with.

Lynch has seen many similar business miracles, starting from an insignificant level. He may sell onions, tomatoes or potatoes.

They have all built a business empire, but this business empire has nothing to do with what they sold at the beginning.

In other words, even if they sell cow dung at the beginning, they can still build a business empire!

But... People like to watch. Life has to be a little hopeful, doesn't it?

Lynch thought to lie down and put out the bedside lamp. Soon he fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Lynch got up early to wash. He had to deal with a whole day's work.

Charlie (sister), who had been sitting all night, almost fell asleep several times, and she survived.

She didn't dare to sleep. The owner of the hotel knocked on the door twice last night, which made her a little afraid.

At more than eight o'clock in the morning, someone knocked at the door again. She was very sleepy. She casually asked, "who is outside?"

Then the sound from outside gave her a boost.

"You called us yesterday and the management agreed to take your order. We need to sign some contracts before fulfilling the order..."

Charlie (sister) hid behind him with a knife in his hand and opened a small gap in the door.

The two men standing outside the door were wearing very special uniforms, with a black background and white edges, and a triangular chest emblem with some mystery on their chest.

She saw these uniforms and these chest badges. After a heavy sigh, she opened the door.

"You're here at last!" the joy almost came from the heart. "Great!"

"Please come in!"

They entered the room and looked around. They didn't feel any discomfort here. They were ordinary people not long ago,

After they sat down, one of them took out some documents and said, "after we talked on the phone yesterday, I reported the news to the top of the company."

"The top management of the company gave me feedback on three kinds of contracts. It's up to you to decide how to choose."

Charlie nodded. She's not so sleepy now. "I can't wait."

The staff smiled and took out one of them. "This is a plan. We will protect your personal safety until we help you reach your designated place. The longest time will not exceed 45 days."

"We will arrange a complete action team, that is, 18 people to provide you with a full range of security services."

"Among them, we will use the most advanced weapons, the safest vehicles, formulate the most stable route, and another group of people will respond at any time."

"This option will be charged by time, 50000 yuan a day, and will not exceed 2.25 million at the end of the task."

The staff couldn't help grinning. The price... Is ridiculously high, more than twice the normal order.

If it is an ordinary normal order, this level of protection task can be up to 15000 yuan a day.

He didn't know what the company thought. He just truthfully passed on the information to the customers in front of him.